《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 41


"What'd you mean by technically?"

Toga froze up at his question, knowing that she had just slipped up with something she couldn't really afford to slip up with.

Shoto sighed, wanting more than anything to just explain, but restraining himself. "You'll figure it out eventually. None of us are supposed to tell you certain things because it'll put too much strain on you."

"Absolute bullshit, but whatever." Katsuki said, walking back into the kitchen and sitting on the counter next to Shoto.

"Oh someone put on his big boy pants and decided to hang out with the big kids again?" Toga asked him with a glare. "Wow, sorry. Old habits I guess."

Izuku watched their interactions carefully, trying to fill in the blanks in his memories. "So clearly you two didn't get along, but you're cool now. So what happened?" He mumbled, more to himself.

"See? That's our nerd." Katsuki whispered to Shoto as Izuku tried to piece everything together using logic, the few things people had given away and his little amount of memories.

"Two main options. I'm either not dating Shinso, or the 'technically' was because he kissed back meaning we would have started dating if I hadn't lost all my memories." He continued to mutter.

"I value my life, so I'm just gonna tell you it's not the second one." Shinso said quickly, but not giving anything away to who Izuku was actually dating.

"Aw shit, really? That's so disappointing." Izuku whined.

"Izuku! That means you have a boyfriend smart one, how do you think he would feel if he heard that?" Toga scolded him.

Izuku's eyes lit up at the clue. "So they aren't here to hear it then?" He questioned, even though Toga had purposefully misled him. She raised her hands up in surrender, not giving him anything else to work with.

He whined again. "C'mon guys, how is this fair? I have a whole significant other I just can't remember."

"Wait, I thought he was dating both-"

Kirishima was promptly shut up by Toga slapping a hand over his mouth. "Shut it, dye job." She hissed.

"Yo crazy, nicknames are my thing." Katsuki growled at her, moving her hand away from one of the few people he'd actually admit to being friends with.

"Both? As in two? As in I somehow tricked two guys into dating me? Damn, I'm good." He muttered to himself.

"Tricked? What does he mean by that?" Shoto asked Toga, seeing as Izuku seemed preoccupied.

But the green haired boy was actually the one to respond. "Well there's no way in hell I'd get one guy to date me for me, let alone two. Obviously I tricked them somehow." He explained, not even really paying attention to what he was saying, seeing as his brain was going a million miles a minute.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, back up a little. Why were you worried that we didn't like you enough to be with you?"

"Are you kidding? How could I not? I"m a wanted villain and I honestly just fuck up everything I so much as look at and you two are... you both just.... You're perfect and I can't wrap my head around you both wanting to date me. Sometimes I just think it's a really vivid, cruel dream that I'm gonna wake up from any second."


"You were a wanted villain, but then you gave it up to become a hero. And you don't fuck up everything you look at. Where would the League be right now without you? Probably in jail or dead, but because of you, they're actually all trying to do the right thing and also become heroes. I don't know about you, but it sounds like you've done the exact opposite of fuck that up. What'd you think Katsuki?

"Mm, I agree."

Izuku's eyes grew to the size of saucers. "No. fucking. way."

"What? What'd you remember?" Shinso asked him.

Izuku stared at Katsuki and Shoto wide eyed. He now knew they were all together, but he still didn't... remember it. He didn't remember falling in love with them, he just knew that he was.

"How the fuck did that happen?" He asked himself, holding his head and trying to force himself to remember.

"How'd what happen?" Shoto asked him, concern lacing his voice.

Izuku shook his head, walking a few steps away from him.

"Never have I ever ran away from home."

"Oh, well I've got to hear that story."

"After... what happened with you... I kind of... ran away to try and find you."

"God damn it Kacchan." Izuku mumbled.

"Izuku Midoriya, you have to get a grip. Unlike me, we can't just use a fire extinguisher so you need to do it yourself. I know that you're pissed. I know that whatever All Might did or didn't do, must have been terrible, but you need to calm down. I get what it's like to hate someone so much you just want to lash out until there's nothing left to lash out at, trust me I get it, but you can't just resort to hitting things. I can see how badly you want to be a hero. I can see how torn you are between wanting to stay here and wanting to leave, but if you do this, right now, it won't be your decision to make anymore. The second chance at your dream that you got? It'll be gone and you'll be back where you started."

"Is that really what you want?"

"Please Shoto, just make him go away. I can't- I just can't. Not right now."

"He's gone, Deku. Now... please... just calm down."

"Izu? Are you okay?" Toga asked, grabbing her brother. His legs seemed to have given out and he had started to fall.

Katsuki was quick to grab onto him, knowing that Toga wouldn't have been able to keep him up for long.

"I'm... I'm... God damn it, I'm sorry, okay? I blew up at you for... calling me out... and I guess it wasn't exactly fair, considering you... were right... and I guess I don't have the right to blow up at you for anything considering middle school... so, yeah... that's it..."

