《NEGATIVE ZERO: Walking With Memories》49 |





"Ugh! We gotta get out of here!"


"Yeah? And how do you think we should do that?!"




"Hey smart stuff, magic is cancelled in here."


"Well where is Morz tho."



"Ah, you mean your friend?— she's at the captain's room"




"Looks like we dont need to save her, she is with her wife.. geeze"


"Wife?— huh.." she smirked "—so, you also know Sneha as that human's wife huh?"




"Nice going smarty pants!"

Jaznaia grinned as she left the cells.




"Ugh!! JUST WHAT IS SHE PLANNING!!" she began pull out a tantrum and smashed things from her desk


"Gee Sneha.. you surely didn't change." she sighed

Sneha began to grit her teeth and swiftly pounced onto the corner cage to grab Morzarta's collar


"STOP ACTING LIKE YOU KNOW ME!" Morzarta knitted her brows and held onto her wrist pulling this away from her


"Look here baby, I AM NOT ACTING LIKE I KNOW YOU— because I do know you!" she clicked her tongue

"I spent my whole eternity with you, and you suddenly decided to forget me when we got into this world!"


"WHY YOU— wait.. did you say.. this world?" she squinted


"YEAH? This world!— you were much more... I cant say sweet.. but you cared more in our own world!" she crossed her arms.


"You mean to say..you are not from this world?" she squinted as she listened to the prisoner


"Baby, WE are not from this world. I am trying to get us back! Sana—"


"Sana?!— Wait.. Are you saying that.. that human.. doesnt belong in this world too?"


"No?! We all dont."


"by we.. you mean..?"



"You.. Me.. Sana and the Elites.. Tzuyu and her sisters—"


"Who's Tzuyu?.."


"Shit. I forgot what's her name!"


"Who is Tzuyu?!!"


"That.. That tall giant girl you were chasing the first time i met you?"


"ah.. Yuzu."


"Yeah! Whatever. her.— bottom line is. EVERYONE DOESNT BELONG HERE.."

Morzarta sighed as she sees her lover think through the conversation.


"Sneha! Honey, There is something wrong in this world. Something big! You must trust me."


"Trust is a big word, but that is something i wont give"


"Tell me! what are you planning to do?— Get Tzuyu or whatchamacallit save you again?!"


"Yuzu! is nothing but an outcast! My Race is in danger because of her! HENCE WHY! I am fighting!"


"whatever she is doing.. she is doing the right thing."


"You dont even know the Kimsohous. You dont even know what they can do!"


"I do! they did it once. they're doing it again. If she says its for the better of your so called clan. it is. She saved us once.. she'll do it again!"


"You sure think you know everything do you?— in case you are forgetting.. THIS IS OUR WORLD! We are not the person you think you thought you knew. The Kimsohous? ARE DEVILS IN DISGUISE! "


"Please! stop fighting them Sneha.. Let the king handle it.."


"King?! YUZU?! I'D RATHER BE DEAD!! what makes you have the right to—"


"I CANT SEE YOU DIE AGAIN SNEHA!!.." she raised her voice as Sneha was caught off guard. A moment of silence began to form and Morzarta took a deep sigh once more.

"Not again.. I can't see you die Sneha.." a tear began drop

"I'd do anything.. to keep you alive.. and with me.— The king should have saved you instead of me.. I.. I just want you back.." she silently cried.


Sneha's eyes widened as she watched the prisoner turn her back on her, knowing that her tears were genuine. She sighed, as she slowly placed her palm onto her chest, wondering why she had a heavy heart. She clenched.


"I am sorry.. to hear about your lost.. I had dealt with the same pain.. Seeing a loved one die onto your arms.. with nothing else but their blood streaming through your body.. Not knowing what to do to save them..— You cant.. do anything to save them.. But.. I am sorry, I am not the Sneha you think I am.. I am different.. I am not the person you once knew."


"No.. you're wrong. You are the same person I knew.. and still the same person I fell in love to.."


"Oh please."


"You sleep late at nights, because you had insomnia.. You always have that hot cocoa to calm you down. You have nightmares usually at dusk, and wake up early enough to watch the sunrise. You still have those soft spots for your people. You make sure Jaznaia has a good sleep rather than yourself. You love watching the stars, The moon and the clouds. You love that sweet sounds of nothing with the nature—"




"I am trapped in a cage at the corner of your room. And your habits are the same. I know you, the things you love and the things you hate. You're my wife.. I know everything about you.. including your love and hate relationship with me and your addiction to always being competitive."


"That still proves nothing!"


"I dont need to prove anything.. All i need is for you to remember me."


"Sorry.. but i dont. I am too busy for love.. and relationships! and certainly not being married to the likes of you!" she turned as she began to walk away


"You were not in love with me to begin with Sneha.."



"We simply started as a game" she chuckled

"i guess.. You walked through love with me instead." she smiled




"I love you, Sneha"


"Well i dont!— Yuzu might be planning another attack to save you! And figure out how to kill my people!— You! Are just a distraction!" she scowled as she slammed her room door in anger. Morzarta sighed.


"It was worth a try.." she sadly smiled and sat on the floor with her legs crossed.

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