《NEGATIVE ZERO: Walking With Memories》50 |



"Hnnnggg?" She stretched out to answer a call with her eyes closed


Hello sleepy head, how about answering the door?

"YUZU?!" Sana's eyes widened as she began to jump out of her bed and ran towards her apartment door to where she finds Yuzu glaring at her with her phone on the ear




"R-right.. i.. oh geeze! i overslept"


"No kidding." She rolled her eyes


"Ah.. r-right come in..— please wait, let me just get ready."


"You do know it's just 7:30.. right? You can take your time."


"But.. breakf—" Yuzu immediately lifts a lunch bag


"I cooked"


"You— oh.. uh. Let me just—"


"Go ahead and take a shower. I'll fix up."


"Are you sure?"


"You are wasting time"


"Ah! I'LL BE FAST! Just give me a few mins." She began running to her bathroom.

Yuzu rolled her eyes and sighed as she began to take a look around Sana's apartment. She sighed as she took a snap of her fingers and prepared the food with magic, then she began to walk around.


Her apartment is empty.

"I know. There's nothing to look here."

You think we can find the key anywhere?

"Beats me really.."

She then carefully walked over Sana's bed and took a slight glance over her drawer desk.

A picture.. of herself? Geeze she sure is vain

Yuzu grabbed the photo in which Sana seemed to be alone with a smile on her face as if she was with someone she loved. She stared carefully at the photo on the frame.

In a few moments of staring in, a blurry figure glitched in beside Sana.


"Ah!" She trembled and slightly lets go of the photo. But was immediately captured by her inner shadow's form.


Dont break things!

"Ah. Thanks.— you saw that too right?"

Of course.. I live in you.

"What a familiar scene.."

She squinted over the photo, as the figure kept glitching in. With Yuzu's curiosity.. She kept staring at the glitched figure to see what it was.




"Ah. Sorry. I was just looking at your picture.. you look good."


"oh.." she smiled as she gently walked behind Yuzu.

"that's a very important photo to me. it just so happen... its lost." her smile disappeared


"what do you mean?"


"I had someone there with me once.. but i lost her"


"let me guess.. Tzuyu?" Sana smiled at her and nodded weakly

"so.. why is she not here?"


"I lost her.. anything that relates to her is gone.. but my memories of her."


"dont.. you ever forget about her.. even if you dont see her anymore."

All sana did was smiled and gently grabbed on Yuzu's hand. She sighed.


"She's someone i can never forget.. Even if—" she stood in front of Yuzu staring onto her

"even if.. She forgot about me." she smiled


"right.. You must really love this person a lot"

Sana gently lets go, as she walked towards her table where Yuzu had prepared


"a lot more than you think.." Yuzu sighed and scratched her nape


"You know, the nerve of her to forget you. You are.. an amazing person. she's.. probably missing out on you to forget you like that" Sana chuckled


"It's not her fault.— besides, I know she's always here for me" she chuckled

"come on, let's eat."


"ah.. Right" she smiled and walked towards the table to take her seat

They both began to eat, with silence engulfing them. Yuzu cleared her throat to break it.



"So after school.. Want to go somewhere?"


"I'd love to. But i want to save Morz and the others first."


"I thought you'd say that.." she sighed


"is there a problem?"


"no.. and yes. I'd love to help. But we wont be helping you."


"why not?"


"That's sneha's domain..— in short term. That's my home.— and i dont intend to go back"


"Yuzu? what ever happened between you and Sneha?"


"We were framed.. that's all."


"You didnt kill anyone.. did you?"


"no. and this is why my sisters and I had been looking for something to clear our name."


"and what is that."


"It's that portal to nexiara.. I believe i told you."




"But i doubt that you'd know" she hanged her head low



is she looking for Tzuyu's portal?


"It's fine really."


"I want to help."


"will you really?"


"Yes.. Anything for you"


"Why.. are you too nice to me Sana.."


"Because.. I know you'd do the same for me."


"of course I will." she smiled


"Then it's settled!" she laughed and Yuzu just nodded as the girls began eating and got ready for school.

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