《The Marquess and The Rose》Chapter 12


She sat before her mirror and breathed. She was going to make the most of this night just to get him out of her mind. Her calling card was full and she mustered up the will she lacked and accepted to go to The Cavanaugh's seasonal ball with Lord Evers best known as Adam VanCamp. She eyed the invitation her aunt gave her to read. She would enjoy herself regardless of what she felt at the moment. Sarah dutifully helped her dress with the same sulking look Emilia had. Knowing very well she had no desire to leave or go anywhere.


Dominic sat before the fire throwing back and swallowing down the amber liquid in his glass waiting for it to dull his senses. He scoffed at the invitation Bufford handed him earlier and tossed it on the table before grabbing his glass of whisky. Bufford watched impatiently as Dominic plummeted into an abyss of destruction. He shrugged off the invitation with no interest until he heard that Emilia would be attending and will be escorted by none other but Lord Evers. The ton's most notorious, rake and rich bachelor at that. He could not think straight with that idea of her being in the company of that snake. He shot to his feet with a vicious curse and murderous glare at Bufford. Immediately he dressed in his evening attire and made his way to The Cavanaugh's.


Entering the main hall, she walked up the stairs to the ballroom. She smiled prettily at Evers, as he spoke to her. She made little effort at understanding what he was saying, but pretended to be very interested in his conversations. Not once looked away from him. He was very handsome and flirtatious. He reveled in the attentions of the prying eyes of those before them as he entered with her on his arm. She caught the upturned noses of one or two pretty girls that shot daggers as she entered. With a nonchalant gaze, she did the same.


He entered with his heart roaring in his ears. Playing off his anger with a cool smile and nod at those who passed. He had no interest in small talk, but for courtesy's sake he stood and spoke with one or two of them.

"McAllister! You rogue where have you been?" The burly voice of Lord Lockley came into view. Playing off the good humor, he saluted the old crow that rubbed him the wrong way at times. The cheating scoundrel could not be trusted not even with a dagger near the back.. The fake grin that plied on Dominic's face with an irritation for the man. He came closer.

"I do say my man you are in for the latest attraction," He whispered in a low voice.

He gave a cheerful glance towards the side wall of the ballroom and Dominic followed.

"Isn't she a sight?" he peered at the beautiful young girl in the company of Lord Evers.

Dominic looked at her and she was the loveliest creature he had ever seen. She wore a beautiful peach colored satin gown. His eyes were fixed on the low neckline that hung low and snuggled her breasts. The bodice emphasized her slender waist to perfection. Her hair as always a mass of beautiful dark auburn curls that fell just shy above her waist. She stood out more for that reason she shied away from the norms and styles of the rest.

She exchanged smiles with Evers; often she would give him a beautiful smile. She laughed at something he said, and he gently raised his hands to caress her cheek. She outrageously flirted with him and had no idea what this daring act would eventually lead to. Dominic felt the sudden urge to walk straight to her and drag her away from that bastard. But, the scandal would be too great so he stood leaning against a nearby wall away from the prying eyes and watched her.


Emilia underneath it all played her cards right and she marveled in the grandness of what it was to be the center of attention as many gentlemen flocked to her side. She was swirled around on the dance floor more than once. For a while she was unaware to his presence, until her eyes caught the familiar figure in the corner, as he stood with arms crossed over his chest watching her. Her heart raced when their eyes met and she caught the glimpse of icy blue eyes that looked dangerous .She made it her best effort to ignore him and continued her dance.

He watched as she said something to her last dance partner that she was finally alone. With a quickness, he walked towards her. Her eyes caught his and something in them read danger, but immediately she stood a defiant ground. Slowly he walked towards her.

He silently held out his hand, the glare in his eyes warned her, refusal would not be wise. She lowered her gaze and placed her hands softly in his. He guided her to the floor and held her in his arms.

With a false beam and smile he took her in his arms and whisked her of to the middle of the dance floor.

