《Clairaudience / / F. Volturi》{8}


Third-person Perspective

Caius sat forward in his chair with a murderous glint in his crimson eyes, rage clear on his face as the sound of the tourists echoing down the hall got closer. "Why on earth would you give the girl so long to change Aro she has little over a year!" His words were spat venomously yet quickly at the black-haired man who was now comfortably sat on his throne. "Because Caius it is such a short time to wait for such a rare prize, besides if we want her to stay loyal with us she needs to spend time with and get to know Felix for without him she has no reason to stay. That and it would be nice to give them some time together before they return would it not?" Aro's calm voice replied just as quickly as Caius. In seconds everyone in the room sat pristinely in place for their awaited meal. Aro had a welcoming smile on his face, hands clasped and ready.

"Welcome friends to Castle Volterra, unfortunately, this will be your final destination"

Lilith Swan

As we were escorted back through to reception we came across a group of tourists excitedly walking through the castle. The group consisted of a variety of people both young and old, families with children, couples and people who came alone. It didn't take a genius to figure out why they were here. The group were being led by a female vampire, approximately my height in a long red dress, black gloves and boots and she appeared to be holding a grey cloth in her hand. Possibly a cloak? I imagine she was dressed in such modest clothing to stop herself from being exposed in the sunlight when luring in the tourists. This must be the Heidi that Marcus mentioned.


"Nice fishing Heidi" Demetri complimented.

"They do look rather juicy" She replied. How none of the tourists picked up on this I'll never know, though as morbid as it sounds it wouldn't matter if they did anyway.

"Save some for me" He left their conversation on that note before continuing to lead us out back towards the reception.

"This way, please. Stay together" And with that, she guides them into the throne room. Seconds later the painful screaming began, tortured wails of the dying. As much as the sound was stomach-turning and nauseous I couldn't let myself dwell on it for too long. In the long term, there was a vast overpopulation of humans, and I suppose this wouldn't be as bad if we didn't cause the mass extinction of animals for the mere fact that we perceive ourselves to be better than them. Tearing down habitats for more housing. This is why no matter what Bella thinks or tries to convince me I can not bring myself to respect the Cullens for their dietary choices. They feed regularly on forest animals, which if they aren't careful will cause them all to die thus leaving them with no food and destroy the Forks ecosystem. Quite frankly I don't believe in the superiority that they set themselves on for not eating people. There are hundreds if not thousands maybe even millions of guilty people in the world, liars, murderers, cheaters, abusers and the list goes on and on. Yet there is not a single guilty animal in sight, they don't hold the capacity for evil. In some kind of sick, twisted way I was glad that I wouldn't have to join the Cullens in that regard because I don't think I could commit to it.

The screaming continued as Demetri took us to the seating at reception. Bella instantly began to cower into Edward's arms as both he and Alice tried not to focus on the sounds echoing around us. Felix and I took some seats a little bit away from the trio, as I didn't particularly want to be around my sister's melodrama right now.


"Gianna my love I need you to do a quick favour for me" Demetri exclaimed with a charming smile on his face, coming to lean on her desk with his elbows. A red hue took over her cheeks at the charismatic cold one and she agreed obediently. "I need you to write a letter to a Miss Lilith Swan explaining that there is a job available at Castle Volterra starting on the first of August next year. It needs to be convincing and like an opportunity worth taking. I'll need it done as fast as possible as they are leaving the city at midnight" He winked before walking down the hall stopping and turning to face us "We have a flight prepared to leave at midnight, however, you will have to stay here meanwhile, any questions and you have Felix to provide you with answers" And with that, he was gone, presumably to feed.

It was going to be a long wait until midnight and the sound of Bella crying as she continued shaking into Edward was beginning to get annoying. Gianna took pity on the girl and asked if she could get her anything but they declined. I don't see the point in crying over spilt milk. There are countless vampires out in the world both in covens and nomadic who drink of people every day. Even if that wasn't the case people die and are murdered each day as well. It is simply the way life goes. It is inevitable. In all fairness, Bella should be grateful that she is still alive and to be leaving the castle at all, and if it wasn't for Alice she would have been dead. After everything she told me, I would have assumed that she would be ecstatic that she was being forced to turn. She has been begging for it for months and now the opportunity has been presented on a silver platter. Much to Edward's dismay.

Sighing I leant my head onto Felix's shoulder and shut my eyes as the adrenaline from today's events started leaving my system. I felt numb. I was glad to be sitting because I don't think I would have been able to stand on my own much longer as my legs started to falter and quiver. Beyond my own control, my hands started to jitter and I fought with myself for control over my own body. But before I could dwell on the situation any further I felt Felix's large ice-cold hands take my own, ceasing their incisive shaking. "Are you okay?" questioned Felix. His voice was deep and smooth like honey. "Yeah, I'm okay as one can be in this scenario, but I'd rather leave the more serious conversations to when we are without company" I opened my eyes briefly to stare over at the Cullens before returning to rest on his shoulder. Thankfully Felix seemed to understand that I didn't want to talk around them.

We made lazy idle chat while waiting, talking about anything andeverything until it was time to leave the city.

Thank you for reading~

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