《If Only ✔》Chapter 5.


I was walking to school. Matt took the bus and my car broke down so I'm walking. I'd take the bus but it was already pretty full and I could use the exercise. Daniel has been talking to me recently and though I enjoy us spending time together, I'd rather not. All he talks about is Julie, soccer, and Julie. He's really crazy about her. You might think that I'm over reacting, and it's normal for him to be like this since he's in a relationship with someone. I know, okay? I can't help it if I'm jealous and selfish. Sue me for being human and feeling these things.

As if the sky was reading my thoughts, a loud clap of thunder booms in the sky and rain starts pouring down. The rain pours down on me and I sigh. Could this day get any better? *note sarcasm*

"Hey Verdana!"

I turned to look at my caller and saw the co captain of the basketball team, Hayden. Andrew was the captain of the basketball team and Hayden was the co captain. The team has also become my new friends in a span of a short time. They all cared about me, and made me feel comfortable around them, completely opposite to how the soccer team treated me. They welcomed me with open arms as soon as I went savage on Andrew. They respected me for that because they never had the guts to do it. They accepted me in their team immediately. It was easy for me to accept them too since they're personality is like Andrew's.

"Need a ride? It's starting to rain pretty hard" he offers

"Nah I'll be fine" I decline his offer.

"Okay ,well, you don't really have a choice. Drew might kill me because you had to walk to school in the rain" He says. I chuckle, knowing he was probably right. I get in and his girlfriend, Bella, was there as well.


"Hi Verdana!!" she says cheerfully

"Hi Bella!" I say with a smile

Bella,Hayden and I talked the whole way to school and by the time we reached school I was smiling widely. Bella was so much fun. I can't remember the last time I had a girl friend.

Lunch rolled around and I was pretty happy. I just realised that Bella was in a lot of my classes and she switched seats to sit next to me so we could talk, and other than that Daniel was finally talking about something other than Julie. While looking for a table, Daniel called me over. I walked up to him, and he smiles up at me.

"Hey! Come sit with us. You haven't sit with us in ages" he says. I was about to say yes when Julie came and sat next to Daniel. I would, but I did NOT want to sit through that. I'd just be third wheeling.

I heard someone else call my name, and saw Bella waving at me in the table near this one. Relief washed over me as I don't have to sit here awkwardly while they all talk about soccer. I don't know much about soccer which I think is one the reasons they didn't really talk to me since that's all they ever talk about. I smiled back at her, and waved.

"Sorry Daniel but I think I'll eat with my other friends. Besides there's no more chairs anywas" I face Daniel

"Okay...tomorrow?" He asks

"Maybe." I shrug, and walk over to Bella and the rest of the basketball team. Once I get there they cheer and all greet me. It's really a great feeling to going from one friend who's other friends don't like you to two friends who's other friends really like you.



Wow. What a nickname.

"Sup V!" Drew says hugging me from the side

"Hahah hey everybody" I say and sit next to Andrew

This lunch was the most fun ever. These guys were way better than the soccer team. So much more fun and kind. Daniel kept looking over at us according to Bella but I never acknowledged it.

Cause everytime I look over he's happy with Julie.


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