《The Marquess and The Rose》Thank you note


I want to thank all of you for your support, comments and votes.

Please leave your comments they mean the world to me .

Again Thank You

Stay tuned for my next book

Rebellious Angel


Dazed and confused she clung to him spent and still shaking from the lingering pleasure of his touch.

She was thankful for the darkness that hid her identity and the growing heat in her cheeks that was surely red by now. Gently he let go of her waist to let her stand on her wobbly legs.

As if in a trance that was shattered, the music and laughter of all around them became louder.

The loud giggles of a girl came close and a hardy laugh from a man chasing her. Their intimacy was cut short when warm hands pulled her from the tree out of his grip. The familiar voice of Mags giggled.

"T'is late we must go!"

Quickly he tugged her back, the mysterious girl stopped and turned to him, he asked her name and when would they meet again.

Nervously, she gently caressed his cheek and kissed his lips.

Rushing, Mags pulled her out of his grip. She left him there with her warm kiss on his lips.

He stood and watched the both hooded girls run off into the night. He caught a glimpse of the light green cloak that billowed with her escape. The warm kiss and sweet taste of wine from her lips branded his. The remnants of their intimacy lingered around him. The alluring scent of her skin and hair was a mixture of sweetness and flowers. He slowly leaned his throbbing forehead against the tree and squeezed his throbbing groin. The familiar voice of his squire calling his name broke him from his pleasure induced stupor.

"M'lord, m'lord where have you been?" Ian frantically asked.

With a brief sigh Gavin turned to face Ian and slouched against the tree, leaning his still throbbing head against it. Looking up to the stars. With a husky laugh closing his eyes. He answered with a grin.

"To heaven, I was in heaven."

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