《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》This Took 6+ Hours to Write, Please Dont Skip It and Make All My Work Invalid


Author: It's been TWO HOURS and you guys have already asked more questions than I usually get in days. Like it's a little bit crazy and I'm honestly just blaming it on corona at this point.

Anyways, for those of you that aren't already aware of how I write my Q and A's, it's basically just all the characters in one room and going through like an interview process. They're always pretty chaotic and completely destroy the fourth wall for obvious reasons. But let's just get right into it was the lil broccoli boy.

Izuku: I wish everyone would stop calling me that.

Shoto; *dead serious* but you are very much a little broccoli boy.

Author: Guys, I don't have time for this.


If isuku had to choose between todoroki and bakugou who would he pick?

Izuku: Why would I have to pick?

Author: Hypothetically Izu.

Izuku: *gettin real sassy* Hypothetically, why would I have to pick?

Author: Yeah guys, I don't think you're gonna get an answer to this one.


Do you ever want to met your father

Izuku: Not really. He kind of abandoned me and my mom and then when she died he didn't even send like a letter or something. I'd be cool with never knowing him.


Why does AFO favor you?

Izuku: Because he knows about my quirk.


What is your favorite thing about shoto and katsuki

Izuku: hm, this is hard...

Katsuki: Why the hell is it hard nerd?!

Izuku: Calm down! I'm saying it's hard because there's so many things I like about you two.

Katsuki: Damn right there is.

Izuku: *eye roll* Anyway, I probably like Kacchan's determination the best. He'll do anything he sets his mind to, no matter what it is.

Katsuki: *trying to hide the fact he's blushing*

Izuku: As for Shoto, I like how honest he is about literally everything. Sometimes it can be a bit much, but it's nice that he doesn't feel the need to hide what he's really thinking.

Shoto: Izuku is the only person who could say he likes how rude I am.


What is one thing you dislike about katsuki and shouto

Izuku: *immediately* Kacchan's temper.

Katsuki: *pouting* fair enough.

Izuku: Shoto's inability to read a room.

Shoto: And we're still on about this?

Katsuki: If you'd just figure it out, we wouldn't be.


Would you ever adopt a child with Shoto and kacaan? And if so would it be a girl or boy?!

Katsuki: I'm fucking offended that my name wasn't capitalized or spelt correctly.

Izuku: Awe I'm sorry they didn't stroke your ego.

Katsuki: Why don't you just love me?

Izuku: *suddenly ready to cry* I-I do Kacchan.

Katsuki: *realizes Izuku is terrible at taking jokes* Well shit.

Author: *clears throat* Can you answer the question now?

Izuku: I think I'd be a terrible parent, but yeah I would, and it wouldn't matter to me.


Not to be offensive but what is your sexuality?

Izuku: I don't really think that's offensive, so don't worry. And I'm pretty gay my guy.

Katsuki: *mutters* gayer than a fucking rainbow.

Author: Wrong book Bakubabe.

Katsuki: Why do you feel the need to constantly call me that?!

Author: Honestly? Not a clue, I just do it on reflex at this point.


What made you fall in love with Shoto and Katuski? Like specifically...

Author: You're really gonna make me think this hard, huh?

Izuku: Well I mean I've been in love with Kacchan since we were kids, so it's hard to pinpoint what made me first fall for him.


Katsuki: Say what now?

Izuku: Probably his confidence and determination if I have to pick something off the top of my head. With Shoto it was different because I met him later on obviously. At first it was just that he always spoke his mind and didn't ever seem like he was trying to impress anyone or meet anyone's standards. Then I slowly started to discover other sides of him, like his humor and how much he cares about the people close to him.

Dabi: I hated everything about that.

Author: You're such a hypocrite.


Do you still do your quirk analysis hobby?

Izuku: When I can find the time to. Lately life has kind of been all over the place and I haven't had the time to actually write anything down.

Shoto: *Whispering to Katsuki* How many pages do you think we'll end up taking up in those journals?

Katsuki: *whispering back* At least a full book each.


Who's your favorite in the league besides Toga?

Izuku: Twice.

Shigaraki: I'm uncomfortable with how quick that answer was.

