《If Only ✔》Chapter 22.


"Sis I'm going out!!" Matt calls out

"Again?? You know you've been busy" I say putting a hand to my hip

"So have you" he says and I nod

"Yes yes but you know who I'm with. Who are you with" I say

"Just some friends of mine" He says shrugging

"Mhm and you're going out on a Saturday?" I ask

"Yup" he says

"The day where you swear to be lazy and nothing will ever stop you from being lazy" i say

"Yeah well. I made a promise to my friend" he said and I nod

"You can't go." I say

"What?! Why?!?!

"You're staying here and telling me all about this girl." I say smirking. He looks at me with wide eyes

"What are you talking about?!" He exclaims

"Why so defensive?" I ask

"Don't hide from me Matt. You like someone don't you?" I continue and he sighs and sits down

"Fine. Yes. I do like someone. It's just...ugh I don't know" he says running a hand through his hair

"Tell me about her" i say

"She's amazing. Beautiful. Smart. Cool. Kind. Trustworthy. Helpful. Caring.-" he says but I cut him off

"Okay. She's every good adjective in the world. Name?" I ask

"Emily" he says grinning

"Problem is she likes someone else." He says look down

"Aw Matt..." I say

"I'm trying to get her to notice me but it's just a flop. She's always too busy boggling the other guy. The guy she likes is 2 grades above us and he's all handsome and cool cause, ya know, puberty." He says and I hug him

"Bro, with or without puberty, you are super handsome. Okay? You took all the attractive looks in this family. This girl is just blind. We all are when it comes to crushes and love." I say and suddenly Daniel and Logan burst in


"What's up guys?!" Logan says

"Dammit you two. We were talking here." I glare at them

"About what?" Daniel asks

"Matt likes a girl who likes someone else" I say

"Wow sounds familiar huh, sis?" Matt mumbles

"Shush." I say sternly

"Well the only advice I have and you'll ever need is this" Daniel looks at Matt

"Don't be stupid. If you really like her then don't let her slip away. You have a chance, don't screw up." He pauses before saying

"You don't know what you've lost till it's really gone."

It was silent before Matt smiled at Daniel and thanked him. He hugged Daniel which surprised both him and I. Matt hasn't hugged Daniel in a long time.

"Thanks Daniel." Matt says and goes out

"Go get her Matt" Logan says and sits next to me. I snuggle into him and he kisses my forehead.

"My stomach hurtssss" I whine. He chuckles and gets up

"I'll go buy you ice cream" he says and lays me down. He goes into the kitchen and comes back out with hot compress. I smile thankfully and he brushes my hair before leaving to go to the groceries.

"You guys seem to be really getting close" Daniel speaks up

"Yeah...Logan is really sweet" I say holding the hot compress to my abdomen. Better this pain than being pregnant

"I can see." He says and I clear my throat

"Anyways how are you and Julie? Haven't seen her around recently" I ask

"Probably out with some other dude" He says shrugging

"Wait you KNOW she's cheating on you" I say in shock

"Everyone knows about her sleeping around with everyone. She's not even my girlfriend anymore, we broke up a long time ago. She's just..." He trails off


"Yeah, I got it." I say

"So uhm...you need anything?" He asks awkwardly

"Heh nah I'm good." I say and he rolls his eyes

"Logan might know you well, but I've been with you so long I already know everything about you." He says smirking

"Oh yeah?" I say raising an eyebrow

"Please, explain. What do I want when it's that time" I say and he grins

"You want ice cream, yes. But you don't want the person taking care of you to leave you alone, which is why I always ask Mom to buy some for you instead of going out to buy some myself." He says and sits next to me

"You want cuddles. Just long cuddles." He says. He lifts my head and puts a pillow on top of his lap and lays me on the pillow.

"You want your hair to be played with" He says and does so

"And you want to watch Nicholas Sparks movies." He says and puts on The Notebook

I smiles and snuggle into him. He really does know everything about me.

"Thanks Daniel." I say and he smiles at me

"Anything for you, V."

We watch the movie and he plays with my hair. He wipes my eyes when I start to tear up and he doesn't leave. At one point I closed my eyes as I was starting to get sleepy. I heard the door open and close.

"Hey, what's going on here?" I think Logan says

"Chill man. She just wanted a cuddle." Daniel explains

"Oh...well thanks for taking care of her. Sorry I took so long." Logan says

"Why did you take so long?" Daniel asks

"Well you know that cheerleader? Brittany? Yeah I had to help her with her groceries. The boxes were too heavy" Logan explains

"Dude in my opinion you should've just let her be. Your girlfriend is more important than some other girl" Daniel says

"I know but I can't just leave a girl struggling like that." Logan says

"Whatever man. Although ,seriously, you're lucky to have Verdana. She's a precious gem. Prioritize her and make her your princess. Take care of her because she's not like any other girl...she's special but doesn't see it. That's your role as her boyfriend, make her feel and see that's she's special." Daniel says and I can feel his hands running through my hair

"I know man. I'm lucky to have her." Logan says

And the last thing I heard before I blacked out was a very soft mumble

"What I'd give to be in your place, Logan..."


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