《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 32


"Izuku fucking Midoriya, if you're doing what I think you're doing, I'll kill you."

Izuku flinched, but willed himself to not back down. "What a Kacchan thing for you to say Shoto." He mumbled, not being able to stop himself from looking up into the heterochromatic eyes of his boyfriend.

Were they even boyfriends at that point?

"Well someone had to say it." Katsuki said, walking over from where he had been talking with a different pro.

"Oh great, both of you. This'll be a riot." Izuku mumbled sarcastically.

"No, fuck that." Katsuki said, grabbing him roughly and pulling him into a hug.

Izuku immediately hugged back. "Kacchan, I was gone for like twelve hours." He pointed out.

"Shhhut the fuck up." He said, hugging him tighter.

"Why are you hugging an arsonist?" Someone asked from behind Katsuki.

"Because he's my boyfriend." Iuzku answered back.

"He wasn't- you calling me an arsonist?!" Katsuki asked, moving back to look at Izuku.

Izuku shrugged with a teasing smile. "You and Shoto both kind of are. Look at that, couple goals. Wanna burn a warehouse down together?" He asked.

"Izuku, we aren't stupid. We know what you're doing." Shoto said, standing right next to Katsuki, using the distraction to pull Izuku into his own arms for a hug.

"Little old me? I'm not doing anything." Izuku said, eagerly hugging him back.

Izuku screamed suddenly as the ground underneath him disappeared, making him and Shoto fall straight down. Katsuki was close enough to grab them, but he wasn't able to brace himself and they all fell.

"You know what Izuku? Fuck you! You light a house on fire after I tell you not to, because I know you'll regret it, then you run into the burning house to save kids and to top it off you try to turn yourself in! You're the worst, really!" Toga shouted at him as soon as he landed on the floor of the bar, Shoto landing next to him, still holding onto him, and Katsuki landing on top of them with a groan.

"What the hell is this?" She asked suddenly, realizing that Izuku's boyfriends are now in the bar as well.

"Kurogiri... I'm... gonna.... cut... your... dick off...." Izuku said, slightly rolling on the ground in pain. Not only had he been dropped onto the wood floor of the bar, but then his blond boyfriend was dropped on top of him. He was hurting.


Suddenly all three of them were falling again and then making contact with the hard floor. "God fucking damn it, knock it off!" Katsuki yelled, holding his head that had smacked the floor a bit hard the second time around.

Izuku sat up, shooting a glare at his parental figure. "Kacchan, are you okay?" He asked, turning to inspect the boy.

"I'm fine." He said gruffly, looking over Izuku's shoulder at Shoto. The duel haired boy was sitting up, relatively unscathed, just looking around the bar.

"Well this is a problem." Shoto said, making eye contact with the five villains standing by the bar.

Katsuki finally seemed to notice where they were and his eyes widened. His breathing seemed to pause.

Izuku turned back to him with a worried look. He grabbed both sides of his face and made him look at him. "Hey don't worry Kacchan, you're gonna be fine. No one's gonna hurt you, okay? It's gonna be okay. This was just... well it was kind of an accident. You two weren't supposed to fall with me." He said with a perplexed look.

"Like I wasn't gonna try and catch you two." Katsuki mumbled, seeming to regain his bearings.

Izuku sent him a sweet smile, before turning to his family. "So who's bright idea was it?" He asked.

Shigaraki pointed at Toga, taking a seat on a bar stool.

The blonde girl threw her hands up in annoyance. "I wasn't going to let you get arrested again!" She said in her defence.

"We really need to have a talk about your self preservation skills. You don't seem to have any." Dabi said while plopping down on the stool next to his boyfriend.

Izuku finally snapped. He couldn't take it anymore. "I don't want to be a god damn villain!" He yelled, causing his family to look at him in shock, besides Toga who saw it coming, and his boyfriends to smile at him.

"I'd rather be in jail than doing this anymore. I can't take it! I was so, so happy at UA. I just want to go back, but I know that I can't. I'd rather just go to jail and deal with all the shit I've done. Why do none of you seem to get that?" He asked his family, noticing that Shoto and Katsuki had each grabbed one of his hands while he was talking.


"Because we don't want you to fucking die!" Dabi shouted. "You know as well as we do that if you try to switch sides, you're dead meat. Sorry for trying to keep you alive, we see now how selfish that is." He spat at him sarcastically.

Izuku sent him a cold glare. "Have you ever stopped to think that maybe I would rather be dead? And maybe that's my risk to take? It is selfish of you."

Shoto cautiously pulled Izuku to his chest, wrapping his arms around his torso. He didn't say anything, knowing that Izuku needed to have this specific fight with his family, but he wanted him to stay somewhat calm. At least calm enough to control his quirk. He was just trying to make sure he knew he had other people he could lean on.

Dabi stood up from his stool. "Are we really getting blamed for wanting you to live? That's fucking ridiculous." He asked.

"I know you guys don't want me to die, and that's not ridiculous of you. What's ridiculous is to ask me to keep living like this." Izuku clarified, gesturing to the bar. "I don't want to do it anymore. I don't think I can."

"You'd rather be dead than stay here with us?" Dabi asked slowly.

Izuku's harsh glare softened at the question. "No, that's not what I'm saying. I love you guys and I don't want to ever give you up, but I can't keep being a villain. It's... It's...."

"It's tearing him apart and we're idiots for not seeing it earlier." Toga said softly, keeping her gaze locked on the floor.

"You're not idiots-"

"But we are Izu! We saw how happy you were at UA. We saw how fucking excited you were at the thought of becoming a hero again. We saw it all, and we still ripped you away from it." She said, finally meeting his eyes.

"So what now? We just send him back and hope All For One doesn't find a way to kill him from prison?" Dabi spoke up.

The villains gaped at him for not calling him master.

"Oh shove it. He hasn't been here for like a year, why even bother with that stupid fucking name?" Dabi shot back, pissed that they were answering his question.

"All of you go back." Shoto said, offering up an idea.

"Like hell!" "Please take me back, I miss the loud electric one."

"Just hear me out, okay?" Shoto started. "If you all go back, who's gonna be left to do the dirty work anyways? Besides, isn't there safety in numbers?"

"I'll go." Shigaraki said, speaking up for the first time in their little argument. Everyone turned to him in surprise. No one would think he'd be the first to voluntarily go back to UA.

"What? I'm doing it out of spite. You know, proving everyone wrong for labeling me as a villain just because of my quirk." He defended.

"Sure, Tomu, sure." Izuku said with a nod. "Does that mean you're tagging along?" He asked, looking at Dabi.

"You think I'm gonna let him wander off into the hero world and not be there to keep an eye on him?" Was Dabi's response. An indirect yes.

"You don't even need to ask me." Toga said with a shrug. She was ready to go back before they even left.

Everyone turned to Kurogiri. He gave a soft sigh and set the glass in his hand down. "Well someone needs to make sure you five actually survive until graduation."

Izuku's eyes widened as he realized what that meant. He was going back, they all were. "Did that... did that really just happen?" He asked himself softly.

He received a soft kiss on his cheek. "Yup. I'll take my thanks in cuddles later." Shoto said, quiet enough so only his boyfriends heard him.

"We should probably call Aizawa before we start celebrating." Katsuki pointed out. "You all left willingly, besides Izuku, but then you went and started a house fire, so there's probably going to be a lot of complications."

Izuku's face dropped. "Well fuck."

"I don't know why he's swearing so much recently, but someone's gonna get in a whole lot of trouble for being such a terrible influence." Kurogiri said sternly.

Dabi and Katsuki both wore expressions of slight fear.

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