《The Marquess and The Rose》Chapter 13


Some days had passed and she avoided him as much as she could. But it was inevitable because he was everywhere. According to Sarah and Gertrude they had a solution. Emilia sat stunned listening to the torrid stories and secrets of men and women in the boudoir from her two maids who surely and most definitely had too much time on their hands.

"Oh!very easy for you to say Gertrude, just toss my inhibition out the window."Emilia eyed her two scheming maids.

"Ye, something like that. Throw all your seductive wiles at him, milady." They both took turns talking.

"But, without giving it up," Gertrude eyed Sarah with a warning glare before elbowing her.

She sat in horror of the idea.

Yes, she was young, but to act in such a fashion. Could she do it? She went back to how when she saw Lady Hannah and how she acted in bed with him. A little embarrassed about being so bold made her nervous. Then again, he wants a woman experienced and daring.

"Alright, I will do it. It's about time the good girl becomes a little naughty," She tilted up a defiant stare. Sounding more unsure than anything she jumped at their squeals as they pulled her into a group hug.

Over the course of the week, they had her busy, very busy. Between Gertrude, Sarah and Bufford her face flamed red and grew hot with shame and embarrassment over their conversations of flirting, seduction, sex and lust.

Flustered with so much information she feared she would put the town whore to shame.

Her eyes bulged.

"Can I really do that? But, that is so wrong and...surely forbidden," She flushed at Sarah's broad sinful grin.

"Oh yes, milady and he will surely be looking for you after that."

Right then Gertrude appeared before them and knelt in front of Emilia brandishing a beautiful jeweled dagger in its sheath. Lifting it to the light, she watched it sparkle. Swallowing, she nervously breathed.

"And what do you pretend I do with this...Stab him...?"She asked incredulously.

Shifting in her seat, Sarah cleared her throat.

"That may very well keep your virtue intact. Because after a couple of days of this dangerous game, it will most likely be in peril."

With that news, Emilia shot upright out of her chair.

"I can't do this; all of you have gone daft," She paced in a panic.

"Do you love him?" Gertrude questioned pulling Emilia to face her with a stern glare.

"Yes, with all of my heart," She answered with an ardent breath.

"Then fight for it," Gertrude shoved the dagger in her hand.


That evening they all went for a walk in the park where she sat with Bufford and they talked.

"It will work, you know," he said.

Looking at him quietly, "How can you be so sure, Bufford? " She asked with trepidation in her voice.

"The way he stares at you, and when he speaks of you his eyes light up."

She silently listened to him.

"He is slowly getting tired of Lady Hannah's visits," he mentioned triumphantly.

"And I think it's time you paid him those visits." He shot her a suggestive smile.

She sat surprised and silent.

"Tomorrow night will be perfect." He looked straight ahead.

She shot him an astonished gaze, "T..tomorrow night?" she sat nervously looking at him.

"Tomorrow night, The Earl of Cromwell and his wife will be hosting a masquerade ball; one Dominic will attend for a short while," he informed her.


She silently listened.

She did not look too convinced.

"Emilia, deep within you there is a wild Scottish rose that needs to take root on what's going on out here. The petite wallflower needs to blossom into that rose." He told her ardently.

"How is that ol' man Ferguson." He gave a Scottish lilt to his speech and shot a side gaze.

"You know my grandfather." She beamed in surprise.

"And your mother, may she rest in peace." He looked up.

He never went into detail, but acknowledged that years ago they lived here.

Their conversation ended, and she sat for a while, taking in all what was learned and what was at stake. She would lose him being married to another. On the other hand, she would lose him to the grasp of another woman. And, she wanted neither to happen. Her heart was already lost to him. So what else did she have to lose?

Pretty much your innocence, because after this you don't stand a chance of keeping it safe.


He wearily got dressed in his attire. He thought repeatedly should he go? Although, the invitation did say everyone was to wear masks. It was a night where no one knew who you were. He would be able to hide who he was. Either way the idea still did not peak his interest. What he really wanted to know is if Emilia would attend. Knowing her uncle, he would probably force her to attend to get her out to mingle with potential suitors.

He could not get his mind off of her or the fire in her gaze when they argued for the first time.. Letting out a deep breath, she was doing a number on him.

With a soft knock on the door, he bid Bufford to enter.

"Your carriage awaits, M'lord."

Nodding, he turned to leave.