"I see we wasted no time in finding affections elsewhere," He spoke with an edge of sarcasm to his tone.

She looked up at him and smiled prettily.

"Did you think I would be at home crying for you, M'lord?" she asked with an icy smile that hit its spot.

With a wry smile, he looked down at her. She met his stare with the most taunting smile.

"What? Did you tire of Lady Hannah, or will she be waiting for you elsewhere," Her gaze did not falter. With a smile that shook her to her core, he squeezed her closer.

"Be careful beautiful, you will not like my response," He warned then continued.

"Besides, it is you who should be explaining yourself," He clenched his jaw quickly.

Her eyes held his with a serious glare, and he smirked.

"Why on earth would you let Lord Evers accompany you, don't you realize he is not one to mess with," He looked into her eyes.

"So I have heard, and it is no different from what I have heard about you. Yet I have been alone with you," She shrugged.

"You know very well that is not what I mean Emilia," His voice was dangerously low and she felt his grip tightening.

Emilia smiled mockingly "Are we jealous or worried that he will beat you at compromising my virtue, M'lord?"

She brushed off his dangerous stare and shrugged.

"What I do with it is my concern, m'lord, not yours," she looked away nervously averting his gaze.

With a chuckle, he stared down at her. He stopped in tune at the end of the dance. Quickly, he grasped her hands on his arm and squeezed it. The icy glare followed by a wide grin made her wince. He walked if not pulling her towards the French doors that lead out to the balcony. She nervously stood watching him shut the doors. Licking her lips, she braced herself for what was to come.

Still with his back turned to her and holding on to the door handles he squeezed his eyes shut willing the anger in him to lower. His head swam with choice words to say to her, nothing too brash to hurt her. He let out a breath.

"Why are you doing this, Emilia?" he asked silently.


She lowered her head and gave no answer.

Quickly, he looked at her.

"Is it to provoke me?" He hissed.

"Is it working?" she snapped defiantly with a shaky voice.

She backed away with each of his steps. His nostrils flared and terror crept up her spine. With a harsh squeeze of her arm, she gasped as she slammed into his chest and his arms encircled her waist very tight. He caught her chin in a harsh grip and held her gaze with a warning glare of stormy blue eyes.

"You have much to lose if you get that far," he warned.

"Well, I guess I will just have to try harder then won't I?" She whispered heatedly.

He heard the tremor in her voice. Her eyes looked away from his heated glare.

Her tears fell freely and she began to tremble, shoving against his chest. He squeezed her harder to stop her squirming.

"Let me go. You're hurting me" She cried out.

"No, Emilia you're hurting me, do you have any idea what you are doing to me?" His voice was harsh.

She looked deep into his eyes and returned the same glare. Her breath shook as she spoke.

"I am a child remember? Therefore, no I don't," she retorted.

Fury emanated from his glare and heat from his body. Suddenly, his lips closed over hers with a harsh possession. Demanding entry, her lips parted with his tongue, and the kiss deepened. He caught the taste of her tears on his lips and immediately he stopped. His warm breath touched her lips. "Tread with care in this game you play, Emilia," she looked up into his eyes and caught the glimpse of something new and dangerous.

"Because I don't play fair, nor do I share my winnings."

With those last words, he claimed her lips in a heated kiss once more. He walked off through the ballroom collected his cloak and left.


Emilia before him, was spiraling out of control. He feared if she kept this charade up, eventually he would lose her. That was not an option. With every waking day it was something different and more daring she attempted and he didn't like it one bit. She went to every social gathering offered. He attended an evening soiree at Roxburg estate, though it was not as grand as the last it was still a huge affair. Familiar faces swarmed before him as he entered and spoke to few acquaintances and smiled. He was fully aware of the hand that squeezed his arms as he looked down at the red headed beauty accompanying him. He agreed to escort Viscount Chambers's cousin Charlotte to the soiree. She was a very beautiful young woman visiting from out of town. As a good favor to a friend, he agreed under the condition that she did not get her hopes on a romantic dalliance. They entered the ballroom and walked in unison greeting those that came forward to chat with them.

