《falcon [sara lance]》17


"This belongs to you," Felicity told Callie as she interrupted her confession to Barry and Oliver. The assassin turned to look at what Felicity was holding, and a grin instantly spread across her face at the sight. She had left many things behind when she had gone to help Sara, but this was something that made her remember who she really was.

She took the suit from Felicity's arms, a grin now spread across her face as she looked at Barry, Cisco, Oliver and Felicity who had gathered around her. Cisco smiled warmly at her, knowing that she had missed her Falcon suit while she had been travelling through space and time.

"I made a few adjustments for your bow and arrows to hold better, but it's almost exactly the same," Cisco explained as Callie grinned at him.

She quickly excused herself, going to slip into the outfit so she was more accustomed to fighting. Her suit was something Felicity had worked on when she had first joined the Arrow team after the death of her brother, Tommy.

As Callie slipped it on, she noticed exactly what alterations Cisco had made, causing her to smile slightly as he didn't understand the significance in the actions. Her outfit had always been similar to Sara's White Canary suit but this was almost identical now but just in black.

"Falcon's back."


Barry went to talk to Felicity while Oliver spoke to Callie about her death. She explained how she wasn't surprised and why the bloodlust had given it away already to her.

"You know, Darhk's causing trouble throughout time," she told Oliver, watching as the mans eyebrows shot up at the thought of the white haired man still being able to kill more of their friends. "That's kind of when I really realised it was bloodlust, when I saw him and everything just felt so fleeting. All that mattered was getting his blood on my hands."

Oliver nodded, knowing how it had also affected Thea and Sara when they had been brought back to life before.

"Sara's helping me through it," Callie explained, before they were interrupted by Barry joining in on the conversation.

"She's doing a lot more than helping you by the looks of it," Barry joked, causing Callie to narrow her eyes and stutter over her words as she feared that he had figured out what was going on between the two assassins.

Oliver studied her shift in behaviour and paused as he thought about the interactions he had witnessed between the two assassins earlier. He knew.

"You know, they'll hook up one day," Laurel said, her eyes shining as she watch Callie and Sara sword fight in the distance. Oliver scoffed, looking at the two women he now viewed as nothing more than sisters.


"Never." He replied, thinking how unlikely it was for their small group of friends to all become romantically linked at some point or other.

"Tommy thought it would happen before everything had even happened," Laurel softly murmured as Oliver gazed at her. There was a comfortable silence between them before she continued. Laurel lightly punched his shoulder as she looked back to the assassins. "Believe me, I can't wait to live to see the day I prove you wrong," she laughed as he scoffed. "Anyway, they'd be the best couple out of us all."

Oliver didn't say anything to Laurel then, but he knew that she was right. If Callie and Sara ever were to become something more than just partners in crime, he was sure that they would be the best partnership in a longtime.

Oliver snapped out of his memory. Laurel hadn't lived to see the day they had once spoke about, but he knew that Callie and Sara were no longer just training partners. There had been a boundary shift between them that he only noticed from having spent so much time with Sara and Callie since the ship wreck. Barry and Callie were still stuttering between each other, but Oliver knew now.

"Barry, stop talking." Oliver grunted as he gave a swift eye roll to the speedster.

"Yup sorry," he noted before turning around to talk to Iris about something that he deemed important.

Callie looked at Oliver, and she instantly knew that she had been caught out. He had a small smirk on his face. She closed and rubbed at her eyes as he placed a soft hand on her arm.

"Tommy and Laurel predicted this. They wanted this."

Those two sentences meant more to her than anyone could ever realise. The thought of Laurel and Tommy watching over her from wherever they had ended up, and fixing this to happen brought her a sense of tranquility. She felt whole again for the first time in a long time.

And then everything went insane again.


"Next time, you can solve your alien problem on your own!" She yelled at Oliver, ducking as a fireball went hurling towards her. She spun on her ankle, firing an arrow in the opposite direction just in time to clash with the one that was already heading in her direction.

"You really did it this time, Barry!" Oliver yelled as him, Callie and Barry took cover behind the edge of a building next to Star Labs. Callie had ran over to them as the two had been thrown on the ground next to it.

"Seriously?" Barry scoffed as he peered around the brick wall to see their attackers regroup.