Author: That's all I've got for the green bean, now we're moving on to Bakubabe.

Katsuki: Stop.

Author: Never. Now, how does it make you feel seeing as your boyfriends got 16 comments each and you only got 11? *holds reporter microphone out for him*

Katsuki: *does what Katsuki does and tries to attack*

*camera glitch and that annoying high pitched beeping noise*

Author: *a lot more frazzled now* First actual question now.


Would you join the league of villains if Izuku asked you to??

Izuku: But I wouldn't.

Katsuki: He wouldn't so this question is invalid.

Aizawa: Nah I wanna know the answer to this one.

Author: Sorry broski, but it's invalid so what's the point?


What is your favorite thing about shoto and izuku

Katsuki: That they can both take a hit in training.

Shoto: A hopeless romantic, really. And yes, he is like this all the time.

Izuku: *tearing up* Thank you.


How long have you known you liked both

Katsuki: Who said I liked either of them?

Shoto: *yelling at Author now* Did you seriously spell my name Shoot? Again?!

Author: Oops.

Shoto: Whatever. And Katsuki, you have. Multiple times.

Katsuki: *crossing arms like a child* Whatever.

Author: You gonna answer or....

Katsuki: I don't fucking know! I just suddenly did, okay?!

Izuku: I'm sorry, Kacchan doesn't exactly 'emotion' well.


What's something you dislike about shouto and izuku

Katsuki: Izuku's constant need to point out the fact I need a therapist and Shoto's constant need to agree with him.

Izuku: So you admit you need a therapist!

Shoto: *placing a hand over his mouth* Sh, not the time.


If you could go back in time to fix your mistakes would you?

Katsuki: Obviously.

Izuku: *tearing up for the third time* Shoto look, he's evolving!

Kaminari: Can we make a drinking game out of this? Everytime he tears up or cries we take a shot?

Author: We're all underaged bro.

Kaminari: That's hasn't-

Author: Finish that sentence and I'll kill you off again.

Kaminari: *silence*


How gay are you 1-10

Katsuki: On a scale from 1 to 10 it'd be Izuku and Shoto.

Izuku: Kacchan, that's not-

Katsuki: That's how gay I am.

Izuku: We're not numbers-

Shoto: *covering his mouth again* Sh, still not the time.


Not to be offensive but what is your sexuality

Katsuki: *eye roll* Tododekusexual.

Izuku: I hate... everything about that.

Shoto: No, no, let's hear him out.


Can I marry you?

Shoto: Seeing as you're the one being asked, does this mean I have the right to scream and freak out this time?


Katsuki: Oh please, go right ahead.

Shoto: *clears throat* No.

Izuku: Just... no?

Shoto: *nods* No.

Katsuki: *smirking* You heard him, no.


If this was abo what gender would you give everyone?

Katsuki: I haven't a damn clue what any of that means, but I wouldn't change any of them? I'm pretty fuckign content with how everything is?

Izuku: *whispering to Shoto* He's so confused. It's like watching a puppy.

Shinso: I love that he doesn't even get the irony.

Author: *shoving Shinso back to the book he's referring to* I add way to many cross overs, like jeez.


If you could go back in time to before Izuku was a villain / when you were still kids, what would you do differently?

Katsuki: How about everything?


Izuku or Shoto?

Katsuki: *snorting because he thinks he's the funniest thing since vine* How about neither?

Shoto: Well shit, looks like I'm down an angry blond boyfriend, any takers?

Katsuki: Wha- YOU LITTLE-

Author: And we're moving right along to Shoto.

Shoto: Why do you only misspell my name? Shoot, then corrects to Shot, until you finally get it right.

Author: I haven't the faintest clue, broseph.

Shoto: Never call me that again.


If you could choose a torture method against Enji Todoroki which should it be??

Shoto: Something slow and painful.


What are some similarities and differences between dating Katsuki and Izuku?

Author: *mutter to themself* I feel like I'm writing a damn English paper or something...

Shoto: They're both pretty clingy.

Izuku: I accept that.

Katsuki: TAKE IT BACK-

Shoto: Katsuki yells more and Izuku likes to think he's a licensed psychologist.

