《SWITCH / / yeonbin♡》『 thirty-three 』



Yeonjun hummed then looked at Beomgyu who is sitting in front of him while munching his food. the younger suddenly giggled which made the older confused. ❝❞ he uttered then slightly pointed his finger to somewhere.

the older raised his brow then drifted his gaze to where Beomgyu is pointing at. his eyes landed to the lad that he almost bump earlier. he stare at him for a couple of seconds as he is trying to remember if that happened last week since he cannot remember anything.

Soobin suddenly felt like someone is looking at him. his eyes automatically shifted to the older lad and he furrowed his brows as he saw Yeonjun looking at him and then quickly looked away when their eyes met.

his heart started to beat faster and same goes to the older's heart also and they don't know why.

Yeonjun diverted his eyes on his food. he cleared his throat before speaking,❝❞ he tried not to stutter.

Beomgyu curved his lips into a smile. ❝❞ he uttered then chuckled.

Yeonjun just hummed as his response and continued eating. he can't think any words to speak as his heart is still beating faster than its normal pace and he can feel his head slowly starting to hurt again. he remember happened to the day he bumped the tall lad but why he can't remember the rest of the days last week? he thinks that something odd happened and he don't know what.

Beomgyu noticed the older being silent as Yeonjun is just eating while his eyes are glued on the table. he is not used to it for he know that Yeonjun is always jolly andvery talkative like him which made him worried. he shifted his eyes on Taehyun who is eating silently beside him before returning his gaze on Yeonjun. ❝❞

Yeonjun blink thrice as he came back from his senses. he raised his brow to the younger and hummed.

❝❞ Beomgyu asked, making the older nodded. Yeonjun curved his lips into a reassuring smile but he didn't speak anything. he don't know how he will say it to the younger about what he feels right now because Taehyun is with them but anyhows, he already told Beomgyu the previous day that he lost his memories.


all of them finished their lunch silently before walking back to their respective rooms.

❝❞ Beomgyu suddenly spoke while they are going upstairs. Taehyun took a glance on him then asked why.

the caramel-haired boy shrugged, ❝❞ he uttered.

Taehyun nodded then hummed ❝❞ he said which made made Beomgyu sigh. he shook his head then slightly let out a chuckle. ❝❞ he uttered.

even though Yeonjun is friendly and Beomgyu is his closest friend, he still won't tell his problems to him. well, maybe Yeonjun can tell him light problems to him which some of it Beomgyu already knew, but he don't tell his other problems about his family and past. while Yeonjun already knew three fourths of Beomgyu's life.

it seems like unfair but Beomgyu respect his privacy and he is always there for the older when he needs someone to lean on.

they went inside their room and just a minute past by, their professor came to start the afternoon class.

Taehyun fixed his things after their professor walked out of their room since the class for the whole day is done. he closed his bag before he carry it om his bag then walk towards Beomgyu who is waiting for him beside the door.

❝❞ Beomgyu asked while they are walking on the hallways.

Taehyun took a glimpse at him before he gaze at the stairs as they are going down the building. ❝❞ he actually wanted to hang-out and date with the lad but he want to talk to someone who can answer all the questions running inside his mind about the two older's situation.

he can't leave the mess and don't care about it since they are his friends even though they just met last week. and he also don't want to let their memories be forgotten because he know their feelings for each other are included.

the caramel-haired lad beside him let out a giggle then spoke, ❝❞ Taehyun curved his lips into a smile before nodding his head.

they talked about some things while they are walking on the hallways. they saw Yeonjun on their way to the gates and Beomgyu want him to tag along but the older lad didn't want to. Beomgyu noticed that he is in a hurry for he is walking faster so he just let him be and didn't force him.


Beomgyu just keep on talking about some things in his life like his past and family as they are walking on the steet walk while Taehyun who is walking beside him and listening to him and answering some of the older's questions that he ask. he insisted to bring the caramel-haired guy home before he go to his grandmother's house so that Beomgyu won't come with him there.

as they reached Beomgyu's house, Taehyun bid his goodbye then ride a bus since the village where his grandmother's house is quite far from the school and the lad's house.

after a few minutes, he reached the village and went out of the bus. he walked towards to her house that is not quite far from the entrance of the village. when he got there, he straightly walked inside the living room without knocking. it's not that he don't have respect or wanted to intrude his grandma's house, this house is actually his second home since his mom always left him, when he was young, here with his grandmother whenever she have a business trip somewhere just like Eunji.

and he is sure a troublemaker and broke and stole a lot of potions back then but he never casted a spell into someone 'cause he never had a chance to hold her wand. he always return the potions that he stole.

his grandmother quickly went out of 'the room' when she heard someone came inside her house.

❝❞ she uttered as she saw the strawberry-haired guy closing the door. she walk back inside the room as she need to observe the potion that she is making. Taehyun followed behind her then sat on the sofa near at the shelf that is full of potions.


❝❞ he said then drifted his gaze on his grandmother. she furrowed her brows. ❝❞ she asked then took a glance at her grandson before drifting her eyes on the potion that she is making.

❝❞ he spoke in his monotone, making his grandma stopped pouring something on the large pot in front of her. ❝❞ she blinked thrice as she suddenly felt guilty inside her. she avoided Taehyun's eyes and just continued what she is doing while waiting for him to speak.

Taehyun stood up then walked to the shelves. ❝❞ he asked while looking on every potions' names.

❝❞ she said and started stirring the liquid inside the pot with a large spatula.

Taehyun took a potion from the shelf then looked closely at it before speaking, ❝❞ he shifted his eyes on him. as he saw her full attention was on the pot, he quickly shove the potion inside his pocket before continuing his words. ❝❞

he may had know nothing about of how it started or how the spell was casted to Yeonjun and Soobin but he is sure how his grandmother deal with it and ended it.

❝❞ she uttered then sprinkle something on the pot. Taehyun furrowed his brows as he was curious about 'the accident' but he is not here to know the background story so he won't ask about it.

he just want to make all of the happenings last week will be remembered by his friends.

❝❞ Taehyun nagged but still sounded calm as he is respecting his grandma. ❝❞ he continued.

her eyes quickly widened by her grandson's words. she shifted her eyes on him then spoke, ❝❞


❝❞ she calmly said.

Taehyun let out a sigh then walk towards to the table where the crystal ball is. he stared at it for a couple of seconds before drifting his eyes on her.


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