《SWITCH / / yeonbin♡》『 eight 』


the two boys walk down in the dim streets silently as the sun was already gone and the moon can be seen on sky with the stars twinkling around it. the streetlights were already turned on to give light around the place and the houses are switching their lights on to give light inside their shelter. workers from companies are now going back from their homes as their job for the day is done.

the day ended just like a blink of an eye, but the two lads still didn't find any solutions nor clues about how or why these things happened between them.

Soobin kept thinking some possible reasons while eating his ice cream that the older lad bought earlier. actually, its Yeonjun's ice cream but since Soobin gave the other ice cream to the young girl earlier, he stole the older's ice cream as he was about to lick it. and now, Yeonjun don't have any ice cream.

he don't mind it though, he's just happy that things are srarting to get better between them and starting to learn something within each other.

Yeonjun actually kept thinking earlier that Soobin wasn't bad at all. with his strong aura, he still have a good heart and a soft charisma. first, Soobin have a bunny band-aids that can rarely be seen these days. second, the young girl just called him 'lollipop oppa' which means that Soobin already helped her before. and third, why would a guy like Soobin eat an ice cream in night when it is cold?

it is really hard to judge someone when you don't know the other side of them. maybe something just wrong that's why sometimes, Soobin have some bad attitudes that will get people scare just by looking at him. but really, he's so cute and cute. if only it was really Soobin's figures he's seeing right now, Yeonjun can tell that the younger is really cute and handsome.

❝❞ Soobin asked as he noticed the older kept staring at him these past few minutes. Yeonjun blinked thrice before shaking his head as a no after coming back from his senses. he actually didn't realized to himself that he's staring at the younger while thinking about him.

Soobin hummed and took a bite of the cone after removing his gaze off the older. he don't know if their just being silence or being awkward as they both still haven't talked about something after they walk away from the young girl. he cannot think of any topics while Yeonjun only kept thinking about Soobin.




they both uttered at the same time. the younger cleared his throat and took a bite of the cone before speaking, ❝❞ he suddenly looked somewhere but not on the older's eyes. he also don't know why he's stuttering. maybe because he's just eating or maybe he feel awkward after the things he did to the young girl.

no one saw his soft side. i mean, literally, no one. not even his single friend. Soobin is known as cold, rude, and dangerous guy that he always glare to everybody without any reason.

❝❞ Yeonjun asked. Soobin quickly drifted his eyes on the older and swallow the last bite of the cone before speaking, ❝❞ he gave Yeonjun a cold expression first then looked away.

the older lad silently groan and gritted his teeth. actually he don't know why he's asking permission to the guy that is a year younger than him. he must be the one who's strict, rude and cold as he's older and he shouldn't be afraid for it's not his body though, he know Soobin won't hurt him.

being a stubborn, he crossed his arms and gain confidence to talk back. ❝❞ he uttered and walked faster but the younger quickly grabbed his arm and slammed Yeonjun against the post of the streetlight, making the older groan.

❝❞ he said with his raspy voice and gave the older a sharp glare. he actually don't know why he's being strict. he can let Yeonjun though, he don't mind it, but he's worried about his body.

Yeonjun don't know if he'll be scared or laugh because seeing himself being angry in Soobin, he can tell that he's cute mostly whenever his honey cheeks plump as his lips were pouted. now he knows why people thinks that he looks more cute whenever he's angry.

he rolled his eyes and pushed away the lad. ❝❞

Soobin raised his brow and curved his lips into a smirk as he silently sneered to what the older said. ❝❞ he said with his demanding voice but the older didn't fell over it.

he shouldn't be afraid. he shouldn't be scared. he should fight for his rights.


❝❞ the younger asked as he realized Yeonjun stopped speaking. after seeing him nodding, he started to step forward making the older step backward until his back touch the post of the streetlight.

he gulped his saliva as he's afraid what will the younger do next. did he spoke too much? or he said something that made Soobin mad. but all he said was right and his rights, nothing much, nothing less.


realizing the younger is getting closer, he put his both hands infront of him and tried to push Soobin away, but it seems like he's stronger and Yeonjun felt weak as he's afraid and nervous. ❝❞

okay, here's the another reason why Soobin don't want to let Yeonjun work, its because he's afraid that if someone he know saw him working, he will lose his cool mostly Yeonjun is in his appearance. he cannot tell that because Yeonjun might think that its a nonsense reason. but fine, let the older be for a day only. they also need to have a good relationship between them for he know as it is really obvious that they switched bodies.

❝❞ he simply uttered and turned around then started to walk away, leaving the older stunned. he hope nothing will happen that can ruin his profile after agreeing.

coming back from his senses, Yeonjun noticed that the younger was now a little bit far away which made him groan. he tousle his hair and started to run towards Soobin.

❝❞ the older uttered as he was now chasing Soobin. the younger didn't stopped from walking and continued to walk, not caring about Yeonjun. it's actually his first time to lose upon fights and he don't know why he suddenly agreed.

realizing the older was now beside him as he hear heavy breathing on his side, he started speaking, ❝❞

Yeonjun raised his brow and gave the younger a confused look while still catching back oxygen to breath properly. ❝❞

❝❞ Soobin uttered. even Yeonjun want to refuse, he also just agreed as he hummed for he knew he also need to go to his class. but the problem is was their situation.

Yeonjun opened his mouth and wanted to ask something but he quickly shut it after the younger spoke, ❝❞

the older just hummed again as his response. he somewhat want to refuse but he don't have nothing else to do but to agree for he knew that it's for their good also. he actually saw a vacant room which he thinks it's tha guess room so he have nothing to worry about. besides, his father actually don't care about him neither.

❝granma! there they are!❞ Eunji stopped her tracks as she saw two familiar faces on the other street. she clutch her granma's dress and pointed the two boys walking.

the old lady squinted her eyes to make her vision see the two lads walking. she can't see their faces clearly as their surroundings was dark. she can tell that they're both tall but the other one is taller

❝lollipop oppa! ice cream oppa!❞ the four years old girl yelled and remove his hand on her granma's dress. she looked around, realizing there were no cars passing, she quickly ran away and started to cross the road, not waiting for her grandmother to help her.

before she cross the other side of a street, she didn't noticed a car moving in its full speed. the girl stunned and look to her right where the lights coming from the car quickly got brighter every milisecond.

Eunji's feet didn't moved and glued on her spot. her eyes got wider and tears rolled on her cheeks as the car was now inches away from her.

❝❞ Yeonjun froze from his place seeing what just happened. his attention was caught when he heard a girl's voice calling. he quickly lean his head as he also heard an female's voice yelling a familiar name and his eye got wider when he saw a young girl crossing the street.

he was just to ran towards the girl but an lady hug her and disappeared just like a blink of an eye.

❝❞ Soobin furrowed his eyes and look where the older was looking. he was busy thinking about life while walking, comepletely not giving his attention on the streets.

Yeonjun shook his head and shove his hands inside his pockets. ❝❞ he shrugged and walked again.

he felt like it was real at the same time unreal. he clearly saw it with his two eyes that a girl was just to hit by a car and then just vanished away after a lady hug her.

were they ghosts? or illusion? or some tricks? are they magicians? he don't know but something inside him saying that they need that lady which he don't know why he suddenly felt sad.

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