Izuku: I'm just trying to help you guys, jeez.

Katsuki: We don't want help.

Author: And therein lies the problem.

Katsuki: You gave us the problem!

Author: No I didn't dude, I'm literally trying to keep your mental and emotional baggage as cannon as possible. You can't blame me for your terrible... well everything.


What is something you like/dislike about Katsuki and Izuku

Shoto: I dislike Izuku's habit of arson and Katsuki's nicknames.

Izuku: It's not a habit!

Shoto: How many charges do you have for arson?!

Izuku: *looking down* 16.


Author: I would like to point out that that number was for the gag and not cannon for this fic.


What's your favorite thing about katsuki and izuku also how long have you liked them

Shoto: Their ability to make me feel genuine happiness.

Izuku: *tears up* Shoto....


Shoto: I'm not sure how long I've liked them for, a while I guess?


When Dabi apologizes to you (because he better (also please make sure to apologize to him as well)) can you please take him to see your mom when he's ready? I think he misses her. (Just my guess)

Shoto: What the hell do I have to apologize for? Last time I checked I wasn't the one who abandoned him with an abusive father.

Shigaraki: Damn babe, do you need some ice for that burn- Shit, I take that back. Please don't leave me.

Dabi: *contemplating it*

Shoto: And if he can actually earn my forgiveness, then maybe.


If you could go back in time and go with Touya would you

Shoto: No.

Dabi: Why are you even mad at me then?!

Shoto: Because you walked out on us and then found a new family.


Not to be offensive but what is your sexuality

Shoto: Bi.


Would you be offended if I killed Endeavor?

Shoto: Not in the slightest, just don't tell me details.

Izuku: Shoto!


What was with you acting like bakugo at the beginning of last chapter. Also I love you can we be friends?

Shoto: I was pissed that Izuku was going to get himself arrested and I don't really do the whole 'friend' thing.

Izuku: We were friends.

Katsuki: With the sole intention of dating you.


If you introduced Dabi to the family, what would you expect to happen?

I can already imagine a house on fire.

Shoto: Well it wouldn't because Izuku wouldn't be there.

Izuku: *crying* Please stop.

Kaminari: SHOTS!

Shoto: *panicking* No, no please don't cry. I was kidding. Dear god please stop crying.


What do you think would be your siblings reaction to Dabi and him dating Shigaraki?

Shoto: They'd be pissed but would probably forgive him easier than I am. And I doubt they would care who he was dating.


Ona scale from 1 to 10 how much do you like soba??

Shoto: Not really a fan, probably a 3 or something.

Author: *maniacal laughter for changing something so miniscule and unimportant in their au but knowing it's going to piss everyone off*


Who's your favorite sibling, and who's your least favorite?

Shoto: Fuyumi is probably my favorite because she basically raised me. Touya's my least favorite.


Are you going to yell at Dabi any time soon?

Shoto: I don't know.


Does your dad know your gay? (or bi or pan we don't know)

Shoto: Well you do know. And no, he doesn't.

Author: *cough* plot *cough*


If you are an ice cube and activated both of your quirks would it freeze or melt?

Shoto: The world may never know.

Izuku: I wanna know...

Shoto: Sh, not the time.


What was your initial reaction when you found out Dabi is your brother?

Shoto: Feeling pretty damn stupid for not realizing it earlier.

Author: Dear lord this is taking longer than I wanted. Hour and a half in and we're finally moving onto side characters. Burnt chicken nugget, you're up!

Dabi: I hate you.

Author: Don't we all.


Did you ever tell endeavor you're his son )who basically transferred families)?

Dabi: No.

Author: Well aren't you a load of sunshine today.


Why don't you just... team up with Sho to get Endeavwhore arrested?

Dabi: I don't like cops.

Author: What a terrible excuse.


What made you go out with shigaraki? (I cant remember if they said or not) the question can be used for either dabi or shigaraki)

Dabi: We're both mutually toxic people and we kind of just clicked I guess.

Shigaraki: *completely monotone* Wow babe, catch me swooning.


Would you rather have Enji Todoroki killed by your own hands or somebody else??

