《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 39


"Izu, oh my god are you okay?" Toga yelled as soon as she burst into the nurse's office, her brothers in toe.

"I'm fine Himi, just really fucking confused." Izuku told her, hugging her back.

"Oh great, you forgot up until his swear phase." Shigaraki said, scratching at his neck from all the stress.

"Stop." Dabi said gently, grabbing his hand in his own and bringing it down to their sides. "You just got rid of all the scratches."

"Then Izuku went and got himself hurt again." Shigaraki said, using his free hand to point at their brother before bringing it to this neck.

"Please, for the love of god, someone just explain what the hell is going on." Izuku pleaded, looking at all four of his siblings. "Where's Kurogiri?" He asked, realizing that it was just his siblings and not their parental figure.

"Still at the bar." Dabi said.

"Probably dead." Shigaraki added bitterly.

Izuku's eyes widened at his words. "Wh-what?" He asked in a whisper.

Toga rewrapped her arms around him, sending a glare at her blue haired brother. "He couldn't come with us, Izu. We were offered a choice after getting arrested. We could go to jail or become students here, seeing as we were so young. Kurogiri is an adult, he wasn't able to come with us or he would have been thrown in jail." She explained softly to him as he clung to her hopelessly.

"So Master probably killed him for letting us go?" He asked, still whispering.

She locked her jaw, willing herself to not cry and stay strong for her brother as she nodded.

"S-so why're we- We just- We go to school at UA now?" He asked her. His eyes were shining with unshed tears.

"Yeah, we do Izu. We're in the hero course, me and you are in 2-A while Dabi, Tomu, and Twice are in 3-A. We're gonna be heroes." She told him.

The villains had always known that Izuku wasn't fully committed to being a villain, his dream of being a hero always nagging at the back of his head. But, depending on how much memory he lost, he might be in his 'I'm going to a villain no matter what' phase. Which would end very badly for everyone.

"We're... I'm sorry what? We're gonna be what? No way in hell. You've got to be kidding me." He said, pushing her away a little bit.

"Well fuck. You really got him at the wrong time in his life." Dabi said, all the villains tensing as they figured he'd probably try to fight his way out of here.

"Izuku, please. It's different now, we're different, you're different." Toga pleased with him. If he posed a threat to students or himself, Aizawa and other pros would be forced to step in, which would only push Izuku further away from all of them.

"N-no! How could it be different?! What could have possibly changed in the- the- fuck, how much time did I lose?" He muttered to himself, his anger vanishing suddenly as he realized just how lost he now was.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Toga asked him.

"Us- all of us, back at the bar. We were- we were- going... were going over plans..." Izuku said, straining hard to fully grasp the last memory he seemed to have. "We were gonna attack the training camp." He said, finally looking up and looking over at the two boys they were supposed to kidnap during that attack.


"Fan-fucking-tastic. The last thing he remembers is trying to kidnap me and Shoto. Of course." Katsuki said, throwing his hands in the air as Shoto tries to calm him down, pulling him into a side hug on the bed.

"Did we?" Izuku asked his family instantly.

Toga looks over to Katsuki nervously, not sure how the blond was with the kidnapping, but Dabi didn't care. "We got Bakugou." He said with a shrug.

"Damn, missed out on Todoroki?" Izuku asked.

"This is really weird to listen to." Shoto spoke up, not used to his boyfriend talking about him like he was some piece of meat.

Katsuki clearly looked uncomfortable with the topic. "Can we just move on?" He asked.

"Why Kacchan? Don't like being reminded how we were apparently able to kidnap you? Even though Todoroki was able to get out of it?" Izuku prodded, still in his 'I-still-love-you-but-I'm-edgy-now-so-I-actually-hate-you' phase. He had a lot of phases.

The blond stiffened at his words as everyone waited to see what he'd do. If it was anyone else, he'd beat the shit out of them, but it wasn't anyone else. It was Izuku. He kept his mouth shut and clung to Shoto's hand tightly.

