《falcon [sara lance]》04



"Mr. Tyler," Stein said as they approached the man.

"See? Rex Tyler. Told you we knew the guy!" Ray exclaimed, causing Rex to squint at them all.

"I don't know you. Any of you. Tell me what the heck is going on here," he ordered, not sure what they were trying to pull over on him. He noticed their positons, making sure none of them were holding or doing anything dangerous to them all.

"Well, we tried explaining..." Sara started to address him, but he simply interrupted her.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, I was addressing the team leader," Rex replied, motioning to Stein.

Callie scoffed as did Sara while the rest of the team seemed taken back by Rex's command.

"Uh... uh... oh. Oh, well, simply put, we've come here as time travelers to identify aberrations in history and correct them," Stein stated, as if it was common fact.

"We're superheroes, like you guys!" Ray compared, grinning at them all.

"You think you're just like us? What are your qualifications?" Stargirl asked them, crossing her arms as she eyed the bunch of misfits up and down.

"Well, I used my personal fortune to create an advanced exo-skeleton, which is powered by dwarf star alloy," Ray explained, even though everyone knew they were not going to understand a word of what he just said.

"And I'm nothing like you. I'm a criminal." Mick laughed, causing everyone in the team to give him a glare.

"Are there any other felons on your team?" Amaya asked, smugly grinning as she knew they were just digging themselves into more trouble.

"No, no..." Ray replied, trying to save them from their demise.

"Yes." Mick butted in, pointing to Sara. "She's an assassin, but never convicted, right?"

There was a pause as Sara sheepishly waved slightly. She pointed to Callie standing to her right. "She's also an assassin," she paused, looking at the raven haired girl.

"We're protecting history. It's pretty important," Nate butted in, trying to drag them all out of the hole they just put themselves into.

"In the future, you risk your own life to save us, Mr. Tyler," Stein explained, trying to divert attention away from the assassins and on to the time travel.

"How do you know my name?" Rex replied again, holding himself back.


"Because you told us your name in 2016," Jax replied, fed up of having to repeat themselves.

Ray repeated the story of how they had met Rex before they had been caught up in all of the disaster with the atomic bomb. Callie hadn't been there for it, so this was as new to her as it was to Rex and his team.

"So I crashed your ship, told you some bunk about not staying in 1942, and then I just disappeared?" Rex asked, definitely not believing a word they were telling him.

"It was more like "fritzing" out." Ray motioned.

"You might've been on to something with the Bellevue idea," Rex told Steel, rolling his eyes at them all again.


"Those guys were precise, professional, in constant agreement. We can't even agree on whose turn it is to make dinner!" Ray noted, as they discussed how different they were from the JSA. Callie leant against the wall, watching them all pace around each other as they drove her insane.

"Not it." Sara chirped as she walked by him.

"I can't argue with you, man. They got some serious skills," Jax agreed, causing Sara to shrug it off.

"Big deal. Apart from the fancy headquarters, discipline, and calls from the White House, I mean, what do they have that we don't?"

"An actual leader. Rip's gone, and who knows when or if we'll ever find him. In the meantime, we need someone who can make the tough calls," Ray commented, puffing his chest out slightly.

"Let me guess, you're volunteering?" Mick scoffed, watching Callie looking paler than usual from the corner of his eye.

"With all due respect, Raymond, I think there's a reason Mr. Tyler just naturally assumed I was in charge," Stein said, trying to make himself sound superior to the rest of the team.

"Yeah, because Mr. Tyler is from 1942 and you're some old white dude," Jax remarked, a comment that Callie noted would still actually make sense in 2016 too.

""Old," meaning experienced. What about..." Stein started but Sara interuppted.

"Martin's right. With Rip gone, we could use some adult supervision. Congratulations, Captain!" She fake smiled at him.

"Well, then. Thank you all for your support. Now, I believe our first order of business concerns Dr. Heywood," he started, all of them rolling their eyes at how much more formal he tried to sound.


As Mick rolled his, he noticed that Callie had became almost stark white since he had last looked at her. She was shaking slightly, a sweat forming on her forehead.

"Guys?" He asked, diverting their attention to him, just as Callie slumped to the ground.


When Callie came to, it wasn't to peace and quiet like she would have expected. Sara, Stein and Steel were all yelling at each other, and with a quick look to her left at the other med chair she knew who about: Nate.

"The bomb blast caused massive internal bleeding, and because his body lacks the normal clotting factor, there's only so much Gideon can do!" Stein explained, causing Callie to realise how much she must have missed judging by the fact they were now talking about bombs.

She groaned, moving up on the chair slightly and altering the other three to her consciousness. Steel barely paid attention, but Sara was at her side in seconds.

"Callie? Can you hear me?" She asked, placing a hand on her friends face.

"What happened?" She asked, groaning as she trying to sit up more.

"Due to having missed a few meals and being inexperience from time travel, your body shut down to allow time to recover from the stress it has inflicted upon you," Gideon's voice spoke through the room, explaining it to Callie. The girl almost laughed, she had been wiped from action by missing her lunch?


"Were you two close?" Amaya asked Ray as they waited in the storage bay on news on Nate.

"No, not really, but if it wasn't for Nate, I'd still be trapped in the Cretaceous period, being chased by a T. rex," he began to explain then realised they would have no idea what he was talking about.

"I'm sorry," Stargirl said, looking sadly at him. "This is our fight, not yours. The Nazis are not..."

"Nazis. Nazis." She was cut off by Ray pulling the Nazi serum out of his pocket and holding it up.

"You kept the serum?" Amaya asked, almost annoyed at him.

"There may be enough."


Ray rushed into the room, touching Callie's arm as a greeting as he explained his sudden appearance.

"I think I can save him, with this," he said, holding the serum out.

"Is that the Nazi serum that created that hideous berserker? Are you mad?" Stein asked, as Ray inserted the serum straight into a vein on Nate's wrist.

"I did a little tinkering to the formula, so..." Ray trailed off, watching to see if anything happened to Nate.

"So what will it do now?"

"With any luck, save his life," Ray replied, heaving a deep sigh.

"How do we know if it's working?" Callie asked, her head finally feeling back to normal and she was able to concentrate again.

"He's not dead yet, so that's a good sign."

"And he's not turning into a Nazi berserker," Sara pointed out.

"His vitals are improving. He's stabilizing!" Stein said, pointing to the chart on the wall that was displaying all of Nate's biological information for the time being.

Callie laughed with the rest of them as they all let out shaky breaths.


"What'd the Nazis want with a piece of jewellery anyway?" Mick asked as they all stood around Rex holding on to the amulet that they had spent so much hassle trying to get today. Callie stood next to Sara, the blonde refusing to let her out of her sight even though Gideon had informed her she was fine.

"No idea. Hitler's known to be obsessed with the strange." Rex answered, staring at the object in his hands.

"We'll keep it safe, in any case." Midnight answered, looking at the metal.

"I guess that's your way of saying thanks." Mick joked, knowing there would be no thank you for having helped out the JSA in 1942.

"Right, well, I think it's time we got out of 1942. This was fun." Sara said, laughing slightly at her own joke. Callie rolled her eyes; something she was doing more on this small trip so far than she ever had in her life.

"It was unusual." Rex agreed, leaving the ship with the rest of his team.

Sara turned to face Callie, a grin on her face. "As for you, I think we better get cooking."

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