《✓THE WAR DIVIDING US|| TodoBakuDeku Au》∞10∞


~ Third Person P.O.V ~

Weaving his calloused digits through his matted down two-toned locks, Shoto hauls the last crate filled with everyone's belongings in the back of the Jeep. Somehow he had been roped into packing everyone's stuff for them, having to wake up at the crack of dawn just to have everything in on time. As to be anticipated, the boy hadn't briefed Izuku in on the events that were to take place these next couple of months-- nor did he care to at the moment. With this 'road trip' being brought into the light without delay, everyone -- including Shoto-- was on edge at the moment.

The plan was fairly simple . . . for the most part.

The group had approximately three days to get from Arizona to Florida, meaning they would have to switch drivers-- and most likely would only stop to eat, and gas; or if they really had to, sleep in a hotel somewhere on the drive. Shoto, being the most systematic out of the group had placed a plan in order for how this would all go. When they get to Florida, they have one to two weeks to habituate themselves with the area-- not draw too much attention all while getting a closer look. As well as get in touch with Aizawa, who would then give Shoto and Katsuki more information regarding their task, and their so-called 'inside people'.

With all this being said, Izuku would have one to two weeks to learn basic self-defense at minimal, as well as learn stealth techniques to go undetected by people. Simple, right? Keeping everything in mind, said Japanese-American was still clueless at to what was transpiring around him.

This was clearly all going to go smoothly.

"Hey, Sarge'!"

Shoto tensed at the overly excited voice that dripped through the air and into his ears, 'For the love of God please don't be who I think it is,'

Nevertheless, in spite of the heterochromatic male's pleas to some unknown God, it was ineffectual-- for it was, in fact, who he thought it was. Mina Ashido to be exact. The pink-haired girl was a medic, usually out in the field with the other female nurses, so for her to be here was a mixture of perplexing for Shoto and appending onto his irritation.


"I know you hear me Todoroki," Ashido huffed, the younger male could practically hear the smirk formulating in her voice.

A sour expression began to group itself onto Shoto's face as he unenthusiastically pivots on his heel, a tight-lipped smile slipping the corners of his mouth upwards. 'Please go away'. "Hey, Ashido," He greets, albeit his tone was low and honeyed.

Predominantly trying to create a mask of unwelcomeness, which of course the girl hadn't picked up on. "Packing for the trip?" Ashido mused, leaning her stout frame onto the back of the truck.

"Yeah, I-- how the fuck do you know about that? It's supposed to be classified . . ." Shoto faltered, feet staggering backward until his back came into contact with the trunk-- a low grunt emitting from his lips as he did so.

A coy smirk displayed itself proudly on the surface of Ashido's mouth as one rosy eyebrow arched up. "Aizawa assigned it to me as well, said something along the lines of 'Knowing Bakgou and Todoroki they'll need a medic there with him', cool right?!" She beamed, twisting one curled lock of hair back in its place.

However, based on the look of pure infuriation-- it clearly wasn't 'cool'.

Luckily, for Shoto's sanity, and Ashido's life, Izuku, Katsuki, Sero, Kirishima, and Kaminari all came walking down one of the dirt paths. Putting a dejected end to the duel-haired male's thoughts of murdering the woman standing before him. It wasn't his fault . . . it was simply due to the fact that Ashido didn't know when to shut that damned mouth of hers. Making it difficult for Shoto to be in her presence is all.

See? Not his fault.

"We ready to get this show on the road?!" Kirishima cheered, looking oddly pleased with the fact that they were on their way to go on a possibly dangerous mission. A toothy grin lifting the outer edges of his mouth up, and ebony hair unruly and wild in the oppressive breeze.

"He's been like this all morning," Katsuki grumbled, purposefully bumping into the energetic male as he hopped in the Jeep.

- - - - - - - - - - - -


Izuku sat in the open Jeep, squished in between Kirishima and Sero; Kaminari and Ashido on the opposite side of them chatting away happily with one another. Shoto in the driver seat, speeding down the backway road at ungodly speeds while Katsuki scolded him in the passenger seat.

The elfin Japanese-American was comparatively displeased with the whole ordeal. As he should be, ever since he made his arrival at the Base he had been left in the dark about plentitude of undertakings-- his uncertainty, and anxiety over the past few weeks constructing with each new issue he seemed to face. Whether that be the training, the staring, or still not fully understanding what the hell was going on. And with each suppressed outburst he so desperately wanted to partake in, or each and every time he silently cried whenever he was alone.

All of those emotions were being shoved right back down his throat before they could ever truly make themselves known. Izuku made sure to put a tight lid on them, however, sooner or later he was going to combust. And everything would come rushing out like a river during a flash flood warning.

It wouldn't be pretty.

While the other's talked amongst themselves, Izuku busied himself with basking in the world around him. Sure, was he technically being there in that Jeep against his own free will? Yes. But after looking at more negative outlooks in his life, he would rather much at least try and see something positive.

It was late at night, the group had all been cooped up in the open Jeep for roughly fifteen hours-- yet without being affected by the night sky Izuku could still see. Their surroundings being illuminated by fireflies and the moon and stars. Creating a sublime, almost mysterious look to it.

"It's kind of pretty, huh?"

Izuku jumped at the raspy voice that filled his ears, however, it wasn't the usual voice he was used to by now. That's when he remembered Kirishima. "Oh-- Uhm, yeah," Izuku muttered, his eyes darting from Kirishima's back to the nearly barren Texas desert.

If he were being truthful, Izuku truly did find the desert to be a beauty-- in its own, forsaken, bug-filled, cacti inhabited kind of way. Anything was better than where he was at the moment.

"My father used to take me to a desert-like area when I was younger to catch snakes," Kirishima explained, raking a hand through his hair.

From the very little contact Izuku has had with the boy, he had come to the conclusion that he was the type of person to most likely spill his entire life story to someone. Kirishima was the type of person to trust nearly anyone, which didn't seem like a good trait to have in the line of work he was in. But hey, whatever floats your boat, right?

Be that as it may, Izuku remained impassive. Just because this boy was choosing to make the naive mistake of most likely putting his trust in him, doesn't mean Izuku would automatically do the same.

No, at this point the only person he trusted was himself. But even then, he was still a bit apprehensive to have confidence in his own self.

Confusing, right?

"You don't talk much do you?" Sero chimed in, having noticed his friend's failed attempts at getting Izuku to divulge in conversation.

Folding his arms across his chest, Izuku arched an eyebrow-- a look that stated 'obviously'. In which, Ashido giggled at, leaning on her knees to hear the boys better over the roar of the engine and rushing wind.

"I don't know about these guys, but that ain't gonna slide with me, honey," The woman sassed, "In case you couldn't tell I'm a talker,"

"Oh, trust me Ashido-- I'm pretty sure everyone can tell," Shoto remarked from the front seat, finger curled around the steering wheel with blanched knuckles.

Before anyone could press the matter further, the engine began to knock-- sputtering, and clanging as thick, black smoke emitted from the front. Eventually pulling into a stop.

That's when the real fun begins.

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