《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 35


It was Monday and the League's first day back at school. It was a little tense, of course, but all things considered it went better than anyone was really expecting. There was a little slip up with 2-B and Monoma trying to start a fight he definitely wouldn't win, but it was handled by Shinso and Kendo.

"I'm just happy I finally get to actually hang out with you. Your boy toys have been hogging you ever since you got back." Shinso said, taking a drink from the water bottle he held in his hand.

It was after school and Shinso had asked Izuku if he wanted to hang out, and seeing as Katsuki and Shoto were doing extra training because of a bet, he had no reason to refuse. Besides, he missed his best friend.

Izuku lightly laughed at his complaint, holding a hand out for the water bottle. Shinso playfully rolled his eyes, but shared nonetheless. "I was ripped away from them, literally, can you blame them for being a bit clingy?" He asked with a raised brow after taking a sip from the bottle.

"Well they weren't the only ones you were ripped away from." Shinso pointed out, taking the water back.

There was a smirk present on Izuku's face. "Awe, Shin did you miss me?" He asked while batting his eyelashes in a teasing manner.

Shinso scoffed and pushed his shoulder. "Obviously I did. It's kind of nice being able to see you in real life and not just face timing, y'know?"

The green haired boy nodded. "Yeah, it's definitely nice being able to talk face to face."

Izuku's phone vibrated in his pocket, prompting him to check the notification.


Nerd where the hell are you?

"Are you being beckoned?" Shinso asked in a joking manner.

Izuku reread the message. "Nope, technically he's just asking where I am." He pointed out, showing Shinso the text.

"Oh, that's just playing with fire." He said with a small laugh as he realized that Izuku wasn't planning on going back easily.

"Hey, good thing I like arson apparently." Izuku mumbled, texting his boyfriend back as Shinso fell into silence, unsure if he was allowed to laugh at the sort-of-joke Izuku had made.


Come find me.


That's not very nice Izu.


That's kind of my thing, u know? I lit a house on fire guys, I feel like you overlook that point a lot.



We don't overlook it, we try to forget about it. There's a difference.


Mhm sure, just come find me you lazy asses.




That Kacchan, is where you're wrong.


Oh, so you're hanging out with Shinso, noted.


On our way nerd.

"Well shit, that didn't go as planned." Izuku said with a sigh.

Shinso lightly chuckled as Izuku turned his phone off and set it on the counter. "Let me guess, they sniffed you out real quick."

"Ding, ding, ding. Wanna prize?" Izuku asked him sarcastically.

Shinso played along, shrugging in response. "Depends, what's the prize?"

Izuku kept his lips firmly shut, raising a brow at Shinso.

"Damn it, I hate that you know when I'm trying to trick you." Shinso said with a grumble.

There was a breathy laugh from Izuku. "I just know you that well Shin, is that really a bad thing?" He asked.

"When you consider he's 'Mr. no-friends-I'm-just-here-to-become-a-hero', then yes, yes it is bad." Kendo said, walking into the kitchen and seeing Izuku sitting on the counter and Shinso leaning back on the opposite side.

"Oh great, you're here." Shinso deadpanned.

At the same time, Izuku's smile brightened. "Kendo!" He cheered, opening his arms for a hug, which she gladly returned. Since coming back to UA, Izuku had grown quite fond of the girl that always managed to put Monoma in his place. It was amusing to watch.

"Where're your shadows?" She asked while taking a seat next to him.

"On their way apparently." Shinso spoke up, not sounding pleased.

Kendo rolled her eyes at his bitter tone. "You're just mad that they hog Midoriya." She pointed out.

Shinso raised a brow. "What? Am I supposed to disagree with that or something?"

"Yes, yes you are." Shoto stated in a monotone voice while walking into the class 2-B dorm building with Katsuki at his side.

"You're just jealous I've known him longer." Shinso said, just trying to agitate the other boys. He enjoyed pissing people off. Shoto wasn't as fun as Dabi, but he'd do.

