《falcon [sara lance]》12



"We interrupt this broadcast with breaking news: Chaos in the capital. Just a day before President Reagan is set to welcome General Secretary Gorbachev to the White House to sign the INF Treaty, a White House tour ends in violence and what witnesses describe as "a rocket man." Was this an act of terrorism..."

"Please, turn it off, Gideon. I can't bear it. So your thirst for vengeances nearly landed the entire team in prison," Stein snapped, looking at Callie and Sara who were leaning against the holographic table in the middle of the room and refusing to make eye contact with the rest of the team.

"I guess it's only okay to change history if it suits your personal vendettas," Jax scorned, being taken back to only that morning when Sara refused to let him change bad moments in time.

Callie went to speak but she was cut off by Stein. "Not to mention you still have some uncontrollable thirst for death that we weren't warned about!" He yelled, directing the end of the sentence towards their captain.

"Wasn't all Blondie's fault. Haircut screwed up as well," Mick snarled, taking the heat off Sara and Callie too. He knew that they had more personal reasons for screwing up than Ray did.

Ray scoffed indignantly, something that didn't surprise Callie. The man had grown up as an only child who was lacking social skills, so she knew he wouldn't be able to see the fault in his own actions.

"Wha... If you would just let me tinker with the cold gun, I told you I could figure out the whole crossing the streams problem!" Ray yelled, but Mick wasn't having any of the genius's excuses.

"There's nothing wrong with the cold gun. It's you, you goof!"

"The bigger question is: Why did Damien Darhk become an advisor to Reagan's White House on the eve of a nuclear treaty with the USSR?" Ray changed the subject, knowing that if he was to continue the argument with the look Callie was giving him there wouldn't be a Ray to ask the rational questions later on.

"If his involvement with the Nazis in 1942 is any indication, he's working with our time traveling nemesis."

There was a moment of silence before Sara spoke up for the first time.

"It's the same person who killed Hourman." She muttered, setting Callie off immediately.

"Amaya needs to hear about this." The raven haired girl responded, a hint of a snarl present on her lips.

"So she can also lose focus, risking everything in a selfish pursuit of revenge?" Stein yelled, his eyes shooting back to glare at Callie and Sara as he thought about them blowing their cover at the White House.


"Do you have something you'd like to say to us, Martin?" Callie snapped, standing up and moving towards the man in a threatening manner. Jax stepped forward, almost daring the assassin to lay a hand on the man and Callie paused in her steps as Stein continued his rant.

"Yes, that killing Damien Darhk almost 30 years before his actual death will have countless unforeseeable effects on the history that we are charged with protecting!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air again as he tried to reason with the two assassins. Callie did not care about history, she wasn't even a legend.

"Well, what about protecting my sister? She brought me back from the dead. She risked everything for me. How could I not do the same for her?" Sara yelled back, knowing that Stein was not seeing the point behind her words. She snarled at him, and Callie felt the same anger flow through her, but she could also feel her bloodlust seeping in with her anger.

"Because you answer to a higher calling, Sara. I'm sorry, but we cannot stray from our guiding principle," Stein argued back, knowing that he was not being sympathetic towards the assassins at all.

"Well, I'm sorry, too. It sounds like you've never really cared about anyone," Sara told them man, turning on her heel and storming away from them all. Callie moved towards Stein, but was shoved backwards by Jax.

She stumbled, but turned back to look at them with a hatred in her eyes. "You don't even know the half of the pain that man has caused me."


"Rex's killer is here? In 1987?" Amaya asked, turning away from the library computer as she took in the news that Callie had delivered to her along with the rest of the team, much to Stein's disgust at the idea.

"Potentially, if Damien Darhk is still working with him," Callie spat out the name, causing a few looks to spread amongst the team at her hatred for him. They knew he was the reason Laurel was dead, but surely something else must have gone down for Callie to hate him as much as she did.

"No way, Damien Darhk joined the Reagan Administration as an advisor at the Reykjavík Summit? And after the collapse of the summit, Darhk was credited with reviving the disarmament talks?" Nate said, reading the files in front of him. Callie would have rolled her eyes at him, but she stopped herself as she remembered this was his passion in life.

