《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 34


It was the end of the week, Friday. The villain kids weren't allowed to attend classes on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. The school board were still deciding what they were going to do with them.

"Are you worried?" Shoto asked Izuku as they both sat on his bed.

They were in Izuku dorm while Katsuki was training with Kirishima. The redhead hadn't stopped bothering Katsuki since he got back from his 'kidnapping' to train together. That day he had finally caved.

"About what?" Izuku asked. He was leaning against his head board and Shoto's head was in his lap. He was calmly running his fingers through the multicolored strands of hair as they both talked.

Shoto sent him a quick glance before answering. "About being let back into the school?" He clarified.

Izuku paused his movements for a second as he thought about his answer. "For me? No. Everyone saw me being dragged through the portal involuntarily and Kurogiri took all the blame for the fire, so I know I'm not the reason the schools taking so long to decide. I'll probably go back to class on Monday. Right now, I'm just scared for my siblings. If anyone was going to get turned down, it'd be them." He explained his thoughts.

Shoto shifted so he was hugging Izuku's torso, burying his head in the shorter boy's side. "I'm happy you're back." He mumbled.

There was a light laugh at his words and actions. "I'm happy I'm back too." Izuku said, smiling fondly at his boyfriend.

His mood dampened a few seconds later as a thought crossed his mind that had been bugging him for a few days. "Hey Sho, when Kacchan gets back, can we all talk? Like about us?" Izuku asked nervously.

Shoto was quick to sit up at his question. "Huh? Sure, but why? Is something wrong?" He asked, letting some of his anxiousness slip into his voice involuntarily.

Izuku let his smile slip back onto his face, trying to ease the dual haired boy's mind. "Nothing bad, I promise. It's just... well a relationship is new to me in general, but then you add the fact there's three of us and I just- I want to make sure we're all the same page, ya know?" He tried to explain, but he knew he wasn't doing a good job at it.

The confusion on Shoto's face just proved it. "What'd you mean? It's new to all of us, but what are you so worried about?" He asked softly, bringing a hand up to Izuku's cheek.

The green haired boy closed his eyes and leaned into the touch, making Shoto smirk at how easily Izuku gave into touch. "Can we just wait until Kacchan gets back? So we can all have this conversation together?"


Shoto looked at him skeptically. "Yeah, we can, but you're starting to worry me." He said completely honestly.

"I'm not trying to! It's really not even that bad, I'm probably just being stupid, but I want-"

Shoto cut him off. "Hey, don't say that. You're worries and fears are not stupid, okay? Katsuki and I both care about you and we want to know if uncomfortable at all. We're not going to judge you for anything, okay? Just talk to us." He said, reassuring his smaller boyfriend.

"Whoa, what have you two been up to while I was gone?" Katsuki asked, walking into Izuku's dorm. He saw how visibly distressed the green haired boy was while Shoto tried to comfort him.

"Izu wants to talk to us about something." Shoto spoke up, moving over on the bed so Katsuki could also fit.

"Shit, what'd we do this time?" Katsuki asked, already jumping to the worst conclusions.

Izuku frantically waved his hands in front of him. "No, no, you two didn't do anything! It's nothing bad really, I just want to talk about, well us and what that even means." He said, trailing off as he tried to express his thoughts.

Katsuki scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. "What is means? We're all dating, doesn't that just mean we're all boyfriends or did I miss something?" He asked, sending a look to Shoto, but the other boy was just as lost as him.

Izuku cringed as he started talking again. "No, that's not what I mean. I know we're all dating, but we're all dating."

"No shit, that's what I just said. What're you getting at nerd?" Katsuki asked, still not any less confused.

"W-well we're all dating more than one person right now, right?" Izuku started. Katsuki and Shoto both nodded for him to continue. "So what does that mean for... other people?"

"What the fuck does that even mean?" Katsuki asked.

"I don't think either of us know what you're trying to ask Izuku." Shoto added, hoping for more clarification.

Izuku nearly whined at their responses. This conversation made him feel so uncomfortable and he wasn't sure how to put into words what he wanted to know. He just wished they could read his mind or something.

He took a deep sigh, finally plucking up enough courage to ask, and once he started talking, he couldn't seem to shut up. "What do you two qualify as cheating now? Normally, it would be if your partner was seeing someone else, but we're kind of all doing that consensually. Does that mean you guys are going to date other people to? Like everyone just does whatever they want and no one can get mad about it? I don't-"


"Whoa- What the hell? No, we are not going to date other people. What the fuck Izuku?! Do you want to see other people?" Katsuki asked sitting back and putting more space between himself and the green haired boy who was starting to breath heavily.