"I've known him the longest so piss off." Katsuki said, walking up to Izuku and placing himself in between his legs and resting his head on the smaller boy's shoulder.

"Are you used to seeing him this... tame?" Kendo asked the dual haired teen who was watching the two with an air of fondness to his expression.


Shoto spared her a small look. "You should see him when Izu and I keep him up past eight."

"I will fucking end your life, half and half." Katsuki grumbled, but never moved. Izuku had brought his hands up to Katsuki's spiky hair, working his fingers through the mess that had become of it due to his training. He wasn't moving anytime soon.

"Someone would have to pry you away from Izuku first." Shoto pointed out, pushing himself up on the counter next to Shinso, watching as Katsuki literally melted in Izuku's arms.

"Can you do that somewhere that isn't here." Monoma asked, looking through the fridge. His voice held clear disgust and it seemed to piss off everyone in the kitchen.

"Got a problem with it?" Shoto asked, seeing as Izuku was trying his hardest to keep Katsuki in check and not blow Monoma to smithereens right then and there.

Monoma turned his head to look Shoto dead in the eyes. "Yes, I do. It's revolting and we eat in here." He said, slightly smirking when he saw that he was definitely getting to the other boy.

Shoto's hands were balled into fists and his jaw was clenched. He wanted more than anything to beat the ever loving shit out of the snarky blond, but he also didn't want to get into trouble that he knew he would when Monoma went crying to his homeroom teacher.

Thankfully he didn't have to punch Monoma, Kendo beat him to it.

"This is why you have no friends. Next time, just keep your mouth shut and leave." She hissed at him, clearly not fond of his blatant homophobia.

Monoma rubbed his now sore head and left the kitchen with a scowl on his face.

"I'm so sorry about that guys." Kendo said sheepishly to the three boys that were silently fuming in their kitchen.

"But does he like- know he's gay?" Izuku asked, shocking everyone and even causing Katsuki to move his head so he could look at him.

"What?" Izuku asked, confused by their reactions.

"What'd you mean? He's not gay." Shinso pointed out.

Izuku scoffed at him. "You apparently need to get your gaydar checked. He's so obviously gay and he has a massive crush on you. My guess is that he has homophobic parents or something so he has a lot of internalized homophobia and he knows that he likes you but the feels freak him out a lot so he's taking his anger and frustration out on us." He said with a shrug.

Shoto raised a brow at how detailed and specific Izuku had just been.

"Yes Sho?" Izuku asked, knowing that his boyfriend had a question.

"You sound like you know from personal experience." Was all he said.

"My mom was murdered before I even came out, but she was a really accepting woman. She wouldn't have cared who I loved. I didn't even know my father well enough to know if he'd care or not, so no, I don't speak from personal experience. I'm just good at reading people." Izuku said like none of his words affected him.

Katsuki abruptly grabbed his legs, making them wrap around his waist as he picked Izuku up off the counter.

"Whoa- What're you doing?" Izuku asked, not really complaining, just curious.

"We're going back to Sho's dorm." Katsuki said simply, walking right out of the dorm building and back to their own. He didn't stop until he made it back to Shoto's dorm.

He took a seat on the bed, leaning back and making sure Shoto had enough room next to him. He hugged Izuku tighter to him.

And that's when Izuku finally started to cry into his shoulder.

"I-I didn't even- I didn't even get to come out to her. Sh-she'll never know!" He said in between sobs.

Katsuki rubbed his back soothingly while looking at Shoto, pleading with his eyes for the other boy to help him somehow. He didn't have a clue on what to say to make Izuku feel better.

Shoto didn't know what to say either. He was just as lost. He hated his father and he hadn't talked to his mother since she poured boiling water on his face, he wasn't the best at helping with parental issues, even ones involving their death.

Instead of saying anything, he just laid down next to Katsuki and shifted Izuku so he was in between them. He brought a hand up to his messy head of green hair, brushing through it with his fingers and whispering sweet nothings to the smaller boy.

It was really the best he could do.

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