《The Marquess and The Rose》Chapter 19


The gossip spread like wildfire that The Duchess and Marquee were an item. She didn't even wait for her husband's corpse to cool in his grave before she laid a claim to the Marquess of Grisham. She felt sick at the news, her heart raced furiously in her chest and she felt a little faint.

Gertrude stood by her side at the supper table noticing how she ate very little and in the mornings how she wretched mercilessly.

When supper was over she walked up to her room exhausted of her false facade. Sarah joined her after and helped her undress. She gasped at the sight of Emilia's body.

Although frail from lack of food and sleep, Emilia's breasts seemed larger and her waist thicker.

Weary tired eyes looked at Sarah's

"What is it?" she hugged her self, ashamed of Sarah's eyes looking over her.

"Em? When is the last time you have seen your menses." Sarah looked up to Emilia's tired eyes, worried.

Lost for words she blushed. Truth is she could not remember because it rarely came. She sadly shook her head confused.

"I do not know, why do you ask?" her voice barely audible with weakness.

She rest her hands on Emilia's waist.

"Emilia you're with child!!!" she whispered softly her eye's slowly rose to look at her.

Hugging herself she stepped back shaking her head she scowled.

"I can't be, I am not." she furiously looked away.

She turned and closed her eyes. Gently she placed her hand on her abdomen.

How can this be?

Tears fell as she stood staring into nothing...

"We must tell Lord Dominic," Sarah whispered.

Emilia slowly turned and frantically shook her head.

"He can not know, Sarah," Emilia cried softly.

"Promise me you won't, It will ruin us both," She held Sarah' gaze.


Heartache and Sadness stared at Sarah. She tried earnestly to convince Emilia to tell him. But, she refused.

Not wanting to talk anymore, Emilia went to bed anxious to drown out the world with her tears and sleep.


Sarah, Gertrude and Bufford sat quietly in a sad silence.

"Are you sure?" Bufford looked sternly at Gertrude and Sarah.

The two showed up late at his doorstep quietly he snuck them in through the back and they sat in the kitchen whispering over tea.

"Of course I'm sure! She has missed her menses, her hips have widened and she has had morning sickness for the past few days." Gertrude worriedly explained.

They exchanged frantic gazes waiting for him to speak.

"We must tell the Marquess," He decided.

"We cannot, t'is not our place. Besides, he clearly pushed her away," Gertrude shook her head disappointed .

"And what do you pretend we do, sit back and wait for her to show, or let another man claim m'lord's heir as his own?" he tried to quiet the rage in his voice.

"He loves her too much to let her marry another man carrying his child," Bufford pointed out the obvious.

"She is to marry Lord VanCamp in two more months, what are we to do?" Sarah cried nervously.

Unawares to them, prying ears heard it all.

She heard the whispers coming down for water.

That little bitch is pregnant !!! she fumed.

She never suspected Dominic had gone that far with the whelp. He has been distant with her, his lovemaking was not the same. She needed to rush things along for her and Dominic so Adam could marry her and take her away.

She turned and padded slowly up the stairs quietly.


Her stroll through the park with Gertrude was somewhat relaxing. She enjoyed the brisk cool air and wind that flowed thru her hair.


Her 17th birthday had come and passed. It was celebrated with little enthusiasm. For as much as her uncle and aunt tried, she kindly turned down any festivities they planned for her.

On a good note her heartache slowly began to wither away. She came to terms with her fate and accepted it head on. She was pregnant and terrified for the most part.

Gertrude's hands tightened around Emilia's arm pulling her thoughts away with the pain.

She looked at Gertrude and followed her eyes to the person walking before them. Before she could coolly ignore her, the menacing glare of Lady Hannah came into view.

"Why, Emilia! What a charm seeing you this early in the park." She put on her fakest smile.

Emilia displayed her broadest smile yet.

"Thank you milady, same to you," Emilia held her gaze with Hannah's for a while.

Clearing her throat, Hannah looked at them both.

"May I speak alone with Emilia?"

She gave a warning glare to Gertrude.

Before Emilia could answer, Gertrude lowered her head and stepped back.

Emilia frowned and stepped back as Hannah came close and wrapped her arms around Emilia's pulling her into a slow walk.

The harsh squeeze was a warning to follow.

Gertrude trailed nervously behind them.

Silently she walked aware of her surroundings.

"Tell me Emilia, how are we fairing as of late," Hannah spoke with her eyes looking forward.

"My well being is not your affair," Emilia bit out.

"When it threatens my future it is very much my affair," she hissed.

"What are you getting at?" irritated Emilia pulled her arm from Hannah's grip.

"Come now you little bitch! your pregnant with Dominic's child, and I will not let your bastard child come in the way of my happiness," Hannah spoke thru clenched teeth.

"Don't let my child be an excuse for your happiness, Hanna. You have what you want, so leave me the hell alone," Emilia strained against shedding tears and anger.

Before she turned to walk off Hannah stopped her in her tracks.

"For a coy bitch you really know how to hide things, I would never have thought the tons wallflower would be so cunning as to have a speedy marriage in time to pass off another man's child on her betrothed. Now that is rich," She let out a hearty laugh.

"I suggest a good fitting bodice should help. Remember to keep one handy," She mocked looking at Emilia's abdomen.

The ire in Emilia's stare was evident as she walked closer ,stood before Hannah and slapped her so hard that Gertrude flinched and covered her chest in fear.

"You listen to me m'lady, when you're lying beneath Dominic and he is making sweet love to you, remember it is me who he is thinking of. It is me who he loves, not you. Do not temp me to drop this bit of news before him of me carrying his child, because you will surely loose this battle," she bit out enraged.

Walking off she left a dishelved Hannah staring at her astonished, rubbing her stinging red cheek.

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