《falcon [sara lance]》11


"You know, I had this under control," Darhk said to Thawne, watching as the speedster took out all of the men that were aiming guns at him and the rest of the businessmen Darhk had been dealing with. The blonde man snarled as he turned to face Thawne, not having seen the man in such a long time.

"My way's faster," the speedster replied, a smirk plastered across his face as he saw the irritated look on the other's face.

"Speed isn't everything, Mr. Thawne. You should've learned that lesson by now," Damien jabbed before narrowing his eyes curiously. "What's it been... 45 years since you hired me to nuke New York?"

"Well, 45 years for you, maybe, but for me? Good seeing you again, old friend," Thawne said, nodding as he studied the blonde man.

"Old? That's fair. Friend? Now that's something that has to be earned," Darhk tried to sound convincing, but Thawne simply wasn't interested in his threats.

"Lovely piece. What is this? First century AD, if I'm not mistaken?" Thawne noted, suddenly interested in the artefact that Darhk was about to carry away with him from the illegal deal he had just carried out.

"What is it that you want?" The man snapped, no longer interested in any sort of friendly banter that was potentially ever to exist between the two villains.

"A partner," Thawne noted, a smirk across his face as he studied Darhk. He knew the man would decline him of the privilege but he also knew exactly how to make him change his mind back.

"Pass... I prefer to work alone," Damien stated, beginning to turn away and pack up the artefact as he decided that Thawne was not offering him something that he was particularly interested in branching into.

"Oh, yeah, gathering your hive of followers, building your empire, designing your ark. Yeah, I know what you're planning. And how it works out and what raven haired brat finishes it all. You want to reshape the world? Try reshaping history. Try rewriting destiny..." Thawne trailed off, allowing Darhk to quickly realise that whoever ruins his plans in the future could easily be killed before it happens with Thawne's ability to timetravel.

"Try putting our partnership into concrete terms, as in, what's in it for me?"

"Well, perhaps content collecting symbols of power, but... I can give you actual power."


"Where's it coming from?" Sara asked as they were all interrupted from their talk in the ship by the beeping of the aberration detector that Nate and Ray had help to make.

"Washington D.C., December 7, 1987. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue," Nate muttered, with the majority of the ship knowing exactly where that address actually led to.

"So?" Mick grunted, a small smile finding its way on to her face as she thought about how little the man actually cared about the work that the team did.


"Dude, that's the White House!" Jax yelled, throwing his hands in the air as they all turned to look at the criminal.

"So what?" Mick asked, rolling his eyes at the looks they were all giving him. He didn't care about the government.

"December 7th was the day before Reagan and Gorbachev signed the INF Treaty, reducing both countries' nuclear arsenals and paving the way for the end of the Cold War," Stein started, causing the raven haired assassin to pipe up at the sound of the certainty of his voice.

She moved forwards, out of the office to join the lose circle that they had all formed around the table where Gideon was displaying a map of the time aberration.

"How do you know all that?" She asked, coming to stand rather close to Sara. The blonde relaxed ever so slightly at their closeness, a sign that Jax noticed immediatley. He smirked, raising a hand to pretend to rub at his mouth to cover the smile from the sight of the rest of the oblivious team.

"Because I was in the capital for that very summit. The Reagan Administration would call upon the top nuclear physicists to act as technical advisors," Stein said, a proud smile on his face.

"You think someone might have traveled back in time to stop the treaty from being signed?" Ray questioned what they all were thinking, a concerned look being mirrored by the rest of the team. They knew what would happen if that wasn't signed.

"That, or worse. Think about it, Reagan and Gorbachev under the same roof at one of the most volatile moments in history?" Nate asked rhetorically, knowing that the sheer thought of it was enough to terrify them all.

"The JSA has a training academy in D.C. I could reach out to the current membership, see if they have any intel or resources we could use," Amaya supplied, nodding at Callie as the girl snapped her fingers in agreement with the 40s superhero.

Sara also agreed, nodding but also thinking of the issue of sending Amaya out alone. "Good idea, but you shouldn't go alone. 1987 is a long way from 1942, and it's dangerous to know too much about the future," she explained, before turning to look at Callie. She knew her assassin friend - were they really just that? - would look after the girl.

"I can handle myself," Amaya said.

"I'll go with her," came from Nate right after she insisted she was fine with handling herself. Sara paused for a second as she tried to decide whether they would be safe and eventually decided that Callie being with her would allow for them to have a much needed conversation.

