《The Marquess and The Rose》Chapter 5


The dreary morning promised heavy rain.

Stretched out in bed with their bodies laying in opposite corners and their heads touching, they listened to the light pitter-patter of rain. The gloomy day brought a sense of tranquility with them both.

"Well, what shall we do today, a game of chess, read a bit or game of cards???" Dominic chimed..

He waited for her answer.

With an unsure tone in her voice that sound more of a wish than a decision she breathed.

"Let's play in the rain." She shrugged.

Nervously she waited for him to chuckle at her request and deny such a silly thought. But her heart lurched in disbelief when he agreed.

"Ok, let us play in the rain!"

He sat up jubilee and pulled her along with him. Her giggle and laugh bounced off the room walls. He turned for her to jump on his back. Careful not to touch her ankles, he told her to hold on. She caressed his shoulder and hugged tight.

Helmsley came to them thru the hall as they neared the last step on the stairway. He looked up at the two. A bit surprised he smiled coyly at the two, understanding that since Emilia could not walk he had to carry her down. She was absolutely lovely her hair loose and wavy bounced with every movement.

"M’lord would you or Lady Emilia care for some tea or something to eat." Helmsley smiled at him watching Dominic turned an asking glance at Emilia over his shoulder, with a twitch of her nose she giggled and shook her head.

"No thank you, Helmsley” He chuckled with laughter in his eyes.

He stood in awe about the strange news they were going to play in the rain.

"But, but m'lord it’s pouring out there and you both can catch a deathly cold in all of it."

A bit miffed at their childish mocking faces. He gave in to their crazed idea and watched them walk out the door.

"Oh! Helmsley keep dry towels for us and the fire burning in my study" he ordered.

"Yes, M’lord. " He smiled with a nod and waved to a giddy Emilia.

The husky laugh and shriek were signs that the rain was chilly. He walked slowly across the lawn with her on his back. He slowly lowered her to the wet grass and sat beside her.

He looked over to her, her eyes closed and she tipped her head back stretching out her arms. As if lying in water afloat, she let the cool rain pour over her. He lost himself watching her. She had a beauty and spirit about her that warmed his heart. What sat next to him was an exquisite and charming creature. The smile on her lips wet with rain revealed pearly white teeth as she smiled. She lowered her arms content in her feelings.

Her eyes opened slowly and looked up at him. Her heart quickened to see him looking down at her. They silently stared into each other’s eyes. She shyly looked away while her teeth tugged at her bottom lip nervously. A soft grin grew on his lips when he saw her cheeks turning a slight pink.

The soft shiver she released was indication they were in the rain for too long.

They both agreed it was time to go in. He bent and swiftly picked her up and carried her.


The warmth in his study gave them a cozy feeling.

"I believe if we stay any longer in the rain we would shrivel like raisins." He mentioned.

All dried off and sitting before the fire, he placed a blanket around her shoulders.

The heavy rain continued. They sat on the floor and concentrated on a good old game of Piquet. Well into the game, he stood and walked over to a nearby table and poured himself some Whiskey. Her curious eyes peeked over her cards and followed him.

He turned and took a swallow.

"Milord, why do I get tea and you get wine?" She asked, puzzled her eye drew together into a frown.

His eyes lit with a grin at her innocent question. He looked into the cup and shook his head with a laugh.

"This is not wine." He lifted it for her to see.

Her face frowned again and gave a most curious look that made him chuckle.

"This...My little friend is the devils drink." He teased.

Still, her eyes regarded him with a puzzled look.

"Why can I not have some?" She continued to frown.

With a side-glance in a teasing way, he wagged his finger.

"No, this drink is not for you. It is too strong."

"How strong?" She asked more curiously.

He eyed her for a while, taking in her unwavering expectant glare to share that mysterious drink.

What would it hurt if she tried a little? He thought to himself.

She kept looking at him while he pondered his decision. He doubted she would like it. With a roguish grin, he turned and poured a little in a smaller glass.

"Very well...You are warned."

He walked and sat facing her.

Her eyes smiling, reached for the amber liquid in the glass.

Emerald pools lit up with excitement. Unsure, she hesitated and lifted it to her lips. She stopped to look at Dominic. His teasing gaze and grin made her giggle. His reassuring nod when he raised his cup to his lips was all she needed.

The amber liquid turned warm in her mouth as she sipped very little at first. The firey burn that traveled down her throat made her wince. Determined to prove him wrong, she continued until it was all gone.

She looked at him and smiled, showing him the empty glass.

"It has a peculiar taste." She scrunched her nose up and giggled.

With raised eyebrows, he let out a boisterous laugh.

"Does it now?" His eyes twinkled with laughter.

"May I have more?" She held up her glass with a beseeching look.

He leaned back and watched her. He couldn't say no, he honestly wanted to see what a little whiskey would do to her. Besides, he had no one to drink with but her. He agreed, then stood up and brought the whole bottle.

"Now little miss I present to you, one of many drinks that has been the downfall of many men by dampening their wits during gambling." He eyed the liquid while pouring it and handing it to her.