"I should be the one apologizing. I didn't mean to be so rude, I just don't exactly have a filter anymore, ya know?"


"Shit dude, this hurts." Izuku said with a small chuckle, before wincing. He opened his eyes a little and found out he was on the ground, being held in Katsuki's arms while everyone in the kitchen watched him with worried eyes.

"Midoriya, hey look. We're all away from the edge, okay? We all have both feet firmly on the ground. It's okay."

"Why is he so freaked out by this? I don't remember him ever being this scared of heights."

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. We're... we're not gonna jump."


"C'mon Midoriya, we're both okay. Just take deep breaths, yeah? We can go back to the dorms if you want, get you to Toga."

"Seriously, what's happening? Should we get Recovery Girl?" Toga's voice brought Izuku back to the land of the living.

"No I'm fine," He said with a slight groan. "Fuck, I must have really loved you guys to freak out that much about a ledge."

Shoto and Katsuki froze at his words. "Is that what's happening? You're remembering... us?" Shoto asked him cautiously.

"Kacchan? I knew I should have stayed down there."

"No you shouldn't have, I don't know if you've noticed over the years, but I definitely deserved this."

"Did they break your nose?"

"I'm fine, seriously Deku."

"You are not fine. Did they use their quirks at all?"

"So what? We just let him keep doing this?" Katsuki's yell is what brought him back the next time.

"Kacchan, I'm okay. I want... I want to remember everything." Izuku muttered, right before another memory hit him.

"Please tell me you aren't secretly All Might's kid or something."

"Y-you think- you think that Deku's- you think Deku's dad is- is All Might?"

"Wow, really? You thought I was that asshole's kid?" Izuku slurred, but Shoto and Katsuki knew right away what he was referring to.

"What're you two doing here?"

"I'm still locked out of my dorm so I can't get to my uniform. Shoto said I could borrow one of his, but he's like four inches taller than me so I'd actually drown in it. He suggested asking you, since you're closer to my height. Can I please, pretty, pretty please, borrow a uniform?"


"Not the point, Katsuki."

"Fine nerd, you can borrow a uniform, just don't ruin it or you're dead."

Izuku whimpered, grabbing a fist full of Katsuki's shirt. "Why does this have to hurt so god damn bad?"

Shoto grabbed his free hand. "I'm sorry Izu." He whispered.

"Izuku please, just get off the ledge."

"No. I should have done this two years ago. Then I wouldn't be such a fuck up. I wouldn't be so god damn different. I wouldn't.. I wouldn't be evil."

"You're not a fuck up and you're not fucking evil! You're here, aren't you? You took the second chance and god damn it you're running with it. I know it's hard, I know, but you've gotten this far, why give up now?"

"Fuck, I tried to jump again? This is why I'm medicated ladies and gentlemen."

"Way to take that memory to heart." Katsuki said with a scoff.

"I'm trying Kacchan."

"Toga, I'm not deaf and I hightly doubt I'm sleeping. Just let them in."


"Toga just let them in. Seriously, this isn't your call to make."

"No, you can't actually- Hey!"

"Kacchan, you're so agressive."

"We did things half and half's way and they didn't work, so I did it my own way."

"Hi Shoto."


"God, you're all so gay."

"Jesus, I really am gay, huh?" Izuku said.

"I don't even- Why're you- Yeah, yeah you are gay Izu." Shoto said with a small smile.

"Oh my fucking god. It was middle school. He apologized, multiple times. He's been working his ass off for the past three weeks to make up for it. He. let. you. beat. the. shit. out. of. him. Last time I checked, I'm the one who gets to decide when he's been through enough and guess what? I've forgiven him already, so back the fuck off."

"Izuku, you need to calm down."

"Fuck off."

"Deep breaths Izu, remember we can't use a fire extinguisher for you."

"Good job, just keep breathing. Feel my heartbeat? Focus on that, okay?"

"Sho, why do you have to be so caring all the damn time?" Izuku asked with a small smile.

Shoto looked from Izuku to Katsuki. "I... don't even know what he's referring to."

"Feel my heartbeat and focus on that." Izuku mocked.

Shoto turned a very light shade of pink. "Hey, it worked didn't it!"

"Wait, that's not what I meant, you damn nerd. I meant you couldn't ask me out because I'd ask you out."

"F-fine! Then guess what? We're all actually dating now. How's that for accurately talking?"

"Seriously, someone just knock me out at this point." Izuku said, forcing himself to sit up and hopefully catch his breath.

"Whoa, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Katsuki asked, pulling him back down onto his lap.

"No Kacchan, I need to sit up or it'll never stop and my head's killing me too much to keep remembering stuff." Izuku complained, pushing himself up again.

"What'd you remember?" Shoto asked him, helping him sit up right and then lean back onto Katsuki's chest.

"A little bit of this, a little bit of that." Izuku said vaguely with a shrug.

Toga scrunched her eyes at him. "You only remember stuff with those two, don't you?"

Izuku smiled back at her. "Oh yeah, that's about it."


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