"Great, you two reach out to the JSA while the rest of us break into the most secure residence in the country," Sara replied, a hint of fake optimism causing Callie to let out a short laugh. They both shared grins before being interrupted by Jax.


"And how exactly do we do that?"

"Give us assassins some credit!" Callie joked.


"Welcome to the White House. This is Cross Hall, a magnificent space that connects the State Dining Room with the East Room."

"All right, fan out, stay on the coms, and report if anything seems out of place," Sara said into her ear, grabbing Callie's arm and tugging her out of the tour group. The assassins both paced forward, ducking into a separate corridor as they kept their eyes peeled for anything that was out of the ordinary.

They walked in silence for a moment before Callie chuckled to herself. Sara turned to face her, the curls in her hair bouncing around her face as they both wore the tourist outfits that Gideon had generated for them.


"What are we?" Callie asked, somewhat amused by the situation.

"I don't know if we should put a label on it yet," Sara said, but Callie knew what she was really wondering.

"You're not the first girl I've kissed," she said, watching as Sara sighed in relief. She had been worried that she was some sort of experiment to Callie, as if the girl had just been needing some loving company while she was staying with the legends.

"We can put a label on it," Sara confirmed, causing Callie to smirk and grab on to her wrist. Sara squealed slightly as she found Callie pushing her into an empty stairwell and slamming her against the door, their lips attaching in the process.


"Reagan wasn't even one of my top three favorite presidents. Want some?" Ray asked as he held the jellybeans in his hand out towards Mick.

"Oh, it'll take some massaging, but I believe we can get the Soviets to agree to eliminating all nuclear ground-launched, ballistic, and cruise missiles. I'll even make them believe it was their idea," A cold voice echoed through the hall, and Ray instantly recognised the voice. It was him; the white haired man that had caused so many troubles to the team and its members. Damien Dark was in the White House with them. Callie and Sara were not going to take this well at all.

"I think we found our aberration."


Callie wound her hand around the base of Sara's neck as the blonde pushed her against the wall of the stairwell they were in.

"I think we found our aberration."

Sara groaned as Callie played with the hairs at the base of her neck, pushing the girls bodies closer together as they deepened the kiss. Sara's hand trailed down Callie's waist, heading lower and -

" is here."

Callie had had her fair share of moment-ruining situations, but this was certainly the worst one yet. Her and Sara both pulled away from each other, seeing the fury and fire reflecting in their eyes. Sara was angry, and so was Callie - but only one of them had recovered from the cravings of bloodlust.

"Sara, Callie, don't do anything rash. Sara? Callie? Sara, Callie, are you lis..." Stein's voice came through their comms, but both of the assassins reached up and flicked the devices off.

They stormed through the hallways, finding Darhk quicker than it took Felicity to find their targets when they had both worked for team arrow. Callie snarled, flexing her wrists as Sara flicked out her pocket knife from her sleeve. They moved forward slightly, Darhk in their sights as a firm hand grabbed on to Callie's shoulder.

"Ladies, I'm gonna need you to drop the weapon. Drop the knife and place your hands behind your head. We've got a situation in the East Wing," he spoke into his radio, holding his gun directly against the forehead of Callie.

Just as Callie went to move forward to take the guy down, Mick appeared, slamming his fist into the side of the mans face and knocking him straight to the ground. She moved past the man, walking next to Sara before Ray cut in front of the due holding Snart's cold gun.

"I know you want vengeance for Laurel, but it's not that simple," Ray countered as he tried to stop the two from progressing.

"Get out of the way," Sara snarled, shoving him to the side and beginning to wonder forward. Callie ignored Ray, letting out a snarl as she started to pace towards Dark. The man had seen them by this point, his guards turning to face her as she stormed towards him.

"Let go of me Mick!" Callie yelled as a strong arm grabbed her around the waist and tugged her backwards, missing the attack that one of the guards had aimed for her.

"Can't do that, short stack!" Mick grumbled as he dragged her backwards, Sara realising that this certainly was no longer the place to attack the man without getting the rest of the team killed. Callie was not accepting this, red clouding her vision as the memory of him stabbing Laurel played through her eyes as she saw him for the first time since 2016.

"We gonna fight or leave?" Mick asks Sara, but Ray answered instead as he lifts the cold gun.

"Fight." He shoots the gun, watching as Mick mirrors him with the heat wave.

Callie was pushed into Sara's arms by Mick as the blonde assassin tried to drag the girl away from Darhk. The raven haired girl was not for backing down, so Sara muttered an apology before delivering a blow to the back of her head and knocking her unconscious.

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