《falcon [sara lance]》16
"Okay. I think I have this," Kara started as she thought over the briefing she had just been given by everyone on who was who. She turned to look at team arrow, a smile on her face as she pointed to each one individually.
"Oliver," Kara started, looking at the grumpy man.
"Green Arrow," he replied, not in the mood to be wasting time on stupid introductions such as this one.
"Dig," Kara continued, not wasting time.
"Spartan," Diggle replied, still in confusion about everything he had witnessed.
"Thea," Kara finished with the names of the three members of team arrow.
"Speedy," Thea said with a grin, matching Kara's enthusiasm about everything as the alien turned to face the Legends who were waiting for their introductions.
"Okay!" She said, rubbing her hands as she looked towards the team.
"White Canary," Sara supplied, a soft smile on her face at her excitement.
"Falcon," the girl murmured, not sure if the rest of the legends had actually known that was her codename before she had started their travels.
"Jax and Professor Stein!"
"Firestorm," they both answered together, causing Kara's smile to grow even bigger if that was possible.
"Palmer. The Atom," he introduced.
"And Mick!"
"Hmm? Oh. Heat Wave."
Kara nodded at the introductions before turning to face everyone that remained.
"And Iris, Caitlin, and Felicity." She concluded, pointing to the three girls who were seated at one of the computers that they had set up for Felicity and Cisco to be able to use during the mission to stop the aliens.
"Whoo! Yes!"
"And you have cold powers, but you can't use them?" Kara asked again, motioning to Caitlin. The girl nodded, surprising Felicity who spun around to look at her in shock.
"You have powers?" She squealed, confused as to when this had all happened.
"It's a long story." Caitlin supplied, before they all turned their attention back to the task at hand.
"Barry, so, Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow?" Iris asked as she went to stand next to the speedster. Barry nodded, watching as Iris sighed a bit. "Oh, my God. He just got so much hotter."
"Oh, my God." Barry muttered as she walked back over to the girls, before remembering there was a time limit on what they had left to do. "Okay, Cisco, we should probably get started."
Everyone went silent as Barry began to explain to them all what they were up against since it was something none of them had ever really faced before.
"Okay. These are the Dominators. We don't know much about them," Barry started but was interrupted by Kara.
"Except they're really strong. I heard a lot of stories about them when I was a kid. They came to my planet before I was born. They did experiments on a lot of people. Killed a lot more," she muttered before she was cut off too.
"Well, they're not the only ones with superhuman strength, I hear. Barry says that you're more powerful than a locomotive," Thea said, a grin spreading across her lips as she smiled at the girl. Kara blushed, not usually being complimented on her strength since she kept it as a secret identity back in her world.
"We should use Kara as a stand-in for training," Oliver decided for everyone.
"Since when is Robin Hood calling the shots?" Mick snarked, causing Callie to send him a glare as she whirled around to face him. He raised his hands in defence, because everyone on the waverider would be lying if they said they hadn't realised that Mick was the slightest bit scared of Callie after her bloodlust moments recently.
"What I think Mick is trying to say is it would be nice if we knew who was in charge around here," Jax advocated, a small shrug on his shoulders as he got the point across to them all.
"Maybe we should take a vote. Choose a leader. Someone we can all trust," Ray suggested, raising his hand as he spoke.
"Well, I trust Oliver. He's got my vote," Cisco said, mainly just to spite Barry. Oliver noticed the stoop on Barry's shoulders as Cisco said that, and turned to look at the speedster in question.
"Appreciate that, Cisco, but Barry put us all together. It should be him." Oliver said, the air of authority around him still not to be questioned by anyone else. It was him who had really started this crusade for a lot of them, so his word was one to be trusted.
"Okay. Cool, all right, well, I guess as Team Leader, first thing to do is start out by..." Barry stuttered and spluttered as he realised he didn't really have any experience with being a team leader.
"Doing a test run," Oliver muttered under his breath, aware that everyone else had also heard him telling Barry what to start off with.
"Let's do a test run. Yeah, let's do a test run!" Barry continued, a smile on his face as he thought about what he was supposed to say next.
