《SWITCH / / yeonbin♡》『 two 』


yeonjun quickly went out of the house, ignoring that the three buttons on his chest was still unbuttoned that is exposing his collarbones. the street is still dark anyways since its still thirty minutes before five in the morning and there were less cars driving down the streets so no one will see him and its not his body though.

he thinks that this might be a dream but he slapped himself many times thinking he'll wake up sooner as he cannot accept the fact that this is the reality. of course he'll not wake up because he is already awake but he still think that all of these are unreal. thinking, maybe slapping himself is not enough? maybe he need to be hit by a car just to wake up.

but no. it's too dangerous. he shake his head while running towards to his house, clearing his dangerous thoughts in his mind.

but he don't get it. does puberty hit him too much to be completely look alike with someone and not in his own body? or did he do something wrong that made the witches casted a curse to him even though magic really don't exist in this generation?

how is it even possible waking up from someone's house that he don't know who brought or what brought him there when he clearly remember he slept in his house, in his room and on his bed. this really felt like unreal.

his face is completely different and his body figures. he thought maybe its just his imagination that creating his different reflection on the mirror but he can't remember when was the last time he saw his face. he surely saw the face of him right now but he can't remember when.

stopping in front of a familiar house, he firstly catch his breath while clutching his chest with his hand and his other hand was holding the door knob.

after gaining enough oxygen to breath properly, he stood up properly and twist the door knob. before he push it, the door was quickly pulled open making yeonjun got pull also as his hands was still holding the door knob, results on bumping into someone.

he quickly grasp the person's waist, making the person who pulled the door not to fall. as the person, he quickly wrap his arms around the lad's neck to make not himself not to fall.

while looking into each other's eyes, their jaw dropped and eyes widened.

soobin is clearly seeing himself to the lad who's supporting him not to fall. it was clearly him. his face and his body. how on earth did these happened?

yeonjun being surprised from holding his body, he let go off soobin, making the lad fall on the ground and let out a groan.


it felt like he's seeing his doppelganger right now but its clearly him.

they felt weird and confused for seeing their own figures infront of their eyes.

soobin scanned yeonjun's body from head to toe after rubbing his eyes to make his vision clear and not to make any weird imaginations, it's real that looks like unreal, its his body.

he quickly stood up and brush the dust off his pajamas and pointed yeonjun who's in his body.

yeonjun open his mouth, wanted to say something but he didn't say a word, instead, he poke soobin's face making himself flinch.


they both asked, confusion drew in their faces. soobin feels like he's talking to himself, as same as yeonjun feel. this really felt weird.


they both nodded and poke each other's face and stepped backward. this isn't really a dream but why it felt like it?


how did this happen? am i seeing my own figures in him? is this even real? we both were surprised, guess we're the same that knows nothing what's happening between us.

did we switch bodies?

i cleared my throat to break the weird feelings and silence between us. then the boy that is inside my body looked into my eyes.

i'm surely handsome and cute at the same time. wait, why am i admiring myself? i felt my heart beating crazy as i look straight into my beautiful eyes.

i cleared my throat again, making myself stop fanboying my own figure, a question pop up inside my mind.


of course his name is soobin. i mean i'm soobin, in different body that i don't know who's me and the owner of this body's real name.


why is he stuttering? oh well, talking to yourself is really awkward and weird mostly its your body that was being controlled by someone.

❝❞ i simply uttered with no expression planted on my face. he tilted his head, showing confusion. i wasn't introducing myself, i'm introducing him to myself or, whatever... ❝❞

myself, i mean soobin- yeonjun! yeonjun just nodded while biting his lip. is he also admiring his self? because to be honest, he's handsome. i'm handsome. okay this is difficult to tell. its just, his figures which is my figure right now is handsome but i'm not gay.

i opened my mouth but before i could, i widened my eyes as i remember him now.

i knew it! the time i saw my reflection on the mirror earlier, i thought that i've seen my- his- this face before.

