《SWITCH / / yeonbin♡》『 twelve 』


❝❞ the old lady uttered, convincing her daughter to make the four-years-old girl stay with her. ❝❞ the lady asked as she raise his brow. she don't want to dishonor her mother but she knew that it's not safe for the young girl to stay with her grandma.

the old lady rubbed his nape then let out an awkward chuckle. ❝❞

❝❞ her daughter furrowed his brows, giving a confused look to her. she hope this isn't a big problem.

the last time she left Eunji with her grandma, the young girl almost drink one of the potions that was displayed above the cabinets. she thought that it was a yummy drink and her grandma was sleeping by that moment so she didn't hesitated to drink it without her grandma's permission. luckily, her mother came the time Eunji was about to touch the tip of the bottle by her lips.

the old lady don't make any poisonous potions but some of them are experimental and can do extraordinary things. that's why, after that incident, the girl decided not to ever leave her daughter to her grandmother.

but because she pitied her, cannot stand how sad the old lady is when Eunji don't visit her anymore, she decided to once again leave the young girl to her grandma even there's part of her hesitates not to as well, this will happen.


seeing the older walking out of the door as he is in a hurry, Soobin suddenly pouted. how there he not giving what he wanted. it's just a kiss-

okay wait. snapping out of his thoughts, he actually don't know why he did that. why he did all of those actions earlier to Yeonjun. this was actually not like him. is this the effect of being inside of not your own body? he's not even actually a gay..


but he was actually kinda felt sad when Yeonjun pushed him even though he just laughed. he was just teasing the older but why he suddenly felt like disappointed when he didn't fell in his own charms. wait, why is he even disappointed?

❝❞ he murmured to himself while shaking his head.

as he was about to go out, he suddenly realized that he didn't asked where the older is working. they should meet before they go to their school to know each other's respective classrooms and meet some of their friends.

letting out a sigh, he thought that he'll just wait for Yeonjun on the gate of their school later. he knew he'll not gonna go there earlier than Soobin as he still have shifts so, he can catch him up later.

he just wonder, how can the older work in Soobin's appearance? will their manager gonna let him? thinking less, he still needs to get his things for school in Yeonjun's house.

Soobin is actually done fixing himself. if he's in his real appearance, then maybe he'll took half an hour in the shower but since he still feel the awkwardness and the tension, he just took a bath less than five minutes then prepared himself.. and also, prepared for the older's things. he don't want to give his bag all messy inside.

closing the door, he put his key in his pocket before walking away and tracking towards Yeonjun's house. the lad's house isn't that far from his house that's why he can just have a walk. besides, he'll gonna get to their school too early as it's still past 6AM in the morning and his classes starts at 8AM.

he actually didn't know why he woke up earlier than usual. maybe because this is Yeonjun's body. he thought that mayhaps, they should know each other a bit more while they're still in this situation. complaining about this and that won't help them, so why not just help each other? nothing's gonna fade though.


anyhows, stopping his tracks into a familiar house, he firslty catch some air as he took a deep breath before clutching and twisting the door knob.

as he open the door, silence, dark room, messy surroundings seeing bottles of alcohol around, and alcoholic smell met him. ❞ Soobin muttered to himself while stepping his feet inside.

the time he closed the door, a man suddenly spoke which made him flinch. ❝❞

❝❞ Yeonjun uttered then took a bow to his manager. he hopes that he won't get mad at him as he knew that his manager is actually a good person but a strict one. ❝❞

❝❞ he hopes that his manager slash the owner of the café will agree. ❝❞

the manager hummed as his response then looked at the tall lad infront of him from head to toe. he then gave him a confused look making Yeonjun confuse also. ❝❞ his manager uttered making the lad smile brightly.

❝❞ he bow thrice before leaving his manager inside his office. he's so glad that his manager is so kind.

he firstly put his hairnet and apron on before starting his shift for today. he took a deep breath then went to the cashier. his morning shift is in the counter then his afternoon shift is being a waiter. well, he's just replacing someone who's really assigned in the counter every morning since the guy start his work at 8AM.

Yeonjun greet the customers a "good morning" while showing his bright smile. he hopes nothing will go wrong today.

just for today.

thinking less, he shouldn't got distracted so he can do his job done. it's just 2 hours, what could possibly go wrong?

he firstly greeted the next customer before taking his order. ❝❞

Yeonjun suddenly got confused. they do have americano coffee but not america-hyung. he looked to the guy infront of him then realized it was the latter that they saw yesterday. then he remembered, once again, that he's in Soobin's appearance.

how can he always forget that?

anyhows, Yeonjun still recalling in his mind what's the name of the latter. it's somewhat name of an idol but cannot remember what.

❝❞ the lad asked, forgetting that he is about to take an order. Yeonjun shrugged then curved his lips into a force smile. the number one strictly rule is never talk to a friend while in a shift mostly in the counter. well, he's not actually his friend but Soobin's.

anyways, he must do his job. ❝❞ as if he's gonna tell anything. he don't want to spill a tea about their situation as he know the latter won't understand it. ❝❞

❝❞ the lad uttered then gave his exact payment, making Yeonjun nod then make an americano coffee for him. he quickly lend the cup of coffee to the latter as he put it in a tray and gave a forced smile. ❝❞

before the lad walk away bringing a tray that has his cup of americano coffee in it, he spoke ❝❞ making the older mentally facepalmed.

how can he now explain this to him without mentioning the problem?

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