《Protect Her》Chapter Twenty Three


***Trigger Warning: This chapter contains heavy themes of domestic violence and miscarriage. Please take care of yourself and skip if you feel this may be triggering for you. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence of any kind, please reach out to someone in your community. In the US, that number is 1-800-799-7233**


I got up early to make coffee and bring it to Cam before she got up, still feeling unsettled about how we left things and wanted to explain a little better about what it wasn't possible for her to contact her dad. I was up all night trying to think of a way I could pull it off for her, but it just wasn't safe. Especially right now, when things were so fresh.

When I got out into the kitchen, she beat me to it. She was standing with her back to me in a pair of shorts and just a sports bra, hair pulled back into a high ponytail and her skin glistening with sweat.

"You're up early." I walked up behind her, wrapping my arms around her and kissing her neck.

Cam smiled. "I wanted to go for a run before Riley woke up. Are you hungry? I'm making omelets!"

"Starving." I kissed her again, smirking. "But I don't think an omelet is going to satisfy this type of hunger." I trapped her against the counter with my hips. "I missed you last night."

Cam rolled her eyes, batting at me playfully. "I missed you, too."

"I don't really like how we left things last night. I wanted to finish talking about..."

"Derek, it's fine." She cut me off abruptly and turned back to the stove. "I get it. There is nothing else to take about. Really, I promise I'm fine. Can we just drop it?"

I wasn't completely convinced, but I humored her and changed the subject. "Sure. How was your run?"

"It was good." She smiled, dishing up an omelette and handing the plate to me. "But I think some kind of wild animal got stuck in the shed outback. I heard all kinds of wrestling around and, like, squeaking or something."

My eyes widened, and I nearly dropped the plate to the floor. "You were by the shed?"

She nodded. "I tried to open the door to let whatever it was out, but it was locked."

Thank God it was locked. How the fuck would I explain that one? I didn't want to even think about what would've happened if she had gotten inside and seen Jason tied up.


"Okay, no worries. Will and I will take care of it today."

"What will we take care of?" Will asked, coming out of the guestroom.

"Good morning!" Cam grinned, handing him an omelet as well.

"Cam thinks an animal got stuck in the shed. She heard it making all kinds of noise this morning when she was running."

"An animal?" Will let out a sharp laugh." That's not an animal, Cam. That's ..."

I shot him a nasty glare before he could go any farther. He didn't know I hadn't really elaborated to Cameron on what I did, and he was about to blow the entire thing. Luckily, he could read my expression and changed his course. "Probably the fan out there. Sometimes leaves get caught in the blades and it can make a thumping sound."

"And squeaking." I added.

"Yeah, we'll definitely take care of that today." Will said quickly.

"Great." She said, sliding a second plate toward me. This one had an omelette on it also, but a face was made on it with strawberries and blueberries. "I decided I'm going to go into town with Mrs. Leonard and Riley when they go to the library today, so I need to go shower. Will you make sure she eats this when she wakes up?"

"Got it, babe." I smiled, giving her a quick kiss.

She blushed a little that I was showing affection like this in front of Will.

She disappeared down the hallway and shut the door to her bedroom behind her.

"Babe?" Will rolled his eyes, twisting his face to mock me.

"A fucking fan?" I hissed, having none of it."She's not stupid, Will. I think she knows the difference between a fan with leaves stuck in it and an actual human being."

"Well, what the hell did you want me to do with him? Bring him inside?" Will groaned. "And it's not my fault you haven't told her the truth. All the shit we did for her was illegal. You think she thinks you're some kind of upstanding citizen?"

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. He was partly right. I should've been more upfront about my involvement in the mafia to begin with. "Let's just get the information we need from him and take care of this as soon as possible."


I can't call my dad. I can't call my dad. I can't call my dad. I can't call my dad. I can't call my dad.


I had repeated that to myself no less than a thousand times just this morning, and I started it up again as the hot water splashed on my back in the shower. It was still killing me, but I knew where Derek was coming from.

I'd only ever seen my father cry once, and that was at my mother's funeral. Robby hadn't wanted me to go because I would miss one of his father's campaign events, but there was no way I was missing it. We fought about it, and I showed up to my mother's funeral with a blackeye, embarrassed to even show my face there.

I hadn't been around the last few months as her battle with cancer wound down. I'd never forget the look on my dad's face when he saw me, and noticed the bruising underneath my eye. He begged me to stay, to leave Robby and come back home. It shattered me to tell him I couldn't, and that was about the last time I spoke to him. I knew it was hard for him to see me in pain, and I couldn't put him through anymore.

The very last time we spoke, he'd shown up at one of Sidney's events and made a huge scene. I told him I was pregnant earlier in the week and he came to beg me, once again, to come home so he could keep both me and the baby safe. Security threw him out, and Robby beat me so badly that night I had to stay a night in the hospital so they could monitor the baby. He told them we'd been in a car crash and he made me cut off all contact with my dad after that.

I survived that night narrowly, but the baby hadn't. Robby blamed the miscarriage on me and only waited a week before making me have sex with him so we could get pregnant again. A month or two later, we found out about Riley and I never told a soul what actually happened. I had a feeling his parents knew, but that night was never spoken of again and neither was the child we lost.

I felt sick thinking about it now, especially after seeing my dad like that. I had re-watched his interview over and over again last night, and hadn't slept at all. When Derek asked why I was up early, I lied. I wasn't up early. I had just never gone to bed.

I would give just about anything to just talk to him. I wanted him to know we were okay, and that we had gotten out. He was in so much pain, and again, it was my fault.

I changed into my clothes and, as I started getting ready, I made the mistake of turning the TV on. Our story captivated the nation, and even Canadian networks were covering it now. There was footage from in front of our house from this morning.

Immediately, I spotted my dad. He was standing at the edge of a crowd when Robby came outside. My dad took one look at him and ran towards him, asking him what he had done to me. Without even glancing his way, Robby shoved him to the side and my dad fell backwards onto the grass. He was okay, and got right back up, but that was the last straw for me. I had to tell him I was alive.

For the rest of the morning, I did my best to avoid Derek. I was already ashamed of what I was going to do and I couldn't look him in the eye. There was no way for him to understand what I was going through right now. It was worse than any pain Robby had ever inflicted on me. It wasn't a choice.

Derek and Will disappeared to do whatever work they had to do, and Mrs. Leonard came. The three of us hopped in her car and headed towards the city. The cabin was quite a ways away, and I got a long time to think about what exactly I was going to say to my dad. I had to make sure he knew how important it was that he kept it a secret, and that he stayed away from Robby.

We got to the library and Mrs. Leonard took Riley to the children's section. I wandered up and down the aisles for a few minutes, and when I was sure they were occupied, I ducked out the front door. There was a payphone down the street a little way and I made a beeline for it.

Slipping a few quarters into the slot, I typed in my dad's number. It rang a few times and then he picked up.


"Hi dad." My voice cracked.

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