《Mending the Battle Wounds (TodoBakuDeku)》Chapter 30


Izuku stared at the wall where the warp gate once stood. It had dispersed already, leaving the tattered brick wall bare. His face showed just how defeated he felt in that moment.

"Izu," Toga tried to say gently, placing hand on her shoulder.

He was quick to brush her away from him. His eyes shifted to the ground as he angrily wiped a tear that had betrayed him and fallen. "I'm gonna take a shower." He said, leaving the room as fast as possible.

Toga looked at her brothers and Kurogiri. "I... I hope you're all happy now." She said, her voice cracking before she scurried off in the same direction as Izuku.

"You were gone for three weeks, what the hell happened?" Their mist parent asked, turning to the three boys that were still in the room.

"A lot of shit." Dabi said, taking a seat at the bar counter they had in the main room.

Yellow eyes narrowed at him. "Elaborate."

"Izuku tried to kill himself again a week ago and now he's dating Shoto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugou." Dabi 'elaborated' shortly. He was tired and felt like shit. All he wanted to do was go back to his own room and sleep.

Maybe cuddle with Shigaraki, but that was besides the point.

"He did what?!" Kurogiri exclaimed.

He wasn't sure if he believed it. Izuku had been doing so well lately. When he first came to the League, he was put on antidepressants because, well the kid tried to jump off the roof of a building. He had been off of them for the past six months though, and seemed to genuinely feel better. It wasn't perfect of course, but he had a steady support system that would always be there to help him if he started to slip.

"Yeah, he actually jumped this time. Toga's gal pal caught him with her quirk before he hit the ground." Shigaraki explained while taking a seat next to his boyfriend, but leaving space between them. He knew Dabi was in a shitty mood, and when he was, he had to be the one to initiate contact or else the touches would make the scarred boy's skin crawl. Shigaraki figured it had something to do with the abuse his dad put him through when he was a kid.


"You didn't stop him?"

Dabi lifted his eyes to meet those of the only parent he'd ever really counted. "You think we didn't try? Nothing we said stopped him."

"Getting him back on antidepressants." Kurogiri mumbled to himself, writing it down on the piece of paper he was using as a to-do list.

"Do you know why he did it?" The older man asked, turning his attention back to the two teens sitting at the bar. Dabi had rested his head on the counter top and Shigaraki looked like he wanted nothing more than to comfort him.

Without a word, Kurogiri warped a pair of three fingered gloves to the blue haired boy, which he quickly put on. Once they were covering three of his fingers, Dabi snatched his hand, allowing him to scoot his stool closer to him.

"Not entirely. Himiko knows more than us, but what set him over the edge was a fight with her. I think it was about the asshole who bullied him that his constantly trying to defend." Dabi growled, keeping his head down.

Shigaraki sighed as he lifted a hand to Dabi's hair. "We're still on this? He's apologized and has done a lot of shit to try and make it up to him. Izuku forgave him, which means you should drop it. He make's him happy and apparently that's harder to do now a days." He scolded.

"Katsuki Bakugou?" Kurogiri asked, remembering them saying something about Izuku dating him and Dabi's biological brother.

Shigaraki nodded his head.

"Whatever, it's not like it matters anymore. I doubt they'll see each other again, unless they're fighting." Kurogiri said with a shrug of his shoulders.


Izuku had taken a scolding hot shower. The water had left his skin red and sore to the touch, it didn't help that he just stood under the running water for half an hour either.

He had a lot of time to think while he was in there and he had come to a conclusion. It wasn't one that he favored, but it was the only he could think of.


He was quick to get dressed and head to Toga's room. The one thing he was happy about when coming home, was having his room and his stuff back.

He didn't bother knocking, barging right in like always. He was dressed in a white dress shirt, a black unbuttoned vest, and black dress pants. He like formal clothes and it's what he usually wore, except for at UA. It was technically his 'villain outfit' as well and he figured it'd be quite off putting for the other students to see him in it again.

"Hello lovely brother, to what do I owe- well look at you, slipping right back into old habits." She said once she turned in her desk chair and caught sight of his clothes. She couldn't help the giggle that escaped her when she saw him so easily acting so normal. It was something she realized she missed.

"I can't do it." He said suddenly.

She looked at him with furrowed brows. "What? Izu, what're you talking about?"

He ran his hands through his hair as he paced the room. "I can't stay here. I thought I could do it, I thought I could go back to being a villain, but I just can't. I got a taste of my dream and a second chance handed to me on a fucking silver platter. I wanna go back." He said, stopping his movements and dropping his hands.

Toga stood and made her way to him. She gently took his hands in her own as she spoke. "I know it's hard Izu, especially with Bakugou and Todoroki, but you know you can't just go back."

He ripped his hands from hers and turned, punching the wall. His fist went right through the drywall. "I know that! But god damn it, I want to..."

"Let's say, just for a moment you do go back. You resume going to class and working towards becoming a hero. How long before Master decides he doesn't appreciate you jumping ship? How long before he goes after you? After Todoroki and Bakugou? How long before he makes us... makes us be the ones to get you back?" She asked him, wrapping her arms around her torso at the thought.

They all owed All For One their lives. He might be in prison, but that by no means meant he didn't still have them under his thumb.

He put on a fatherly façade with them, getting them to trust him completely and for a time they did. But if one of them messed up or disagreed with him... it wasn't pretty.

And he'd never just punish one of them. If one of the teens went down, they'd all go down.

Besides maybe Izuku, he had always been the favor, probably because of his quirk. But Toga knew that if he left willingly, if he resumed hero training, he'd be dead to their Master.

Izuku took a deep breath as he pulled his hand out of Toga's wall. "I know, that's why I want your help."

She scrunched her face in confusion. "My help with that?"

"Help me forget about being a hero." He clarified, turning back to her.

"Let's go get some more felonies added to our records."

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