《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 31


"And where do you two think you're going?" Kurogiri asked, setting down the glass he had finished drying and moving onto the next.

"We're awake, we've had out cheerios, had a nice glass of water," Toga started cryptically.

"We're ready to commit violent atrocities against our fellow man!" Izuku finished with a beaming smile.

"Let's go!" Toga said, dragging Izuku out the door.

"Be back by sunrise please!" Kurogiri called after them. "I don't know you two, he seems just fine to me." He said with a shrug at Dabi and Shigaraki.

"My guess is Himiko talked him out of his hero phase." Shigaraki said, not all that bothered by the sudden mood change in the green haired boy.

"Yeah, let's hope the hero thing was a phase and not the other way around." Dabi mumbled.


"Wanna know what we haven't done in a while?" Iuzku mused to his sister they walked across the roofs of buildings to avoid being seen in the night. They were careful to stay away from the edges most of the time, but Izuku seemed to be more confident now that he was back on his home turf.

He wasn't a fan of heights, but being a villain he needed to get over it so he could use the advantages of being high up. The panic attack at the school was mainly because Shoto and Katsuki had been sitting on the edge.

"What Izu?" Toga asked with a fanged smile. She had been surprised with how easily they had slipped back into their old chaotic dynamic. They had been reeking havoc all over the city, trash a gas station here and there, spray painting different alleys for the hell of it, and bashing in the kneecaps of a rapist. You know, the usual.

So they both were a little more hero than they first thought, ignore it. They were.

"Arson!" Izuku suddenly said, jumping his way down a fire escape on the side of the apartment complex they had been on top of.

Toga gladly followed after him. Once they were firmly on the ground once again, she spoke up, "But we're in the middle of the city. There won't be an abandoned buildings and you've got a no kill order on everyone."

He started leading the way down the street. It was the dead of night, so they weren't really worried about being spotted. "You make that sound like a bad thing."

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing, if anything I think it's great. It's just gonna make arson in the middle of the city difficult." Toga said, skipping in a circle around him.

It still felt weird to her, to be back to their old ways. It felt like they had closed that chapter of their lives and tried to move on, just to be directly shoved back into it when they weren't ready. Like when you jump head first into a pool of water, just to find out it's as cold as ice.


Izuku shrugged, veering off the road. "I just don't kill people, burning down their house is still on the table as long as no one's home."

His explanation threw Toga off. That didn't sound like him at all. He stole, hacked, vandalized, and that was about it. Sure he'd burn down a few abandoned buildings for a the hell of it, but they were abandoned. They were all on the verge of collapsing anyway.

Destroying someone's home wasn't something he'd normally do.

She grabbed a hold of his wrist, stopping him from going any further towards the dark house. "Izu, are you okay? You don't just offer to burn down someone's house for no reason." She asked, her voice laced with concern for her brother.

He pulled his wrist from her grasp, not wanting to deal with questions. "I'm perfectly fine Himi, I guess I just.... I'm a shit villain, ya know?" He said suddenly.

"Huh? Why would you say that?" She asked back. Izuku was one of the most wanted villains in Japan, just like the rest of the League. The mainly focused on raids of big companies, and Izuku vital for that.

"I care too much, and every one of you knows it. I don't kill people, I try to avoid injuries, I only go for abandoned buildings... It's just pathetic. I need to grow up at some point, might as well start now." He said, resuming his walk to the house.

Toga tried to stop him again, this time getting in front of him and pushing against his chest. She knew that if he did this, there would be no going back for him. He'd cross a line he had been so careful to avoid. He'd dash right across and not be able to stop, because if he did, he'd have to own up to everything he did. The guilt would eat him alive.

"Izuku! You're not pathetic, you're anything but. None of us kill people, at least not intentionally. That doesn't make us pathetic, it just means we are human and have a heart. That's not pathetic." She tried to plead with him. "Please, don't do this. You know this isn't you. Let's just head back, it's getting late anyway."

Izuku looked up and realized that the sky was starting to lighten, which did mean they did have to get back. Instead of giving up the idea of arson, he quickly made his way to the back of the house, now on a time crunch.

"Where're you going? Izuku! Knock it off." Toga hissed, reluctantly going after him.