❝❞ i yelled which made him flinch.

it was a total embarrassment! it looks like i peed in my pants and it took more like half of an hour to dry.


as i saw him slowly nodded, i clench my fist and lifted it up, ready to punch him but something made me stop. its my body, why would i beat my beautiful face?

i let lout a deep sigh and slowly put my hand down, trying to calm myself. he should be thankful, if its not my face, he'll be dead in my hands right now.

thinking of, its just a juice anyways. i looked down and rubbed my temples. i noticed that he's still wearing the clothes i slept last night in my couch and in my house. i also noticed that the three buttons on his chest was unbuttoned, revealing my perfect collarbones.

damn, i look hot in that view.

i'm fanboying my own figures again but anyways i see that he didn't do anything in my body, making myself relief. i just hope he'll not do something that can destroy my body.

i looked to my clothes, feeling a bit disgust in what i'm wearing right now.


yeonjun let out a chuckle which made my heart beat fast. i'm hearing my own chuckle but why it felt like it sounds different when its not me who chuckled?


he smiled. that smile is killing me right now!

soobin, calm yourself down, its your body its you that who's not controlling it right now, stop being crazy to yourself.

i want to end this weird things happening right now.


so he's the one! he's the one i bumped with yesterday. that's why this face looks familiar at all.

as i look into soobin, which is inside my body, is it a lie if i told myself i'm not a good-looking boy? because i look cute, mostly wearing those puppy pajamas.

❝❞ he crossed his arms and raise his brow on me. yeah, i think we should but my dad..

speaking of my dad, i slowly lift my head up and look at my face, i mean soobin's face that is my face. the bruises were all gone.

❝❞ i asked and pointed his face before he drag me inside my house. he gave me a confusion look, ❝❞

so, it totally disappeared just like that the time we switched bodies? cool.

i just shrug. i don't want anyone know about my problems even he's in my body, i don't want to be get pitied by someone mostly a stranger and someone who i just spilled juice yesterday.

he grab my wrist and drag me inside towards my room. i roam my eyes around, and i can tell it's so messy. broken glasses and bottle of alcohols everywhere. i wonder if he's confused about these or he just don't care of his surrounding. gladly, my dad wasn't sleeping on the couch today, which made me relief. i look everywhere as if it's my first time to see this kind of mess, until my eyes was stopped on the wall clock.


i quickly pulled my wrist as we enter my room. he look at me while furrowing his eyes and opened his mouth, probably he'll ask why i remove my wrist but i didn't let him talk. i rush towards my closet and throw my uniform and my working clothes on my bed and grab my towel.

before i enter the bathroom, Soobin grab my arm and pin me against the wall.

❝❞ he asked.

what kind of question was that? isn't obvious that i'll take a shower? ❝❞ i sarcastically said. why do people always ask some things when it's pretty obvious?

he look from my head to toe and drew a smirk in his face. my heart started to beat like crazy seeing his smirk in my own face. i think i'm hot whenever i smirk but why i felt like he's different even though its my body?

clearing my thoughts, he lean his face closer to mine, still having a smirk on his face. our face were like inches apart which made me flustered. what's wrong with him?

heart please calm down!


what does he me- oh right! wait. its his body so if i take a shower...

i cleared my throat trying to remove my thoughts. i clearly get him now. i felt ashamed. i felt my face burning.

wait, so if its his body and its not my face, how can i go to work? how can i go to my classes? people will obviously get confuse if in this figures i'll go to my own class, they'll think i'm soobin. i can't just explain it to them, i know they won't believe and they'll think i'm crazy, having two personalities.

soobin slowly step backward and turn around, letting out a chuckle. he spoke once again and hearing what he said made me freeze in my spot and eyes got wider.


so to make things clearly. Yeonjun and Soobin switched bodies, which means Yeonjun is now in Soobin's body and his appearance is Soobin same goes to Soobin, Soobin is now in Yeonjun's body and his appearance is Yeonjun. if you don't still don't get it well i got nothing to do abt it lol...

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