《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 38


It had only been a few minutes, fifteen at most, but Recovery Girl had done everything she could for the boy. He was going still going to have a concussion that he'd just have to wait out, but there shouldn't be any long term damage.

Well there was something, but the nurse didn't want to tell Shoto and Katsuki unless it actually happened. Just the possibility would be more stress than the two could handle at the moment.

Both boys refused to leave the unconscious boy's side, even though they were both covered in his blood. They'd change once they knew he was going to be okay.

Aizawa had his arms crossed over his chest, observing all three of the teens while Recovery Girl gave him a quick run down in a hushed voice, telling him everything she feared.

"But that'd-" The tired teacher started to say, but Recovery Girl cut him off.

"I'm unsure if it'll even happen, so let's try to not worry about it until it does." She said while sadly shaking her head at the teens in the room.

Shortly after, there was muffled yelling and Shinso entered the room, still dragging a struggling Monoma behind him.

"Shinso, let me go!" The blond yelled.

Shoto quickly stood up as the two entered, sending them each a glare and leaving Katsuki to stay with their injured boyfriend. "Shut the hell up. You can't just walk into a nurse's office with an unconscious person who needs to fucking sleep and start yelling." The dual haired boy hissed at the two, not wanting to see either of them at the moment.

"Todoroki," Aizawa said in a warning tone, mainly due to the boy's language. He was apparently spending too much time with Katsuki.

Shoto just rolled his eyes and walked back to his boyfriends, switching from one side of Izuku's bed to the other so he could sit next to Katsuki. The blond instantly let his head rest on his shoulder, just wanting the physical comfort he could offer.

Aizawa tore his eyes away from his students and over to Shinso and Monoma. "What're you two doing here?" He asked the narrowed eyes.

"Monoma needs to tell you something." Shinso said plainly as he shoved the blond towards the pro hero.

Now, it wasn't necessarily a secret that Aizawa had a soft spot for Izuku and the rest of the League, which terrified Monoma. He knew he was either about to die or get kicked out of school.

The dark haired teacher glared at Monoma expectantly as he waited for him to speak up.

"I-I-I have to go!" Monoma said suddenly, trying to dart out of the nurse's office, but Shinso grabbed him, shoving him right back to where he was standing in front of Aizawa.


"Look, I don't have time for this. If you two have nothing to say-"

"Monoma copied my quirk and used it on Midoriya." Shinso finally admitted for the blond. Aizawa's eyes widened as they traveled from his son to Monoma.

"Then he made him kiss me." Shinso added.

Aizawa seemed to freeze as he tried to process what Shinso had said. "You did... what?" He asked lowly, his glare intensifying at the blond.

"Shinso kissed him back!" Monoma said quickly, pointing at the purple haired boy.

"You did what?!" Aizawa asked, dragging his glare to the other boy.

"So we both fucked up, woohoo, anyways, he still used my quirk to make Midoriya kiss me against his will, that's got to qualify as sexual harassment or something." Shinso said, not even being bothered by the fact that he was going to get into a lot of trouble later. He just wanted to make sure Monoma got into just as much trouble, if not more. He'd seriously fucked up.

Aizawa brought a hand up to face and pinched the bridge of his nose, really not wanting to deal with any of this at the moment. "I'm not sure what-"

"Where the hell am I?"

Everyone in the room snapped their attention to Izuku. He had woken up and was looking around the room frantically, the heart monitor that he was hooked up to was beeping like crazy as the boy's breathing became more labored. Katsuki and Shoto both knew he was about to have a panic attack.

"Hey Izu, calm down. You're in the nurse's office. You hit your head pretty bad, but it's all fixed up now, okay? Just take some deep breaths." Shoto instructed, now having all of Izuku's attention locked onto him.

But it didn't last long as Izuku's eyes darted to the blond sitting next to him. "K-Kacchan?" He asked, his eyes starting to water.

"Yeah? What's wrong Izuku?" Katsuki asked, bringing a hand up to place on his face, but Izuku shrieked at tried to push himself as far away from the other boy as possible and ended up toppling off the bed.

"What the fuck? Are you okay, Izuku?" Katsuki asked, him and Shoto rushed to the other side of the bed as Izuku started to scoot away, his eyes wide and terrified as he took in his surroundings.

Recovery Girl stopped the two boys before they could get any closer to him. "He- He's suffering from amnesia, worse than I expected. I don't think he remembers anything from his time at UA." She quickly explained.

"He's what?!" Shoto asked her, raising his voice. He kept his eyes trained on Izuku, who looked like he was about to activate his quirk at any second.