"Against Supergirl," Oliver muttered again, making everyone squint slightly at the two.
"Against Supergirl, all right? Test run against Supergirl!" Barry exclaimed and Sara and Callie found themselves scoffing at the same time.
"Are we just supposed to pretend like we don't hear him?" Sara asked, a wide grin across her face as everyone laughed at the situation.
"So just suit up. Mm-kay? Look alive!" Barry yelled, ignoring Sara, Thea and Callie laughing at his attempts to start as a leader of the extreme superhero team up.
"A war is coming, Captain Hunter, and at some point you're gonna be called back to Central City to fight it. So you need to know that, while you and your team have been in the temporal zone, I made a choice that affected the timeline. As you know, whenever you alter the past, those changes affect the present and get compounded in the future. When you return, you will be in the new timeline I created, where everyone's past and everyone's future has been affected, including yours. When you come back, don't trust anything or anyone. Not even me."
The audio message on the iPod turned off as it reached the end. Barry and Oliver shared confused looks with Stein and Jax as they played the clip to the duo.
"Where did you get that from?" Barry asked, his voice darker as he realised that he had messed up even more than he had originally thought. He looked at Jax and Stein as they stood with their arms crossed waiting on an explanation to the message.
"We found it in a secret room inside the Waverider. It was sent by you, 40 years from now." Jax explained, placing the iPod down on the table.
"40 years from now? Barry, what the hell does this mean?" Oliver asked, fed up of all the things happening.
"It means I screwed things up when I changed the past." Barry muttered softly.
"What did you do?" Stein asked, knowing that he had broke the one rule of time-travel.
"I went back in time, and I saved my mom. I created a timeline where she's alive. It's called Flashpoint. I lived in it for a few months, until I realized that I made a big mistake, and I tried to reset the timeline, put things back to how they were supposed to be, but... "
"But it didn't work." Jax angrily butt in.
"No." Barry agreed.
"Wow. Barry, that's... So what's changed since you did this?" Stein asked, worried about what he would say.
"Cisco's brother is dead. Caitlin has powers. Diggle has a son now instead of a daughter." Barry listed, being cut off by Oliver.
"What? John had a daughter?" He exclaimed, angry at the thought of his friends lives being changed that drastically.
"Callie died-" Barry was immediatley cut off by the other three.
"WHAT?" They all exclaimed, knowing that this was probably the biggest change to the timeline out of the rest that Barry had just listed. Barry didn't answer but instead continued with his mini-speech.
"I didn't just screw up my life, man. I screwed up everybody's lives and, apparently, everybody's lives in the future. It felt like, when these aliens got here, that finally something had happened I didn't cause, and maybe I could make up for everything I'd done to everybody, but I..." He trailed off as he thought about how he had ruined everyone's lives by trying to bring his mother back to life for his own benefit.
"I think we should be on the up and up with everybody. We got to tell 'em." Jax spoke up, knowing that not telling everyone and then them all finding out would be a terrible consequence that they couldn't really afford to deal with at this point in time.
"We're going up against a bunch of aliens, and you want to tell people that their lives might have been affected by time travel? One sci-fi problem at a time. You made a mistake, Barry. It's part of the job. But we can't deal with it today." Oliver addressed, before they all stepped out of the trailer.
"She really is a badass," Thea groaned as she rolled over from her spot on the ground.
"Yeah, it's kind of hot!" Sara agreed, her eyes narrowed as she studied Kara. Callie sent her a look but Sara simply grinned mouthing 'not as hot as you' at her before she jumped back into the training.
Callie had opted to sit it out for the time being, something that Oliver and Barry were unhappy about but they had yet to learn about the bloodlust that had accompanied her being brought back to life in the lazarus pit.
Once her team had taken a break from fighting against Kara, Sara and Callie were chatting when they heard Barry and Cisco arguing.
"You still don't think you should tell them?" Cisco almost shouted, causing Callie to speak up as everyone had stopped their fighting and training.
"Tell us what?" Callie asked, everyone moving back into their standing positions as they gathered around Barry and the rest of the teams.