Izuku shook his head violently. "No, no, no! Of course I don't, I just didn't know what you two wanted. I just wanted to know where every stood on that. This is all completely new to me and I have no clue what I'm doing! I didn't mean to-"

Shoto cut him off once again, grabbing onto his hand. "Izu, you need to breath. We're not mad at you for asking, okay? Katsuki just took it the wrong way, but he's not mad. Right Katsuki?" He asked, turning a heated glare to the blond.

He rolled his eyes, but pulled Izuku over to him, wrapping his arms around him. He was trying to show him that he wasn't mad. "I'm... sorry for freaking out." He mumbled as Izuku wrapped his arms around his neck and sunk further into the hug.

"I'm sorry for even bringing it up." Izuku whispered, regretting the entire conversation.

"Don't be upset because you voiced your worries with us, that's just fucking stupid. You have to communicate with us or this'll never work, okay?" Katsuki said, being aggressively reassuring.

Izuku nodded with a small smile at how amazing his two boyfriends were. He moved away, flipping on Katsuki's lap so he could see Shoto. The blond just wrapped his arms around his waist and rested his chin on his shoulder. "So it's just us, right? No one else?" Izuku asked, just for clarification.

"Yeah Izu, it's just us." Shoto confirmed with a small nod.

Izuku let out a relieved sigh. "Oh thank god, I was worried for a second. Or more like a few days."

"Wow nerd, you really think that low of us?" Katsuki asked in a teasing tone that Izuku didn't seem to pick up on.

"What? No, of course not! I was just worried that you two might not like me enough to even want to be with me, let alone just me, ya know? If you both-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, back up a little. Why were you worried that we didn't like you enough to be with you?" Shoto asked, concern flashing across his face and he didn't bother to hide it. He was letting his walls down bit by bit around Izuku and Katsuki.

Izuku sent him a puzzled look. "Are you kidding? How could I not? I'm a wanted villain and I honestly just fuck up everything I so much as look at you and you two are... you both just... you're perfect and I can't wrap my head around you both wanted to date me. Sometimes I just think it's a really vivid, cruel dream that I'm gonna wake up from any second." He rambled.

Katsuki pressed light kisses to his neck and jaw line, again trying to show instead of say how he was feeling. It was just easier to him that way.

"You were a wanted villain, but then you gave it up to become a hero. And you don't fuck up everything you look at. Where would the League be right now without you? Probably in jail or dead, but because of you they're actually all trying to do the right thing and also become heroes. I don't know about you, but it sounds like you done the exact opposite of fuck that up. What'd you think Katsuki?" Shoto asked, seeming fairly amused at the fact the blond was just kissing Izuku to show how much he appreciated him.

"Mm, I agree." He said, finally stopping and resting his head back onto Izuku shoulder.

Izuku's eyes were watery as he look between the two boys, which was difficult because of where Katsuki was. "I love you guys."

"We're aware of this, you shouted it before you disappeared for a day." Katsuki mumbled, fatigue setting in from his extra training he had just been doing.

"What he's trying to say, is that we love you too." Shoto said with a small eye roll at Katsuki remark.

"No, if I was going to say that, then I just would have." Katsuki corrected. "But yeah, I do love you nerd." He added, knowing that Izuku was probably freaking out.

"Awe look at him, showing an emotion other than rage." Shoto cooed, causing Izuku to giggle.

"I hate you." Katsuki grumbled, hiding his face in the crook of Izuku's neck. He definitely wasn't trying to hide a blush or anything, that's just ridiculous.

"Love you too, Katsuki." Shoto said with a smirk.

Katsuki's face heated up so much at those words that Izuku could actually feel the heat on his neck. Izuku broke into a fit of laughter, trying to bend, but he was held in place by Kasuki's steel grip.

"Hm, what was that Kacchan?" Izuku asked, even though he had heard what Izuku had mumbled.

Katsuki stayed quiet.

"I missed it again, what'd you say?" Izuku asked again.

"God, I said I fucking love you too." He yelled in Shoto's direction.

"I know this." Shoto said smugly.

"I hate you both." Katsuki mumbled again.

Izuku smiled brightly. "We know this."

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