《Abused (TodoBakuDeku story)》Christmas(Part Two)


Bakugo's POV

I stood there, shocked and confused at the sight in front of me. Auntie Midoriya in the doorway, still as short as ever. I mean, It's like talking to a mature three-year-old! I gave her a smug look. She left Deku, which pisses me off that she would even resort to leaving him with his asshole of a father. I will never forgive her for putting Izuku through that kind of pain.

We let her enter the house, even though I don't think that it's a good fucking idea, bit Deku looks happy and I only want to see him happy. I grabbed Izuku's hips protectively and looked at Todoroki. I nodded towards Deku's mother and shook my head. He caught my drift and kept a close eye on the short woman. Deku invited her to sit down, "Mom, how did you know I was here? Why are you here?" He asked her with a curious look in his forest green eyes. This woman has been gone three fucking years and just now decides to show up? What is this bullshit? At least he isn't completely oblivious to the situation.

Anger still pulsed through me as I heard the woman's stupid excuse. "Oh, well I needed to get away from your father. I left and escaped him, but I knew you would want to stay with your friends and look, " a fake smile stretched across her face, "you're living with two of them!" She explained with that stupid forced smile.

Todoroki stood up and left the room, so I followed him. Between the two of us, he can relate to Deku more than I can. My mom never left me and my dad never abused me, but he has been through similar struggles with his father. Todoroki was in flames of anger and tears falling down his face. I rush over to him and hug him tightly as I close the door. "Shoto! Shh, calm down. It's okay." The foreign name came out of my mouth as I calmed him down. Shoto was shaking as I hugged him, he felt so cold and scared. "Shh, I promise it's okay."


Todoroki's POV

I don't know why I was shaking so bad, but after I heard what Midoriya's bitch of a mom had to say I lost it. Flashbacks filled my mind and I had to get out of there before I hurt someone. Ugh, that bitch and her lies! I want to hurt her! I don't even know how this woman is related to Izuku, she looks nothing like him! She had black hair and blue eyes, she was also more on the heavier side.

Bakugo held me tighter in his arms as I gripped onto him with tears falling from my Heterochromia eyes. As I was in his arms I remember an old recorded news report my mother had recorded on the T.V. If what I remember is true then... "An unfortunate death happened today at the Tokyo Children's Hospital. A twenty-four-year-old woman, by the name of Inko Midoriya, died during childbirth. A kind woman loved by many."

That woman is not Izuku's mother. frantically look at Bakugo. "We need to talk to Izuku!" I stand up from Bakugo's grip and pull him up with me. "That woman is not his birth mother." Bakugo's crimson eyes widened at me, "What!?" I grab his arm and pull him to the door. "I'll show you the tape later, just keep an eye on that woman.

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