Emilia stood in the crowded circle of her friends as they whispered and giggled with gossip. She watched as another familiar face came into view with wide eyes and whispered.

"Did you see who entered with Lord McAllister." The feminine voice asked. They followed her eyes as they all gathered and turned to look in the direction she was pointing.

"Do you think that is his new lady?" one timidly asked.

Immediately Emilia looked at him, then at the woman next to him. An odd feeling grew in her stomach at the sight of him with another.

"No way she does not look his type," the venomous denial from another girl spoke up.

"Oh, do shut up, Lucille. And I suppose you know his type." The third female asked.

"What do you think, Emilia? They all looked her way and immediately she looked up to each of them, then looked at Dominic. She watched as he walked down the stairs and let the young woman by his side leave to join some other girls in a group. Tall, dark and gorgeous his gaze scanned the crowd.

Her heart slammed against her chest as their gazes locked.

Averting her eyes, she looked directly at the girl that asked the question before looking back into Dominics eyes. A devilish look of triumph twinkled in his eyes.

"Maybe she is one of his many lovers," She shrugged.

Deep down her stomach lurched at the thought and her eyes looked away. Just as fast she brushed off the feeling and turned to stare at the girls. Shortly they were surrounded by a group of young men vying for their attention.


He stood and watched Emilia in deep conversation with her friends. The group of girls all stopped to look in his direction as he descended the steps with Charlotte on his arm. Their eyes met and immediately she looked away. His heart thundered behind his ribs at the sight of her. She was beautiful. Never had a woman looked so desirable to him. He was rooted to the spot captivated beyond reason, when the sound of her laughter danced along the music in the room from her lips to his ears. The young man by her side whispered to her, his anger began to rise as he watched the man that was enthralled with her, gently glide his finger down her arm.

He sat in a nearby corner and watched her under hooded eyes. He looked at the clock and moaned noticing that it was nine o'clock. He felt as if time was mocking him and decided to go even slower to goad him. He rubbed his temple that still throbbed from all the whiskey he drank last night. He tried with little effort to drown the thoughts of her, and drink himself senseless, but it didn't work. He woke up with her on his thoughts during the day and fantasized about bedding her by night.

He was beyond redemption.

He was beyond the fires of hell at this point.

"Brandy, my brother?" Dmitri drawled.

The tinge of the effects of Brandy was already evident in his friend slightly slurred speech.

Dominic looked at the amber liquid that invitingly swirled in the glass before him. Dimitri, his childhood friend had a drink in hand as always, pulled up a chair and joined him.

"So tell me brother, which one of the pretty fillys has caught your attention?"

Dominic shook his head, knowing this is not the time or the place to speak of his feelings for Emilia.

"Unfortunately, the object of my affections is not in sight," Dominic took swig brandy.

Liar, your object of your affection is right infront of you being pawed up by that heathen.

Dimitri laughed, giving him a pat on the shoulder. "Lady Hannah has you this gloom, eh?"

Dominic nodded with a half smile not wanting to admit to such a lie, but for the sake of not giving in to the urge of correcting his friend, he stayed quiet.

"I see Young Thomas has landed a nice companion for the night." He said, nodding in Emilia's direction.

"If he is anything like his father, the poor thing will have no chance of escaping him tonight."

Dominic frowned. "What do you mean?"

Dimitri sighed dramatically.

"It chills me to think he is the offspring of the man who has bedded a good handful of the women in this room."

Dominic's heart tightened at the thought.

"He is most eager the bloke, because he is trying to muddle her senses with wine," Dimitri smirked shaking his head.

Dominic turned to look at them. His heart raced with the way she candidly accepted a drink of wine from his glass. The act was sensual damn near bordering sexy. Dominic, seeing this, felt a surge of rage that he had the idea to just walk over to her and drag her away by force. He was livid.