Izuku scoffed at the sight. "Gay." He muttered.

"Izuku, you're gay." Dabi pointed out.

Izuku scowled at him, not remembering coming out to any of them. "Fuck off Barney." He hissed.

Dabi's eyes widened. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO GET YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT?!" He shouted, throwing his hands up as he glared at the green haired boy.


"I forgot he used to call everyone bitch." Shigaraki grumbled.

"This is... not the boy we fell in love with." Shoto muttered to Katsuki quietly.

"It's the boy that kept me tied to a chair in the middle of a bar and threw shit at me while crying though." Katsuki told him.

Shoto's eyes slightly widened at the information. Neither of the two had told him about what happened when Katsuki was kidnapped.

"Shut the fuck up Kacchan!" Izuku shouted, having heard what the blond had told Shoto.

"It's the truth though. You have no problem pointing out how weak I was to be kidnapped, but you never stopped to think about how weak you were after the fact." Katsuki said to him, lifting his head so he could look Izuku dead in the eyes.

"Bakugou, stop." Toga told him.

"No, that night was probably the only reason he didn't try to actually kill me again. I feel like it's something he should at least know about." Katsuki hissed at her.

"Kat, you don't have to do this with everyone here." Shoto whispered to him, making Izuku's eyes narrow.

He might hate Katsuki at the moment, but Katsuki was still his.

He also had a possessive phase, in case anyone was wondering.

"It's fine, I don't give a shit." Katsuki said, brushing him off, keeping his eyes locked with the emerald green pair across the room.

"At first you were just toying with me. You clearly enjoyed the fact that the tables had turned and I was powerless compared to you." Katsuki started, not missing the hint of a smirk Izuku showed at the words.

"But then you got pissed. You started throwing shot glasses at me, which was stupid when there was actual glasses and bottles and shit right there," Katsuki noted, waiting for Izuku to explain.


The green haired boy glared at the floor, crossing his arms over his chest. He mumbled his answer.

"Huh?" Katsuki asked, not hearing what he had said.

"I didn't want to fucking hurt you then!" Izuku shouted at him. "If I specifically threw only shot glasses at you, it's because I as trying to hit the wall behind you to scare you, but not hurt you. Happy?" He growled at the blond.

Katsuki softly smiled, knowing that only one shot glass had hit him that night and it just grazed his shoulder. "Ecstatic."

"Then you started crying, of course."

"Asshole." Izuku mumbled.

"You started screaming at me for all the shit I did to you in middle school, then you blamed me for Inko's death, then All Might-"

"I did what?" Izuku asked him breathlessly.

"What part?" Katsuki asked him, still holding tightly to Shoto's hand. He hadn't told anyone what had happed to him when he was kidnapped and this part wasn't even the worst.

"I blamed you for..." Izuku trailed off.

He had lost his memory, including all the time he had started to heal from his mom's death. To him, it was still relatively fresh.

"Yeah." Katsuki said softly, knowing what he had meant to say.

Izuku's eyes suddenly hardened as they snapped back to the blond, surprising him. "Bullshit." He said.

"What?" Katsuki asked him.

"You're lying!" Izuku yelled. "I know who I blame for that and it wasn't fucking you. I wouldn't have done that." He said.

Katsuki nodded, trying to stay calm so he wouldn't set Izuku off at all. "I know that, and so did you. You said it was my fault like twice and then instantly switched to All Might. You just seemed really mad at him and never mentioned me and her death together after that." He explained.

Izuku let out a breath and shakily nodded. "Is that it?" He asked.

Katsuki nodded.

"I find it hard to believe that that's the reason I didn't want to kill you anymore." Izuku said with a scoff.

"Sorry if it was more touching in the moment. Guess you had to be there." Katuski snapped at him.

"You little fucking Pomeranian, dickhead-" Izuku started muttering as he tried to march his way over to Katsuki, his quirk already activating.

To everyone's surprise, Shoto was the one who stopped him.