She shook her head softly and rolled her eyes mockingly

“You’re funny." She giggled.

The feel of the whiskey was beginning to take its effect on her after she finished her third glass. They laughed and continued playing Piquet. He began to watch her even in her present state she was smiling. After a while of not being able to concentrate on the game and making so many mistakes, it was evident she was drunk.


She eyed the last few ounces of whiskey in the bottle. He grinned and shook his head that it was enough. She inched closer to him.

"Just a little bit more." She crawled closer to him swaying.

Dominic was in awe at the way the flickering light from the flames danced upon her skin. She met his eyes and he found he couldn’t look away.

"You my friend are well into your cups." He gently smoothed back a strand of hair from her face.

She sat before him and looked into his eyes. He caressed her cheek. He was lost in her stare, his eyes lowered to look at her lips. They were so delectable and needed to be kissed. His groin throbbed with just the thought of kissing her. He needed to fight this sudden urge to run his fingers thru her hair and lay her on the ground to caress her body and make love to her. His heart pummeled in his chest when she looked away from his seductive stare and began picking up the cards, but he could not do it. To kiss her like this, in this state would be utterly wrong.

She broke his concentration by turning around to lay her head on his lap. With her hair fanned out draped above his legs. She was clueless as to what she was making him feel.

Her eyes danced as they looked up at him. Holding the stack of cards in one hand , Her other hand reached out and softly touched his cheek.

"M’lord, why are you not married?" So pleasant her voice was that his smile made her grin.

"Because, beautiful, I am damaged goods not eligible for the marriage market." His voice was low and husky.

Her eyes furrowed confused. She sat up to look at him. Long hair fanned around her cherubic face, she was mesmerizing.

"M'lord, how are you damaged?" Her look changed and she looked so adorable, her green eyes held such a concerned look.

He lifted one knee and placed his arm on it. He idly began to twirl a long soft curl in his hand. He concentrated on the color, texture and silky feel of it. He looked down at her.

"I am considered the rake-hell of the ton, a womanizer, a gambler, and a libertine." He grinned at the numerous names dealt him due to his endeavors.

His seductive look mesmerized her.

Her innocent glare searched his face.

" Is any of that true, m’lord?"

He chuckled and looked over her face and caressed it.

"Yes, beautiful... Let's just say that I cannot be trusted with the pretty lasses."

She lowered her gaze for a while, then sadly looked up at him.

"I trust you, I don't believe any of those things about you," Her eyes sparkled with her opinion.

He sighed softly. "You are too innocent to see me for what I trully am."

With a determined glare she held his.

“I am 16 soon to be 17, m’lord I am not a child,” She lowered her gaze.

"Besides, all those things m'lord, if they were true, then I would not be safe here with you," She pointed out.

She had no idea how wrong she was. Her innocence blinded her of the hungry feeling he felt for her. His sheer will to take her to his bed was a barrier he held up for his dear life.

He chuckled at her innocent observation.

"How would it look to the ton if I ravished a defenseless beautiful injured girl, I would surely be hanged" His eyes held hers.

Her sullen look at not being ravished because she was injured, was an all-new high for him. With a boisterous laugh, he pulled her close to embrace her.

He laid her beside him and propped himself on his elbow to look down at her.

His gaze upon her turned serious and meaningful.

"I would never do anything to hurt you or ruin your reputation. I may be a rake, but I am not a lout, Do you understand?" His voice held a soft tone.

Her heart pattered with his soft stare.

With a quick nod of her head, He noticed her gaze slowly getting sleepy. No doubt, the Whiskey really took a toll on her. He was surprised she held up so well.

"Dominic?" Her voice sleepily whispered, his name.

For some odd reason his name on her lips sent an emotional wave over him. He looked at her. Her eyes opened slowly and held his. The beautiful green gems in her eyes held such a look that it stiffened him. Her delicate fingers rose and brushed his face. The way she did it warmed his heart and sent a ripple through his body. He gently held them to his cheek and lightly kissed the inside of her palm. Such a gesture quickened her heart.

His gaze returned to hers.

"If I had to be ravished, I would only want to be ravished by you," She whispered sweetly.

The words that came from her lips left him in complete shock and awe; her Whiskey induced words were so honest. Primal instincts set in that he could not control. Guided by her fingers, he lowered his head, her eyes held his with a look of wanting. His lips brushed hers. Her lips soft and sweet returned the kiss. Such a soft sigh escaped her breath. He lifted his head to look down at her. He called her name. Her head fell to the side and cuddled into his arm. She fell asleep.

He lay staring into her sleeping face. She was breathtaking. He developed such a feeling for her that it formed a lump in his throat. Nevertheless, as he said, he was not an eligible marriage prospect. His reputation would sully hers. No doubt when they return there would be no telling what would be said about their unchaperoned stay here.

With a brief sigh, he smiled to himself. On the good side, she would not remember any of this in the morning.

He picked her up, cradled her in his arms and took her to her room. The warm, welcoming fire slowly danced in the fireplace. He placed her on the bed and pulled her covers up. He gently brushed a kiss on her cheek and looked her over then turned to leave.

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