Dabi: For legal purposes I have to say somebody else.


Not a question but please apologize to Shoto soon! He'll probably be a little angry but he'll forgive you!! I just want you to not be as guilty.

Dabi: Yo Shoto, I'm sorry.

Shoto: Fuck you!

Dabi: Well I tried.


What's your favorite thing about tomora also how long have you guys been dating

Dabi: The fact we have the same sense of humor and nine months.

Shigaraki: Ten.

Dabi: Nine.

Shigaraki: TEN.

Dabi: Fucking damn it, ten then.

@AnimeGirl247 (Hey look, I got your username right this time)

Are you looking forward to changing your life or would you rather stay a villain?

Dabi: I don't really have an opinion either way. I just follow the pack of idiots.

Izuku: *tearing up* Why're you so mean?


Dabi: Why're you so emotional all of a sudden?

Author: Oh shiz, did I grab the wrong Izu?

Katsuki: Which one did you fucking grab?!

Author: I don't know, there's like twenty to choose from at this point! It was probably an omegaverse one. They're pretty emotional.

Kirishima: Nah, he'd be attached to me and Kaminari then.

Author: Good point. Hm, which one... Kirishima you're blind.

Kirishima: Wha- Oh.

Izuku: *wearing Kirishima's hoodie*

Author: Gimme a sec. *grabs Izuku and leaves room* *comes back with a Izuku that's dressed in a dress shirt and tie* I think I have the right one this time.


Author: *skeptical* What color is your blood?

Izuku: Black, why?

Author: WRONG AU AGAIN! *repeats process, coming back with another sharp dressed Izuku*

Author: Tell me, seeing as all my other au's are kirideku to some extent, are you dating Kirishima right now?

Izuku: *completely lost* No?...

Author: Oh thank god, I snatched the right one.

Izuku: I'm dating Hitoshi and I kinda have to get to work...

Author: Jeez! Can someone please go find me the Mending the Battle Wounds Izuku? Did he like take a freaking vacation or something?

*correct Izuku walking in with katsudon in hand*

Izuku: What'd I miss?

Author: I... I don't even know what I needed you for anymore.


Not to be offensive but what it your sexuality

Dabi: I don't know, I'm just attracted to sarcasm and spite.


What was your first thought when Izuku told you he dyed Shigaraki's hair

Dabi: He didn't tell me, I just saw it. I didn't like it, I prefer the blue.

Author: And right about here is when my computer overheated and died at the same time, leaving me to waste time for about two hours and now it's April 20th, so happy birthday Bakubabe.

Katsuki: Wanna know what I want for my birthday?

Author: I'm not gonna stop calling you Bakubabe, but nice try.


How guilty do you feel for abandoning Shoto? On a scale of 1-crying your eyes out guilty

Dabi: Does it look like I'm crying?

Izuku: He's already past that, you didn't make the scale long enough.

Dabi: Izuku!

Izuku: Am I wrong? You're gonna look at me and tell me that I'm wrong?


1- if you weren't a villain, what job would you do?

2- if quirks never existed, what things would be different compared to now?

Dabi: If I wasn't a villain then I'd probably be a pro, I mean that's kind of what I'm gonna do anyway. And if there weren't quirks there's no telling what would be different. Maybe the sperm donor wouldn't have been so abusive and I might have never left. I guess I wouldn't have the scars.


I dare you to change your hair color back to red for a whole day.

Dabi: Last time I checked, this is a Q and A and not truth or dare, but A for effort I guess.


Have you ever done it with shigaraki

Author: Ok so moving on. Shiggy, it's your turn.

Shigaraki: Please stop with the nicknames.

Author: Never, I love nicknames.


What happens when you clap your hands? Do they disintegrate..?

Shigaraki: Well I'm not gonna try, but I assume yes.


Which argument was the worst you have been in??

Shigaraki: This is a super weird question and I'm not sure. Probably something with Izuku or Himiko.


Would you ever adopt a child with Dabi

Shigaraki: We'd be the worst fucking parents.

Dabi: You have so much faith in us, it's touching really.

Shigaraki: I can't really touch anything, asshole.

Dabi: Oh shit, babe I'm sorry.

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