As Charlotte sat beside them cutting their conversation short, his eyes averted to watch Emilia being pulled to the dance floor. The long conversation caught him off guard for the brief minutes that they spoke. He turned once more to scan the room to look for Emila.

She was gone.


Emilia tried convincing herself to enjoy her evening as best she could. There was nothing she could change or do with respects to her feelings towards Dominic. He was someone she could not have.

Thomas Gordon- Lord Hayworth's - youngest son, was one of the many young men who had flocked to her side as soon as she entered the ballroom. He was handsome, and very coquettish. They danced most of the evening and talked. She slightly forgot that Dominic was staring at her. She glanced his way and noticed he spoke with an equally handsome blond Adonis. A scowl darkened his face with their conversation, he looked directly at her and she looked away.

At this point unbeknownst to the rest, she was on her fourth glass of wine. She nervously had snuck a couple in a swift swallow when she took a brief escape to the powder room. She looked down at the red sweet liquid and took another sip of it from Thomas's glass. The euphoric sensation of the wine just began to melt her senses and was getting stronger. Emilia laughed and flirted shamelessly with him appearing the least bit worried of the glaring stare of Dominic. She smiled up at Thomas when they finally slowed their pace when the music stopped.

"Thomas, I am feeling a bit faint. Let's go for a stroll in the garden for some fresh air." She murmured sweetly.

He grinned with a gorgeous twinkle in his eyes, he nodded and then they walked off towards the garden.

He led her out though the large French doors. They greeted others who were standing out in the dark night, taking in the beautiful starlit night. They strolled for a while deeper into the garden. The effects of the wine engulfed her senses taking the edge off her awareness that he was leading her further away deeper into a secluded area of the garden.

"I have to say, I am most definitely enjoying the soiree." She smiled up at him.

They stopped briefly looking up at the sky. The darkness gave little view of his face, but she could tell he looked down at her. She began to sway a little. He chuckled and held her close, and immediately she knew what he was about. The plain thought of how he held her brought an alarming feeling to her that it was not right. She nervously looked around and saw they were further from the party. She regretted drinking so much wine because she could not shake the unusual feeling it gave her.

"As am I," He responded, pulling her closer. The feeling of being held so close made her uneasy. He was tall and a bit stronger than her, his intentions were evident. A bit worried she looked down and tried to pull away, but his grip tightened.

"I think it is better that we head back." Her voice trembled.

"Shh, don't worry, no one will notice we are gone." He murmured leaning closer.

"Thomas, please don't." she begged. She was afraid. This was not what she wanted at all. She tried to pull away, but his hold was tight she could feel his warmth... and..his unmistakable erection.

"Ill scream, if you don't let me go." She whimpered.

She began to shake as he pulled her close.

"Scream all you want, no one will hear you," He laughed sardonically.

His lips closed above hers.

She pushed and shoved at his shoulders and screamed loud enough only to be drowned out by his harsh kiss.


He stood excusing himself, leaving Charlotte in Dimitri's company. Where the hell did she go? He scanned the room, but did not see her. With each passing moment his anger increased. Slowly he began walking around searching for her. A feeling persuaded him to walk out the French doors into the garden. He trailed the darkness further down listening for some telltale sign she was out here. He heard a muffled scream. His heart raced at the sound.

He immediately walked over to where the noise came from and froze where he stood. Emilia was struggling and pushing at Thomas's shoulder as he bent her back and forced a kiss on her. She pushed away in time to deliver a hard slap across his face. She stood bracing herself for the impact of his anger that never came. With a deathly growl Dominic caught Thomas's raised hand before he could hit her back, swirled him around and slammed his fist into his face. Pulling a dazed and confused Thomas up by the neck, he pulled him close. He felt as if he wanted to kill him. Shaking him and holding him at arms length he slammed his fist again into his stomach and yelled at him.

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