He stepped into the waiting carriage.

He sat back and watched the buildings pass in a blur.

Minutes later, the carriage pulled up to the posh estates of the Earl.

Carriages one by one pulled up. Familiar faces came into view. He plied on the fake smile and greeted those entering with him.

Lush fabrics and lights lined the ballroom.

Wine and champagne were served. Masks were on very few faces. Music and dancing began. His eyes searched the crowd for her. The young girls who lined the opposite wall did not fit her description. He knew her too well, well at least; he thought he did.

The dance lulled in his eyes forever. He quickly looked at the large clock. A little disappointed and bored, he turned towards the entrance door. Trying to avoid the lust filled stares of the incoming female guests. He quickly entered his carriage and left.

Standing before the speculating gaze, she nervously bit her lip. "You look gorgeous" Bufford held Emilia at arm's length.

She had to build up her courage. Tonight, would be the night of his undoing.

She stood before the large mirror in his bedroom, the beautiful girl who stared back at her was a stranger to her. The flirtatious bodice and sequined dress accented her curves. Slowly, she placed the matching mask with elaborate feathers above her eyes. She sat in the dark corner of his room in a large leather chair waiting.

His carriage arrived just as Bufford told her he would.

She had to remain strong, enticing and cunning there was no room for error.


He entered his room and shut the door behind him. She watched him for a while as he leaned against the door and began removing his waistcoat and his cravat.


He caught the silhouette of a figure sitting in the dark corner of the room.

With a smile pulling at the side of his lips, he knew Hannah would be somewhere lurking around because she wasn't at the ball.

He continued to unbutton his shirt.

"Are you going to sit there all night or are you coming to bed?"

She gave no answer.

He stood staring at her in the chair.

Slowly, she stood and began walking leisurely towards him. His seductive smile turned puzzling. The woman had on a breathtaking gown. He noticed that the woman standing before him wasn't Hannah.

Who was she?

"Why, hello there!" He huskily greeted her.

She never answered back.

She slowly walked around him gliding her fingers down one arm, his back, his other arm then his chest. His lips curved at her exploration.

"May I at least have a name, milady." He asked.

Slowly, she shook her head no.

She reached down and held his hand and pulled him in the direction of his bed.

With a wicked smile, he followed.

She pushed him to sit down and crawled above him helping him scoot back until he was resting up against his pillows. She sat above him and planted her soft rump on his manhood, and he gave a moan.

He was loving this.

His hands gently touched her waist, but she placed them at his side. With a chuckle, he sat back agreeing to play her game. She was a mystery to him. It had to be someone he already knew. Which one of his sensual lady friends, would try something so...bold, daring and sexy?

Lady Amanda?

Countess Julianna?

He looked her up and down with such a gaze that her heart raced at the way his cock hardened beneath her.

He watched her reach into her bodice, between her very low neckline pulling out a long slim piece of cloth. She pulled his left hand up and tied it to the bedpost. Then she reached for his right and did the same. Tied really snug and his senses tingling with excitement he lay there before her, arms stretched out and vulnerable.

His heart roared in his ears watching her glide her finger over his chest.

He gasped when she ferociously ripped his shirt open the echo of the few buttons left bounced off the walls.

His seductive grin caught her shadowed eyes. "That, my sweet was my favorite shirt,"

She smiled, leaned forward and dipped her head towards his neck and kissed him. She sealed hot kisses down to his stomach. She loved the hold she had on him. Leaning forward again she kissed him again on his left cheek and worked her way up to his ear. Her tongue worked him to the brink that his toes began to curl in his Hessian boots.

Her scent peaked his interest because it was one he did not recognize and what drove him crazy.

His fast breathing felt so good against her ear. He moaned and groaned and begged her to let him loose.

She quieted his suffering with a sweet kiss. A kiss, she controlled. His moans and gasps came quicker as she ground her rump on his swollen cock.

He leaned his head back losing his self in the feel of her taking such liberties with him.

She stopped long enough to bring down her own frenzied pleasure to work on his.

She glided down his body and his eyes glistening with lust and fire when he felt her fingers tugging at the buttons to his breeches. The sound that came from his lips made her smile as she freed him. Warm fingers caressed and played with his jumping cock making it hard like stone.

Delicate warm fingers glided up and down slowly on his swollen shaft and twitched in her hand.

What came next was his undoing.

