《NEGATIVE ZERO: Walking With Memories》61 |







"Yuzu.. we are at Nexiara.."


"It.. it looks exactly like ours... but a bit different? Why is everything on the ground"


" Nexiara is the complete opposite of Azumore, however yours is mirrored.."


"I see.."


"So, why did my portal bring us back here?"


"We are not supposed to be here.. it's dangerous."


"We've been here before, Xal was able to come in this world whenever and wherever he wants it."


"Who is xal.."


"He sounds like a mean guy.."


"Xal.. is a demon who lives in Seulgi.. she is the person you sold us out to."


"Oh. I—"


"I know you didnt mean it.."


"T-thanks.." she smiled

You're being too close to her Yuzu.

I.. I am just trying to—

You know she can still kill you.. so keep distance.

I know..

Trust no one Yuzu..

She clenched her fist as she stares across the horizon. She turned to watch Sana and the other Elites and that they seemed worried yet surprised, having a quick conversation about Nexiara. She breathed deeply.




The gang began walking towards the front of the woods towards the city as the night falls.


"Well?.. we really are in Nexiara right?"


"Yeah.. and if the girls are with the others.. one place they'll find us is at Arcane."


"So.. We are going to Arcane right now?"


"That's where my portal is.. the last time i remember. and if Taehyung is a portal.. To who do you belong?"


"I— dont know.."


"I see."


"How bout we find a place to stay.. it's already dark, and I am sure the city is a few more blocks away"


"I guess that's smart enough." she then casted a small hut for the gang to stay



"Why cant we just fly? geeze.. you humans sure are stupid" she began jumping without thinking and her flight just dropped her down back to the floor.


"Yeah. You— don't belong here, and neither does the girls, your magic wont work in this world"


"WAIT! you mean i am stuck.. like this?!"


"Until we get out of this."


"But why do you have magic?!"


"Rose is a Demon, they bend the rules."


"That's unfair!"


"Well, isn't the king a demon too?" and the girls began to turn towards Yuzu.




"you...you can try?"


"You're a king? Wha—"


"I dont think so"


"Try Yuzu"


"Tsk." Jungkook began to walk behind him softly




"Whatever. This is my world."


"Yet Sana, is still not in your grasp"


"She opened my portal"


"Just cause she is the key"


"Ugh! Shut up!" Jungkook smirked as he taunted his friend

Yuzu then began to cast a small magic spell, a light had lit up, but suddenly faded in mid air


"Nope. Can't cast it" The gang felt disappointed


"Hmm, well i guess the king is not in you huh."


"Guess not. Im sorry"


"It's okay.—here, let's stay in here just a bit." She casted a small cottage with a fireplace for everyone to rest cozy by the forest hilltop— where the city is seen on full view under the moonlight

Sana is found to wake up in the middle of the night as she sees someone outside of the window panes, staring up at the moon and onto the city.




"Ah.. Sana— Can't sleep?"


"No.. not really"


"I see." He sighed


"You?" She walked closer to him and sat by his side onto the edge of the hill



"I can't either"


"I see" she breathed the cool air and sighed



"You got something in mind?"

"Hmm.. When you said you were a portal, did you know Nexiara?"


"Not at all, this is my first time here. Thanks to you"


"Ah! Right.. that.. that k-ki—"


"You were my key Sana.."




"I don't know why or how, but you were. You unlocked me in this beautiful world that is mine to own." He smiled


"I dont understand how i became a key, or the other Elites"


"It's the way how it is Sana. You are a part of something bigger, and the six of you combined, must be a bigger piece than Nexiara will ever be.— I.. am just a piece of the puzzle" he smiled


"I see.."


"All i know, i am not supposed to be here, i am not supposed to exist."


"Dont say that?"


"It's true.. hence why meeting you, is such a gift and a curse" Sana sighed

"I— really did like you Sana."


"Why do you?"


"Something in my heart tells me.. and that something just beats for you and you alone. It's weird.. but i already knew, i was destined to meet you"


"Oh Tae.." He sighed as he gently placed his hand over Sana's with a gentle smile placed onto his face.


"Will you still remember me when im gone?" He smiled




"It's not possible."




"Cause when I am gone, I dont even exist.. it's not possible you would remember me even when i— myself, Don't even exist..—"


"Dont think that way, of course i would remember you"


"I hope. A nobody like me, is not worth being remembered at all— I don't even remember who i was.. and you seemed to know who i was right?"


"Taehyung.. you—"


"So you do know me.." Sana nodded hesitantly

"I can't believe i met you twice.."




"So Yuzu... you knew her?"

Just in the midst of their conversation, Yuzu unknowingly got out of the cabin without being noticed as she hid by the bushes— Eavesdropping


"So Yuzu... You knew her?"




"So.. i guess you knew us all didnt you."


"Mostly, but all, yes." Taehyung sighed and smiled as he looked calmly onto the dark velvet sky


"Say Sana.." Sana replied with a hum in question

"What was I like?"




"When you met me.. what was I like?"




"Was I a bad man?" He smiled and Sana hesitantly nodded

"I see.. that explains why you act the way you do around me"

Sana couldnt say anything but she kept a smile on her face.


"What about Yuzu?"

Yuzu who was hidden by the bushes immediately kept her head up the moment she heard her name was called


So she does know you

Shut up.


"Yuzu.. is different."


"What do you mean.."


"She was my.." she sighed

"She means a lot to me, and i just hoped i gave so much just for her."


"What do you mean?"


What do you mean?


"Yuzu... she.." she paused and tear dropped onto her eye

"She was my Tzuyu."


"Heh. I knew this much.."



So it's true?

No, I am not, I am Yuzu


I am not Tzuyu, I'll never be

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