"Jax and Professor Stein found a message from me in the future saying that, right now, I can't be trusted." Barry muttered, running a hand over his face as he looked around at them all.
"And why would future you say that?" Sara continued, standing beside Callie as they both stared at the speedster.
"I think because I went back in time and changed the timeline, and now things here are different than before I left, including some of your lives." Barry explained, looking around sadly at them as he understood he was probably about to lose friends in these people.
"Some of our lives? Like who?" Kara asked, not sure what was happening.
"Cisco. Callie. Caitlin. Wally. Dig." Barry listed.
"Me? Why? What happened?" Diggle asked, shocked that something in his life was different.
"Hey. Apparently, you had a daughter." Oliver told the man, seeing the sadness spread through his eyes. Diggle spun to look at Barry in disbelief.
"I had a daughter, Barry?" He questioned.
"Baby John was Baby Sara." Barry softly broke to John.
"So, wait, you... let me get this straight. You just, uh... You just erased a daughter from my life?" Diggle started, getting himself worked up on what Barry was telling them all.
"Sorry, you said my name?" Callie asked, stepping forward but stopped as Sara placed a light hand on her arm to stop her from doing anything violent to the man she had called a friend.
"Callie..." He trailed off as Jax looked at the girl.
"You died Callie."
There was an even bigger silence at this information than any of the other bombs that had just been dropped. Callie felt her heart skip a beat for a second, but she wasn't as surprised by the revelation like everyone else was. No, this had only confirmed her biggest doubts since she had had that talk with Darhk and why she suddenly had a bloodlust spreading throughout her entire body.
"You can't go back and just change things like that, Barry."
"I know."
"You know how hard it is for me to not alter events? To bring my sister back? But I don't, because I know the implications." Sara started on him, knowing full well that this was something they had been trying so hard to stop from happening.
"And all those aberrations we spent the last eight months traveling through time trying to correct... you just decided that it was okay for you to create your own?" Ray joined in, fed up of listening to the man.
"We should've told 'em before," Jax muttered, but he also noted how silent Callie had been about the whole thing.
"Guys? Guys, it's Lyla. The President's been abducted by the Dominators. She needs us now." Felicity interrupted, knowing that this was happening at the worst possible time for them all.
"Okay, you guys go. All right? I'm gonna sit this one out. Obviously, you have Supergirl. She's just as fast as I am. Get the President. We can talk about this later. You still trust me, right?" Barry told them all before directing the last bit at Kara. Kara nodded, but she was also conflicted.
"I'll always trust you, but it might take more to convince them," she softly told him, and he nodded as he already knew that.
"If you need me, I'll be there." Barry muttered as everyone began to leave. He noticed that Callie was looking down at the bow that was resting in her hands and wasn't following anyone out of the building.
"Guys, this is cr... hey! This is crazy! Everyone is going, including Barry. I... I'm not going without him."Oliver yelled, trying to get the teams to stick together despite the news they had just received.
"Then you'll be here, Oliver." Diggle said as he left the building.
"Okay. You know what? Oliver, it's okay. I will go with them. We'll get the President. You stay here with Barry." Kara told them, following everyone out.
Sara turned to look at Callie. "Callie?"
Everyone turned to look at the girl who snapped out of her trance and slung her bow back onto her shoulder as she turned to face the rest of the team.
"I uh..." she paused, her head still wrapping around everything. "I'm going to stay here I think," she looked at her team and they instantly knew she was worried about her bloodlust. Sara nodded, walking over to her and placing a hand on her cheek, not caring what anyone else would take from the action.
"I'll be here when you come back," Callie muttered as she lightly held on to her hand.
"You better be," the blonde murmured before following the rest out of the hangar.
As they left, Callie turned around to face Barry and Oliver who seemed surprised that she had been the one out of everyone who had chosen to stay behind. She smiled at them before moving forwards and hugging Barry.
"I already knew," she explained, looking them in the eyes as she saw their confusion, but Oliver had understood why she had been avoiding fights and how she had known.
"You have the bloodlust."
"I need your help Ollie."
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