《NEGATIVE ZERO: Walking With Memories》53 |



"So where?."


"Just behind those huge rocks.."


"I don't feel comfortable at this rescue.. Something is not right"


"By something you mean?"


"It's.. too quiet.. Is what i mean to say."


"You're right.. they should be expecting us?"


"Obviously?! You just escaped last night."


"Right.. let's not get on the front."


"Hey! over here." he yelled as he found some chained chambers behind the hidden base.


"the fact that it's chained is something that tells me i dont trust it."


"How bout a teleport"


"great idea.. — now try to teleport somewhere we are not noticeable?"


"Right. like that is really easy."


"Again. how about through that chambers."


"i dont trust it."


"Nothing can be trusted. but its a risk we should take."


"Fine. Step aside. and hold tight."

Nayeon then casted a spell as the gang placed their hand onto Nayeon's shoulder. She made the teleport successfully and appeared at a dark sewer like path.


"Uh.. I dont think this is right"

The girls began to look around as they found a small light, but in the middle of the search a loud slam can be heard.



"Ah! we gotta hide"

"What do you mean Yuzu is not coming?"

"I mean.. she's not coming."

"ugh! just when i got the trap ready!"

"Well, some friends will surely pay a visit."


"i cant see who they are" she whispered



The unfamiliar figures began to walk away slowly pulling up a conversation.

The gang decided to follow silently.


"Morz.. is this way."


"and the others are this way."


"Why are they separated?"


"Beats me."


"Alright. Lia come with us. We'll get Morz. you guys get the others. can you handle that?"



"Piece of cake"


"Well then. good luck."


"See you girls at the other side."


"Be careful"

And the gang decided to split up.


"up there"

Mina then created a gravity spell while Nayeon coated them with and illusion spell to make them less noticeable.


"So.. i guess our old powers still remains right?"


"I guess.. it never changed cause we are not from here."


"Then that.. should be very helpful."

The girls began to slowly warp upwards as they got out of the sewer path All the way to a tower.


"Geeze Morz.. Why do you have to be a princess in a tower huh?"


"Well, She seems important."


"We're about to find out."

They began to warp into the tower as they find to be in a dark room, Filled with armory and weapons and eventually Finding Morzarta at the corner of the room.


"Ah! Morz!"

Morzarta snapped onto the gang with her eyes widened


"Wha— what are you guys doing?!"


"Saving you! Now let's go!"


"What?! I dont need saving!"


"What are you talking about..you are in a cage! Now let's go!"


"You dont understand. I dont want to leave. Sneha is here"


"Yeah news flash. your wife wants us dead!"




"Look here missy! you're being delusional!"


"Jeongyeon! Trust me! She is not the enemy!"


"Geeze.. Barging in my room without knocking.. how rude can you humans be?"



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