《NEGATIVE ZERO: Walking With Memories》56 |







"She answered, but the static and connection is a bust!"


"Where is she?"


"The last time we talked she said Divine's library."


"Of course..."


"She's delivering her!— SHIT! We gotta act fast!"




"I'll explain later, i cant do this anymore!"

He tapped onto his phone and made a call


"I messed up. I need help"

["Where is she"]



"No? I said divine!"


"Trust me!"

["What about the Elites?"]

"They are all with me, but Sana."

["You finally got them to believe you?"]

"Long story, but Yuzu, is making the delivery"

["I'll see what i can do, for now, make use of the elites. They can help you get there on time"]


["I'll meet you there"]



"Nayeon, i need you to teleport us to Arcane's underground"


"But they are in Divine"


"Divine has no underground library. A portal is in Arcane."


"HOw did you—"








A bright light is to be shown onto the midst of their vision


No way.. it's purple.. she.. she must be—


"Dont go closer to that Sana."


"Huh, why?"


"It's dangerous."


"Let's go here."

And the two sisters began to lead them through a maze in the dark abyss.


Something is not right, that portal was the one i was looking for.. but.. they seemed to be going somewhere else. Besides.. Yuzu seemed to have cold hands.. and the sisters know the way. We havent gone through a dead end yet...

"Uh.. looks like you three knows the way perfectly."


"Oh..?" Hyun turned with her eyes glowing in yellow and sharp fangs released

"We just want to see whats on the other side" she grinned


This took Sana in a shock to see Hyun and Youngchae at a focused position. She turned to Yuzu as she sees her eyes glowing in yellow, focused and straight faced, grasping onto her hand tighter


This is bad.. it's wrong.. they.. they.


"Stop moving. We are close"

The moment they reach the end of the maze— huge double doors came in vision


"Uh.. i want to go ba—"


"No. We are getting this done. One way.. or another"




"I cant have you kill me.. So i'll kill you instead"



Shadows beneath them began to capture Sana's leg as Yuzu lets go of Sana's hand trapping her into a wrapped darkness


"Finally got her"


"Good work!"

Yuzu remained silent as she watched Sana struggle


I dont feel so good

"Let her be.."

I.. I dont feel so good, Yuzu

"I'll kill her first before she kills me"


"YUZU! Let me go!"


"Let's go."

The sisters began to open the doors and walked onto a marble platform, a white elegant room with a throne in the center.


"We got her!"

"Ah perfect.— i have been expecting you"


"Took us some time"


"Now the end of your bargain"

"Not quite!— you only got me the Queen." She smirked


"But that's all you asked!"

"I asked for all 6 of them! YET YOU ONLY GOT ME THE QUEEN!"


"Isnt the queen enough?"



"Then we'll get them too."

"Show me the queen, i want to see her"

As she walked towards the dark blob to release Sana's face. Sana breathed deep as her vision cleared

"Hello princess, remember me?"




"Hello! It's so good to be back isnt it?" she placed an evil smirk on her face

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