"Aizawa, quirk." Katsuki said quickly, knowing that if Izuku didn't remember anything, then he and Shoto wouldn't be able to calm him down before he hurt himself or others.

Aizawa nodded and suddenly his hair raised up and the lightening around Izuku was gone. The green haired boy realized this and his fight or flight kicked in and it kicked in hard.

He knew the most logical thing to do would be taking Eraser Head first to get his quirk back. Then he'd be able to take down his childhood friend and Endeavor's kid. Easy.

Fighting a pro without a quirk wasn't a cake walk, but he didn't have much of a choice, so fake confidence it was. He had to get out. He had to find the others. He needed to figure out what happened.

Izuku quickly pushed himself to his feet and rushed at Aizawa, dodging Shoto and Katsuki on the way. He threw a punch at the taller man, that was quickly dodged. Then he let his leg sweep out to try and trip the pro, but was also dodged. Izuku's head was still fuzzy, meaning his attacks weren't as quick or clean as they should be.

"Midoriya, stop!" Shinso yelled, catching Izuku's attention for a few seconds. Izuku spared the purple haired boy a quick glance, then looked back at the pro in a fighting stance, before he did a double take.

"Shinso?" Izuku asked in surprise and relief.

"Oh thank god he remembers me." Shinso muttered. "Yeah Midoriya, look you just need to calm down okay? None of us are going to hurt you. I can go get Toga or one of your brothers if you want?" He offered, knowing he was probably the only person the other boy trusted at that moment.

Izuku looked at everyone in the room suspiciously, unsure if he could believe Shinso or not. "Where am I?" He asked the purple haired boy.

"You're at-" Shoto tried to answer, but Izuku cut him off.

"I didn't ask you, I asked Shinso." Izuku hissed at him, slightly startling Shoto. He had never seen the other boy like this, even when he first joined his class. This was the complete villain side of him he ahd already pushed away when coming to UA.

"You're at UA. It's a really long story, but you've been here for a few weeks. You got a head injury and you're suffering from amnesia." Shinso explained.

Izuku's eyes widened as he did another once over of the room and the occupants. "Why am I here? I-I have to go, right? Why does that- What happened? I know I need to leave but... I don't want to? What the fuck?"

"Language." Aizawa grumbled.

"I'm a villain, I don't give a shit if you don't like me swearing." Izuku said with a glare.

"Midoriya... you're not anymore." Shinso told him gently.

"I'm not what anymore?" Izuku asked him.

"You're not a villain anymore." Katsuki cut in.

Izuku's eyes narrowed, not believing him for a second. "Go get my siblings. Right now. I need my siblings." He said, knowing that he'd probably have another panic attack without them.

Shinso nodded and turned to leave, but Izuku called out to him. "Not you Shinso, you stay here. You're the only one I trust right now. Someone else get them." Izuku instructed, hoping that Katsuki would be the one to leave. It was hard to be in that room and not bash the blond's face in.

Or kiss him.

Izuku had a lot of mixed feelings for him ever since he ran away and right now they were running haywire. He found it hard to breath with the blond so close, not to mention the piercing eyes of Endeavor's kid, not leaving his for a second.

The purple haired boy nodded, looking at his father for further instructions. Aizawa let out a tired sigh. "Monoma isn't going anywhere anytime soon, so Bakugou or Todoroki needs to do go." He decided.

"I'll go. Shoto's currently the only one here that can help him through a panic attack, whether he remembers it or not." The blond said, sending a look at Izuku, who was even more confused.

"Why the hell would I let him help me through a panic attack?" Izuku asked Shinso. The purple haired boy had made his way over to Izuku and the green haired boy was now clinging to his sleeve, scared out of his mind but trying his hardest to not show it.

"Probably because you find me attractive or something." Shoto said with a shrug, taking a seat on Izuku's vacant hospital bed.

Izuku's face turned beat red at his words. "Excuse me?" He asked back, trying to hide his face in Shinso's arm.

"Not the time Todoroki." Shinso deadpanned at him.

Shoto looked at him with an equally blank face. "Worth a shot right?"

That's when Shinso heard the slight strain to his voice and the mist in his eyes. It clicked in his head just how terrible this must be for him. His boyfriend didn't remember him. Didn't remember meeting him or falling in love. Shinso couldn't imagine how much it must being tearing him apart inside.

"I guess, but maybe let his family try to explain it first." Shinso advised, knowing that if Izuku was going to believe anyone about the past few weeks, it would be the other ex villain kids.

"Worth a shot." Shoto said with a sigh.

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