《SWITCH / / yeonbin♡》『 ten 』


both of the lads didn't spoke any word until they'd finished eating. Soobin cannot talk to the older after having that nightmare- i mean a dream, but a nightmare for him, and Yeonjun didn't want to disturb the younger having a peaceful eating infront of him. it wasn't awkward, it was silent.

Yeonjun get all the dishes from the table and put them on the sink. realizing the older started washing the dishes, Soobin quickly approach him. he gently push Yeonjun away which made him give the younger a confused look. ❝❞

❝❞ Soobin simply answered without giving a gaze to Yeonjun. ❝❞

❝❞ the younger uttered, cutting Yeonjun's sentence. actually, he feel conscience about it and he also remembered that his wound haven't healed yet so he should really wash the dishes even he hate doing chores.

but Yeonjun being Yeonjun even in different apperance, he is still a stubborn, ❝❞ he said which made the younger let out a sigh. seriously, can Yeonjun just appreciate this kind-hearted side of Soobin? because only rare people can see this side of him.

Yeonjun slowly tried to push Soobin but the younger didn't moved an inch. ❝❞ the younger spoke but Yeonjun still didn't stop pushing the lad which made him groan.

he don't want to say this but he guess this is the best way to make Yeonjun stop ❝❞ and as expected, after hearing those words that came out from the younger, he stopped pushing him as he remembered what happened earlier.

he's still sorry for that. if he wasn't just clumsy and if he became more careful, then Soobin won't mention about it.

the older let out a sigh and said sorry to Soobin before walking out the kitchen. he sat on the sofa and started watching some t.v shows waiting for the younger to finish washing the dishes.


while watching, Yeonjun's phone suddenly went off which made him flinch. he took out his phone from his pocket and seeing the contact who called him several times made his heart started beating fast. it was his dad.

he don't know what he'll say to him. he's sure that he is drunk again, as always, and he don't want Soobin get in trouble because of him. this problem must be solve as soon as possible before bad anything happens.

❝❞ Soobin asked after noticing the older just staring at his phone.

getting back into his senses, Yeonjun removed his eyes off the phone and look to Soobin before shaking his head as a no. ❝❞ as if he treats him as his son.

Soobin opened his mouth and wanted to ask him what's wrong, but seeing the older turning off his phone, he's pretty sure that he don't want his father. he also remembered the mess inside their house, full of broken bottles of alcohol. he won't ask about it since it's already obvious for him.

Yeonjun stood up and turned off the television. before he took a step, a question suddenly came inside his mind. ❝❞

the younger shook his head as a no as he cut the older's sentence ❝❞ Yeonjun just nodded before letting out a yawn. he's surely got exhausted after having a long walk earlier.

❝❞ Soobin uttered before going upstairs, didn't waited for the lad's response, he'll follow anyways.

as Soobin stepped his foot inside his room, he suddenly remembered his dream which made him quietly cursed inside his mind. why does his mind keep doing this? it will just unexpectedly recall something that he want to forget about. or maybe, it's not his mind.

shaking off his head making his brain forget the scenarios of his nightmare, he get some pajamas for the older inside his wardrobe. and as usual, a dark color. Yeonjun has nothing to do about it anyways though.


❝❞ Yeonjun asked right after he entered the younger's room. Soobin shrugged and drop his back on his bed, feeling his body tired also. ❝❞

Soobin once again shrugged before answering the lad's question ❝❞ as if it will be easy for them but they have no other choice but to do it or else the younger's parents will know about him not attending his classes.

the older just hummed as his response even he knew it will be hard. they are at different level, class and friends. he guess it will be much easier for him since he already passed 3rd year but Soobin, he have no idea about 4th year. he just hope everything will be fine after they woke up tomorrow.

❝❞ Soobin asked after seeing the older going inside the bathroom. since Yeonjun is such a sarcastic, ❝❞ he uttered then let out a giggle after seeing the lad groan because of annoyance.


Yeonjun raised his brow, confused by the way Soobin is acting right now. the younger is not even looking straight in his eyes, maybe there's a problem between them? or he's thinking about something? anyhows, he don't want to ask about it. maybe Soobin is just tired.

the older just nodded and smiled at Soobin before leaving his room, bringing the clothes that the younger got for him. he actually got annoyed but its color but after seeing its design, white bunnies, he felt warm.

it actually look like him, no doubts, no lies, just fact and truth.

after a few minutes, Yeonjun was already done cleaning himself. and the same earlier, he still feel weird. yeah, he is a guy inside a guy's body but it's not his. but he guess, it's much better to be inside this body than girl's body, it will be weirder and more awkward for him and for the girl.

as for Soobin who's also done cleaning his self, also feel weird same as Yeonjun. who wouldn't feel weird inside of someone you barely knew and just met earlier. he just want these things to end up.

but for the older, he also want to end these yet at the same time he don't want to. he hope that everything will be normal again tomorrow after they woke up but he wish not to. call him selfish but he want a normal life just for a bit. he just want to have a rest about his father, at least for a moment of time.

maybe for Yeonjun this is a blessing since he have a peaceful life for a while, but for Soobin, it's a problem.

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heyyyyoowwwww ammm baccckkkkk! sorry it took 284465851558 years for me to update againnn. had been a lot of tough months and busyyy weeeks. also got lazy hehe, sorry about that! but heyyy, sweet caramel is backkk. i won't leave you hanging againnn.

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