"Darhk prefers stockpiling nukes, not getting rid of them," Sara muttered, placing a hand on Callie's back as she rest against the chair that Sara sat on.


"The nuclear treaty must be a cover," Jax clarified, but Ray was still confused.

"For what purpose?" He asked, looking at Sara.

"That's what we need to find out." The blonde decided, taking a breath as she tried to restrain herself from thinking about murdering Darhk on the spot.

"Gideon, where is that bit- Darhk now?" Callie caught herself, knowing that her erratic behaviour was going to set the team against her if she didn't try to hold her anger back.

"I'm accessing the calendar on his secretary's IBM personal computer. Mr. Darhk has a meeting in Georgetown Park at 8pm," The AI answered her, finding the exact location of the man.

"Late night meeting in the park, that's not suspicious," Nate quipped, being ignored by the rest of the team.

"Ray, take Mick. Find out who Darhk is meeting with and why," Sara ordered, standing up and moving out of the room.

"Wait, just us?" Ray asked, not liking the idea of him and Mick being alone on a mission. "What about sending like Callie in?"

"Look, it's not a good idea for me to be anywhere near Damien Darhk right now," Sara started, shooting Callie a pointed look as she left the room.

"I... I agree," Ray muttered, before the rest of the team were interrupted by Callie's fury.

"I sure as hell don't!" She yelled, Ray raising a hand as he stepped towards her. She moved backwards slightly shaking her head as he tried to calm her down.

"That man doesn't deserve to live," she started, but was cut off by Stein.

"We cannot change historical events Camilla!" He yelled, but the girl was having none of it this time.

"He took everything from me! While all of you have been stuck on your stupid ship travelling through time and getting to hide away from the real world, I was out there watching him murder my friends! He killed my best friend, stabbed her straight through the stomach with my own arrow that I crafted with my bare hands. He forced me to watch! And you want to try to act like changing his death will change the world too strongly? The only thing it'll change is the amount of suffering that the people of my city - that you all abandoned by the way - had to endure while you were all off partying with histories biggest names. So don't tell me we can't change history, because we sure as hell can, you're just too proud of this privelidge you've had that you're willing to let people suffer, but I'm not! I lost everything. So no, he doesn't deserve to live!" Callie yelled, tears have poured down her face during her rant as she backed up and headed straight out of the room without letting anyone say anything else.


"Amaya got us invites to the State Dinner. Are you feeling up to it?" Sara asked Stein, who had just recovered from his younger self being stabbed by Damien Darhk. Callie had avoided the whole incident, choosing to rather practice her shooting with arrows and guns instead.

She felt bad once she heard he was hurt, but her anger and bloodlust was quick to cloud her judgement so she stayed in the weaponry. She had never really been good at handling her feelings. So she left it all to Sara, the blonde currently standing in the MedBay with Stein and Ray.

"Yes, I'm feeling much better. You feeling up to it?" Stein asked cautiously, not knowing if Sara would react the way Callie had previously.

"I think what he means is: are you gonna create a diplomatic crisis and risk unknown damage to history by killing Damien Darhk?" Ray butt in, making sure that Sara was not going to go off the rails like they were expecting Callie to do. The girl was becoming a liability due to her bloodlust, and they were worried that Sara's friendship with the girl was damaging her ability to see it.

"I know what he means, Ray," she sighed, knowing that there was more important things going on in the world than her vendetta.

"Earlier, you accused me of not ever caring for anyone, but you know that's not true. I care very much about you. And I'm less concerned about history than I am about your conscience. You're no longer an assassin, Sara. You're our Captain," Stein spoke, resting a hand on her shoulder. He quickly removed it, but she had appreciated the gesture.

"Well, let's hope I remember that when the time comes." Sara agreed.

"Slight issue however. You might no longer really be in the assassin mindset, but Callie? She's a liability," Ray interrupted, and caused Sara to close her eyes for a second and pinch the bridge of her nose.

"Raymond does have a point there Sara. It is simply not safe to bring her along!" Stein tried to convince her to leave the girl behind, but Sara knew Callie and she knew that leaving the girl alone when Damien Darhk was around was an even worse idea.

"Callie can hold herself back. I trust her, and you should too. Now let's do this."

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