Once he made it to the back, he found a window going to the basement. He quickly smashed it, cringing a little at how loud it ended up being, but continued his journey into the house anyway.


"Izu, seriously this isn't funny. We need to go!" Toga said, looking around the basement. She was a little worried that the home owners would come barreling down the stairs any second. "You don't even know if the house is empty or not!" She hissed.

"No cars in the driveway. No one's home." Izuku said shortly, getting to work on lightening up the house.

Once the place sparked to life, Izuku pulled Toga out the basement window and moved them to the other side of the road. It didn't take long for the flames to engulf most of the house. Izuku felt a smile slip onto his face as the satisfying sight.

Until a scream sounded from inside.

Toga turned to him in horror as his smile fell. Within seconds he was rushing into the house, seeing as there were no firefighters or pro heroes in sight.

He couldn't go through the basement, all of it was lit up. He broke open the front door instead.

The scream sounded again, leading him upstairs. He had to hurry, the house wouldn't be standing for long.

"Maybe instead of screaming this time, you just tell me what room you're in?!" He yelled through the upstairs of the house. He had his arm covering his mouth and nose, trying to keep at least a little bit of the smoke out of his airways.

He was only met with another scream. "Oh for the love of god." He mumbled.

At least this time he was close enough to the sound to be able to tell which room it came from. He kicked the door open, finding two kids huddled together in the corner. The oldest couldn't be more than ten and the younger probably around five.

"You've got shit parents. Who just leaves kids at home overnight?!" He yelled while grabbing the younger in his arms and leading the older with one hand.

He could hear the sirens now. They had to be within a block now.

He coughed as he made it back out to the hallway. He wanted to just go down the stairs and front door, but the flames had already taken the staircase. He looked the other way down the hall and saw a window at the end of it.

"Here we fucking go." He mumbled.

The little kid in his arms pouted at him. "That's a bad word mister." She scolded.

"We're in a bad situation right now kid, it calls for bad words." He said gently as he quickly headed to the window.

He used his free arm to smash his elbow through the window. Looking out, the firefighters and heroes had finally shown up.

"Hey dumbasses, anyone wanna catch these kids when I throw them or are we just gonna hope they land on their feet like cats?!" He shouted down to whoever would hear.

The kids were quickly out of the house, followed by Izuku himself. The kids were caught by pro heroes, but Izuku just landed on his feet like a badass.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, he was nearly tackled to the ground by a hug. Toga was going to kill him if the smoke inhalation didn't.

"That was stupid and reckless." She mumbled.

"I wasn't gonna let two kids die in a fire I caused." He said with an eye roll.

"Wait, you started the fire?! You- wait, you're... you're..." A pro hero had overheard him talking with his sister and was putting the pieces together.

"Deku, at your service. Well not really, but you get the gist." Izuku said with a lazy salute in the pro's direction.

"Um guys?!" The pro said over their shoulder, catching the attention of other heroes. "We've got a problem."

"Is that Deku?"

"I thought he was at UA now."

"Who's with him?"

"That Toga girl?"

Toga rolled her eyes and let her brother go. "You sure love causing a scene." She said to him. "You know, this is how we got arrested last time."

He looked at her sheepishly. "Yeah, I know. You should probably run." He advised.

"Huh? Why?" She asked.

"Because jail's better than here." He said truthfully, getting ready to turn himself in. He had been so focused on trying to be a villain again, he almost killed two kids. He wasn't going to let himself slip that far again.

"Izuku, what're you talking about?" She asked him in a warning tone, hoping that she'd just heard him wrong.

He ignored her and turned his attention back to the heroes that all were gearing up for a fight. "Who wants the bragging rights of arresting me for the second time?" He asked.

He brushed off the hand that tried to stop him from walking closer to them. "Izuku, stop! You're actually going to go to jail this time. You won't get another offer like last time." Toga pleaded with him.

"I know, that's the point." He whispered harshly to her.

He held his hands up and walked to stand right in front of the group of pro heroes. They all just stared at him, not sure if he was being serious or not.

"Well are you gonna arrest-"

"Izuku fucking Midoriya, I swear if you're doing what I think you're doing, I'll kill you."

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