"Yeah, yeah. Yeah, seriously! You come to Star City, you ask for my help, and then, inevitably, immediately, we end up up the creek!" Oliver argued, and Callie couldn't help but nod in agreement. She was getting fed up of this constantly happening.


"Next time, you're both on your own!" She yelled, moving Barry over so she could also peer around the edge of the wall.

"Yeah, okay. That's fair. They're moving in."

"On three, Team Leader," Oliver began but stopped as he shoved Callie downwards to avoid the lasers that suddenly shot through the brick wall. "What's that?"

"That would be heat vision."

"Three!" Oliver yelled after ignoring the lasers.

The three of them jumped out of their hideaway, their weapons at the ready as they came face to face with their attackers.

Callie groaned as she saw Sara and Thea's eyes directly on her, knowing that the two had obviously decided that she was going to be their target. She smiled at them before remembering that would have no use.

"I hate aliens."


Callie groaned as her head slammed into the tarmac beneath her. Sara and her had never held back in training, but mind-controlled Sara wasn't out to match Callie like usual: she was out to kill Callie.

The raven-haired girl was pulling her blows in the first place, she didn't want to hurt her lover.

She felt blood drip down her chin from where she had hit the ground, and only had the energy to push herself backwards as Sara approached her with her knives in her hand. Barry was almost about to undo the mind-control, she just needed one more min-

"SARA!" Callie screamed out, her thoughts being cut off rather abruptly as the mind-controlled assassin had moved like a viper and stabbed the blade of the knife straight into her shoulder. Callie was almost pleased it wasn't a kill shot as some point of Sara must have been having an effect on the control the aliens had on her. But then again, she had just been stabbed so she wasn't feeling particularly appreciative at that moment in time.

Sara crouched down, placing the knife against Callie's throat. The raven haired girl searched her eyes, but upon seeing no recognition knew that if Barry didn't sort this in the next three seconds she was dead.

She didn't know what compelled her to do it. But Callie just smiled at the snarling Sara, knowing this may be the last thing she was ever to see.

"I love you," she murmured before closing her eyes.

There was a clatter and Callie instantly knew that Barry had somehow managed to save the day. A soft hand was shakily pressed to her face, touching the skin of her cheek desperately as the matching voice frantically croaked out for her.

"Callie? Oh shit, Callie, please open your eyes!" Sara begged, still in a straddling position of the girl as she panicked.

"You can't get rid of me that easily, Lance," she murmured, opening her eyes and being relieved to see the caring ones she was used to looking back at her.

"Oh thank god," Sara sighed, resting her hands on Callie's shoulders before feeling the girl flinch under her.

She jumped up, helping her up as she started trying to analyse her for injuries. Callie swatted her hands away, knowing full well that if she continued she would of found the stab wound and she didn't need that.

"I'm good, I'm good," Callie reassured her, glad she had changed back into her Falcon costume as it hid the red blood beginning to seep from her easier.

"Barry, about before. Message or no message, we're with you," Ray yelled out to Barry as Sara and Callie smiled at Jax saying he didn't realise Mick even had a brain to be controlled.

"Thank you," Barry gulped, knowing it was a big thing for them all to have forgiven his mistake that easily.

"Where's Supergirl?" Thea shouted out, casting a quick smile at her half sister.

"Scanning the city to make sure there aren't any more of the orbs that whammied all of you," Barry explained.

"Okay, so now what?" Diggle barked.

"We call Lyla. Tell her these Dominators aren't here peacefully," Oliver decided.

Everyone agreed, Sara not paying much attention as she continued to look at Callie who was finding it harder to stand up straight due to the blood loss coming from her stab wound. The girl opened her mouth to speak but her knees gave way, causing her to collapse to the ground as Sara tried to catch her.

"CALLIE!" Sara and Oliver yelled at the same time, while Sara noticed the red blood staining her hands from where she was holding Callie's shoulder. Oliver and Sara instantly started pressing their hands to the wound, watching as the liquid seeped on to them.

"Get her inside now!" Barry ordered, everyone taking a step back as Sara lifted the girl into her arms and began to move forward.

She didn't make it to the building. Something shone on Sara, her joints all locking into place as she stared at everyone before she was suddenly gone.

There was a moment of silence before another beam zapped Diggle and Thea. The team jumped into action, Oliver yelling for everyone to get inside.

And then there was Barry. Half of his friends now disappeared - and one of them was potentially closer to death than they hoped.

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