《SWITCH / / yeonbin♡》『 thirteen 』


❝❞ Huening Kai quickly stood up from his seat after seeing Yeonjun, in Soobin's appearance, quickly went out of the café. he didn't even bother to look at the younger who waited 2 hours so that he can go walk with him towards their school.

Huening Kai knew there's something problem as he was acting weird since yesterday. or he thought, maybe there's something between them?

recalling what happened the day before yesterday, Soobin wasn't in a good mood because he got detentioned and his phone was confiscated. mayhaps the older is still not in a good mood.

❝❞ Huening Kai murmured to himself while pouting his lips. he know that Soobin won't ignore him even he's in his worst mood as he knew the older already treated him as his younger brother. perhaps, something is just bothering him.

shrugging his thoughts off, he can just ask him later as he know he'll meet him in the school. he grab his bag that was laying on his chair then walked out of the caféteria.

Yeonjun quickly walked as fast as he can, hoping the latter that he saw earlier is not following him. and luckily he's not as he turn his head back, he can see no tracks of him which made Yeonjun glad.

he paused walking for a while to catch his breath. he really don't know what he'll say to the lad and he actually don't know who he is. he remembered that Soobin introduced him yesterday, or mentioned his name but he really can't recall it.

thinking less, he still needs to know how he'll gonna find Soobin. he don't have any contact of that guy and classes will gonna start half an hour by now.

Yeonjun had no idea where Soobin's room is.

he started to walk again as he gain much air to breath normally, he just hopes he'll meet Soobin inside the school or else, he'll gonna skip classes even he don't want that. well, he don't have any other choice though.


looking up in the sky while walking, his eyes met sunlight which made him partially close his eyes. the weather is beautiful today as there are least clouds can be seen in the blue wide sky. birds are flying freely below the sky, going to somewhere they can find food and a place to stay for a while.

he then looked around him and saw students who's wearing the same uniform as him, walking with their couple of friends. some of them are laughing, making poker face, and having fun with the people who they are close to.

Yeonjun suddenly wondered, why there is atleast no one, except for the latter earlier, that came to approach him and greet him "good morning". does the younger have lack of friends or he just want to be alone?

removing his gaze off the students who were walking on the other side of the sidewalk, he saw a familiar lad standing beside the school gate that exactly look like him.

as he recognized who is that, he opened his mouth and about to shout his name. but again, remembering that he is inside the body that he is going to call out the name, he know it will sound weird to others mostly to those who knew one of them.

Yeonjun just quickly walked towards the lad.

he was about to tap Soobin's shoulder to get his attention as he was looking on the opposite where Yeonjun is standing, somebody yelled out his name making both of the looked to the caramel haired guy. ❝❞

❝❞ Yeonjun shut his mouth using his two hands, realizing that he's not the one being called, even if it is his name.

hearing someone stuttered behind him, Soobin looked back then saw his tall own figures. ❝❞ he uttered then looked back to the caramel haired lad who came approached them.


❝❞ the guy said then make his lips pout. he actually waited for the older yesterday here beside the school gate, but he didn't came. then he also waited for him in their canteen, thinking that maybe Yeonjun was just late but even his shadow didn't showed up.

Soobin rubbed his nape then let put an awkward chuckle. he firstly avoided the lad's eyes before speaking, ❝❞ he then looked at Yeonjun who's still behind him, just watching them.

Yeonjun looked at Soobin who's eyes were silently saying to help him. ❝❞ he uttered then lend out his hand, making a hand shake offer to the caramel haired guy which name is Beomgyu.

❝❞ Beomgyu blabbered out then let out a chuckle while shaking the older's hand.

realizing what he just said, he quickly went silent then awkwardly chuckled. ❝❞

Yeonjun then giggled a bit. he knew Beomgyu is usually like this. he will spill out every tea everytime he's excited or meeting someone new. this is why he is also socialized and energetic, Beomgyu mayhaps infected him with his jolliness.

❝❞ Soobin asked. he can't remember the younger mentioning a name "Beomgyu" before.

Beomgyu then nodded ❝❞ he uttered then gave the older a confused look.

Soobin looked away then shifted his eyes at Yeonjun who's slowly shaking his head as a no. ❝❞ Soobin then uttered after giving his gaze Beomgyu.

Beomgyu formed his lips as an "oh" then tousle his own hair. ❝❞ before he could grab Soobin's arm which in Yeonjun's appearance, Yeonjun quickly grabbed him.

❝❞ he uttered then quickly walked inside the school, leaving the caramel haired boy confused. but he didn't think anything as he still needs to catch up his classes, he don't want to be late.

while walking down the hallways, Yeonjun gripped off Soobin's arms then spoke, ❝❞

❝❞ Soobin simply said. Yeonjun nodded, ❝❞ he uttered.

before he could walk away, Soobin suddenly hold Yeonjun's wrist, making the older's brows furrow. ❝❞ he said then let go off the lad.

and now, they both realized that this will be a tough day for them as they need to act differently according to each other's attitude. but, what can they do though? they need to act it so that no one will recognize that they'd changed.

the problem is, they don't know each other's lectures, lecturers and classmate. Yeonjun want to talk about that but it's only ten minutes before the classes start. he don't want to be late mostly he don't want Soobin to be late.

anyhows, they have a whole hour time later during their lunch break. what could possibly go wrong in 4 hours classes?

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