《NEGATIVE ZERO: Walking With Memories》54 |



"We are just here for our friend"


"You mean friends..." as she began to pull the rest of the gang floating on mid-air


"i think.. we got caught."


"Oh you think?"


"Good job you guys."


"Let them go!"


"Please dont hurt them"


"tsk. You guys are worthless."


"Let them go! or i'll—"


"Dont! dont hurt her Jeong!"




"I am telling you.. she is not bad"


"ughhh! seriously?."

She snapped her fingers as she releases the girls from their restrains.


"I am not the enemy here.. you humans sure are gullible"


"Okay..? so if youre not gonna hurt us.. Why are you so agressive" Sneha sighed as she began to walk towards her bed


"I only am, when it's with Yuzu. But since I see she is not here. it's useless."


"But they are the Elites"


"Ah. I see." the gang began to take a step backwards as Sneha observes them.

"so.. You know where the key is?"


"what key.."


"so you are after us because of that key?"


"no.. the Royals are after you because of that key."


"You mean Yuzu?"


"Of course, who else is being this nice to you— why would they be nice to someone they just met, without a motive"


"Why are you attacking us without a motive too!"


"i do have. It's to kill Yuzu and her sisters."




"Heh.. you really trust the sisters dont you?" She chuckled

"How stupid can you humans be"




"Yuzu and her sisters are ghouls. Just like me.— you wanna know why they are outcasts?" She smirked And with a pause everyone grew silent

"Because The Kimsohous, are Murderers."

This caught the girls off guard as they silently gasped and jolted



"What?! The king is an enemy?"


"Great story.. i believe you"


"Geeze, way to ruin someone's trust."


"Yeap Sneha.. is the Enemy alright"

"Seriously, I dont think you should just believe anyone just because they're nice to you"

The girl's eyes widened as they see someone familiar walking from the entrance door with other people who are familiar behind him.


"Great timing, Taehyung"


"You also thought I was the bad guy dont you"


"Ah. Tadao?"


"Hello." He smiled


"What are you guys planning!"


"An ambush, but sadly.. Yuzu was smart enough not to join the rescue."


"Lucky she didnt! Because you would have killed her"


"You wouldnt think that way of me.. soon enough" He smiled




"I genuinely like your friend. But I Doubt Yuzu does for the sake of an advantage"


"Well.. there's nothing you'd do. They are together, and none of your business"


"Wait. Did you say their together right now?"


"Ha! You jealous Tae?" She smirked

Taehyung gritted his teeth and face palmed himself.


"Where are they!" He shouted


"Uhuh. Not the enemy! Suuuuuuuureeee"


"You dont understand."


"Oh we do, You're trying to lure us"


"NO! Yuzu is luring you!!!"


"I believe you" she laughed


"Jaz! Find Sana. Tadao, check on the Kimsohous!"


"Right on it"


"Wow.. you sure are putting a lot of effort in this"


"Now listen here Elites! Where is Yuzu."


"She is safe. That's all what matters"


"YOU IDIOTS!! Sana is gonna die!"


"What do you mean" Taehyung sighed as he began to show something that was familiar to them to get their attention.



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