In the throes of a beginning climax, she leaned forward and kissed is mouth sucked his lips plunging her tongue into his mouth the way he did it to her. It was succulent, demanding and downright sexy.

She pulled away from his lips. His eyes focused on the juicy plumpness that had him on the brink of insanity.

Her eyes fixed on his, and he watched her smile and slowly reach for her mask.

She took it off.

The look on his face was amazing; his eyes went wide from surprised, to a wicked twinkle to a hot gaze.

His wide wicked grin promised her something dark and sinful.

Never in a million years would he imagine that this sweet yet meek lovely girl could turn into a gorgeous and tempting minx.

Now he really wanted her to untie him.

"Sweeting untie me" his voice was sexual and low.

Her eyes sparkled with mischief.

He cleared his throat only uncertain of her next move. Lord, he only wanted one hand free to touch her.

His heart quickened when she tucked her lower lip between her teeth. A sign of shyness and wanting that he loved when she did it. Her coyness was gone in a matter of seconds.

"Love, untie me" his stare hot and sultry turned demanding.

Her unnerving silence only peaked his anger a tinge.

His face in awe watched her when she straddled him and began pumping his cock with her hand, squeezing and stroking it with a torturing sensual motion at that moment she knew she was treading dangerous ground .His hips bucked. His eyes never left hers. Her other hand went beneath her dress. Under hood eyes, he watched her reach between her thighs and touch herself. She looked so bloody delicious he wanted to fuck her.

His blood rushed to his cock with each stroke. She continued to pleasure them both until fireworks went off and she whimpered with his groan and curses. His body shuddered and growled. Panting and weak she moved off him. She plopped to his side on her back trying to control her trembling body and the pounding between her legs. Still dazed in his release not able to touch or caress her was maddening. He watched her chest rise and fall quickly. Smiling to himself that she enjoyed herself just as much.

A while had passed.

"Emilia, untie me love."

Her heart quickened, just hearing his husky voice, brought tingling back between her thighs.

She stayed silent.

He sighed.

She slowly sat up and went to his side. Nervously she licked her lips, his hot gaze never leaving her face.

He watched her crawl closer to him. He was fascinated with her flushed look. Her hair hung in tossled soft curls around her face.

Now her hands shaking went to untie his hand, but the look in his eyes stilled her hand. His dangerous, hot and sexy glare promised something wicked for her behavior.

"Untie me, I promise I won't try anything." His gorgeous blue gems turned dark.

How she wanted to feel his hands all over her body.

She leaned into kiss him one last time. Pulling away, he chuckled wickedly.

"You're not going to untie me, are you?"

With a beautiful smile, she shook her head.

With a devilish grin, he stared at her with a gaze that set her heart into a patter.

"When I get a hold of you my sexy minx, I'm going to ride you so hard and good your legs are going to fall off." His glare was hot with promise.

She looked exquisite and sated with wild abandon, naughty and seductive. Like a lioness on the prowl, her green eyes twinkled at his words and she leaned closer to him, nose to nose she whispered near his lips.

"Is that a promise m'lord?" her voice sweet seductive and alluring.

"Indeed it is" he growled.

Before he could catch her lips with his, like a playful kitten waiting for him to join the play she climbed off him, turned and left him there. Closing the door behind her, she trembled leaning against the door. His laugh trailed after her. So sexy, seductive and wicked.

"Emilia when I get my hands on you...."

Leaning her head against the door, she let out a nervous breathless giggle.

With the help of her maids, she was whisked off in her carriage to go home.

He sat against the pillows, his eyes closed, his thoughts still swimming of her seductive play. He grinned before biting down on his lips marveling about the way she sexually enticed him. How in bloody hell did she get this seductive?

The slight tap on the door of the one guilty in this game came into view.

Silent and expressionless Bufford came into view.

The idea was good he thought, but the view of her handy work was brilliant. Bufford untied Dominic.

He calmly sat on the bed folded his hands before his manhood and crossed his legs. With a chilling smile, he regarded Bufford.

"Did you have anything to do with this, Bufford?" he asked.

Bufford's straight face looked at Dominic.

"I don't have a clue of what you are insinuating m'lord,"

With an amused chuckle, Dominic shook his head.

With that, Bufford turned walking with a smile on his face, he bid Dominic a good night.

He sat back and smiled at what unfolded tonight.

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