He grabbed Izuku's shoulder gently and used his other hand to tilt his chin up so he was looking at the two toned teen. "Deep breaths, we can't use a fire extinguisher for you." He said with a soft smile, hoping the inside joke would do something for the smaller boy.

He really didn't expect him to gasp and grab his head, nearly falling to the ground if Shoto hadn't caught him by his waist. Instantly Izuku's arms wrapped around his neck as he tried to steady himself.

"Shit, are you okay?" Shoto asked, guilt clear in his voice.

Izuku moved one of his hands to hold onto his head. "Fuck, I nearly matched Dabi." He mumbled, remembering training with Shoto and his fire getting out of control, Katsuki using a fire extinguisher to put him out.

"What?" Shoto asked him in confusion.

Izuku pulled himself away from Shoto fully, still holding his head as he gave a look to Katsuki before his eyes went back to Shoto. "You had a spiritual awakening because I'm damn good at my job. I'm so good, that you lost complete control, like a fucking newb, and Kacchan tried to drown you with the foam from a fire extinguisher." He said.

"Okay seriously, what the fuck is up with your vocabulary?" Katsuki spoke up with the hint of a smile on his face again.

The green haired boy ignored his comment as he met Katsuki's eyes. "You totally saved my ass." He said lowly, not sure if he could believe that Katsuki had ever done something nice for him.

"Yeah, because you're the idiot that unleashed sixteen years of pent up anger and daddy issues without a backup plan." Katsuki said with a smirk.

"I hate you." Shoto mumbled.

Izuku took a sharp breath as a splitting pain with through is head again, Shoto grabbing him just like before, even if he wasn't going to collapse this time. "Endeavor's kid, Dabi's brother- Shit I totally let it slip that he's Touya, didn't I?"

"Yeah, yeah you did." Dabi spoke up.

"And something tells me you guys aren't buddy-buddy yet." Izuku said, looking between them.

"Ow, shit!" Izuku hissed as the same pain came. "Damn, abandonment issues to top it off. Way to add the cherry on top of his cacophony of trauma, Dabi." Izuku muttered, but only Shoto heard him.

"Wow, you just remember all the good stuff, huh?" Shoto whispered back.

Izuku's eyes narrowed as he looked up at the taller boy. "Why would you tell me that? You haven't even told Dabi that yet, but for some reason I know it. Why?" He demanded, feeling overly confused by everything that had happened that day.

"We're-" Shoto's explanation was cut off by Recovery Girl clearing her throat.

"I need to have a word with everyone outside, regarding Izuku's state." She said. "Aizawa, stay and look after the boy, we should only take a few minutes." She instructed.

Once all the kids and the nurse left, Izuku turned his eyes to Aizawa. He didn't have an more memories, but he had a gut feeling. "You're the one who arrested us, weren't you?" He questioned.

"Yeah, do you remember it?" The pro hero asked, slightly hopeful.

"Nope, just a hunch." Izuku said, not missing the faint disappointment that crossed the older man's face.


"We aren't allowed to tell him that we're dating?" Shoto asked her dumbfounded.

Recovery Girl gave him a sympathetic look. "With how much he's lost, I don't think it'd be a good idea. He doesn't even remember wanting to become a hero in the first place. All of this will put an immense strain on him and his brain. Letting everything come back to him and not trying to push him for the old norm, would be the best and safest option. Let him do as he pleases and get comfortable with you and the rest of his classmates on his own time. Just from what happened in there, I can tell you that his memories will come back eventually, so it's just a matter of waiting for it to happen." She told them all.

"So you want us to just deal with the boy we love, absolutely hating us? What type of twisted bullshit is that?" Katsuki asked in a growl.

"Deal with it blondie. He's fragile and he doesn't need you two fucking with his head right now. He'll figure everything out eventually, so just try to be patient for once in your life." Dabi told him with a blank face, not even wasting a glare on him at the moment.

"You fucking-"

"No fighting gentlemen." Recovery Girl said, quickly stepping in. "Just go slow and let him adjust. Remember, it's for his own health and safety."

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