《NEGATIVE ZERO: Walking With Memories》60 |




"ACK!— ow... what the—"

Nayeon is to be found onto a pile of sand, and her body was aching.


"Girls? Jeongyeon!" she yelled

"ah.. N-Nayeon!"


"Jihyo! are you okay?"




"Momo, what about you?"


"I am fine Nayeon. thanks."

At a moment they saw a few other people laying onto the sand by their side— scattered around.


"ah! Sneha. you okay?"


"yeah.. O-ow.."


"Lia? Rukkaya! are you guys here?" he shouted


"yeah over here!"


"whoa.. that drop was a bad drop..—" she stretched


"Rose! Jennie! they're not here"


"and so are my sisters.." she sighed

The moment Hyun stood up Sneha pounced onto the royal and grabbed her collar




"yo. yo. yo. enough!" she stood in between them

"break it off Sneha!"


"She's the reason we are in this mess!"


"for your information! we are here because you had to come and ruin our plans!"


"PLANS OF WHAT?! conquering the world?!"




"FREEDOM?! Hyun! You sold us to that demon!"


"What are you even talking about?!— we are doing something good for the clan!!"






"Sneha? Please stop?"


"Who are you to tell me what to do?!"


"Apparently your brain just got fried up on the transfer, so you would not recognize your friends"


"I dont have any! And i dont need you!— come on Jaz! Tadao! We're leaving!"


"Uh.. captain.."




"Shouldnt we just stay with them?"


"Yeah, i am all for not leaving them."




"Just stay Sneha. We must find the others first."


"What for? so i can die for the likes of all of you?"



"No.. we may need you"


"So youre using me?"


"Sneha.. just please?"




"You know captain, it's not that bad to join forces for now?"


"When i get my hands on the royals! I WILL kill them."


"Besides.. We gotta look for Tae." Sneha sighed.



Lisa then began to walk towards a lonely Hyun who stood by the rocks on her own.




"Leave me alone"




"That's not my name."


"Oh.. uh.."


"It's Hyun.." Hyun looked across her to find the Elites walking towards her. She sighed.


"Well, Hyun.. how bout joining us to find everyone else"


"No. Im better off alone. I'll just wait for my sisters"


"But Hyun.. we can't leave you alone?"


"Just leave me.. I am a Ghoul, i dont deserve your sympathy."


"But, you deserve mines Hyun." Nayeon and Jihyo smiled


"Yeah.. we are friends"


"I dont have friends. And the only people i trust are my sisters! Thats it!"


"You can trust us.."


"We wont kill you."


"Please do. I have no more sense of living now, cause we are all gonna die"


"What makes you say that"


"We failed the delivery.. Now, we are good as dead"


"The delivery was better that it failed hyun."


"Why is that"


"Because we are the good guys.."


"Last time that ultimate demon said she was a good guy.. we ended up losing people"


"Trust us. We are the good guys.. and you are too."


"Why is that."


"We need help finding your sister.."


"Well i dont know where she is"


"And neither do we.."


"Please join us Hyun.."

The girls smiled at her as Momo reached out her hand, waiting for Hyun to take a hold of it. Hyun scowled with tears in her eyes.



"Only until i find my sisters."


"Fair enough." She smiled And Hyun decided to grab hold of Momo.


"Great.. so where are we.."


"Lisa! I found something!"


"Whoa! You guys gotta see this!"

The gang began running towards the end of the forest to find themselves in a familiar place.

*** (split scene) ***


"Yo! what is this?!"


"Where are we?"


"ACK! ROSE! You gotta see this!!"


"What.. what is— holy.."


"Wow! It's pretty! " she smiled




"Ah!" Her eyes widened from the view


"No way.."


"It's pretty isnt it?"


"Why are we here?..."


"I— I don't know.."


"Taehyung! Where did you teleport us to?!"


"I don't know! This is my portal.. ive never been inside it.."


"Your portal?"



Rose's eyes widened as she rubbed it from the view.


"What's going on? Where are we?"


"Uh.. Rose..?"


"We are not supposed to be here Sana.."




"Lisa?... what are we gonna do.."


"I—.. I don't know.."


"We.. We have to find them fast.."


"I don't like this..


"Huh? Where are we?"


"Sana? Where are we?"


"We are.."


"We are..."


"At Nexiara..."



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