《NEGATIVE ZERO: Walking With Memories》48 |




"She.. She is kidding isnt she?.. Yuzu.. likes me?— AH!"

Seriously, i can't read you. Why are you very unreachable Tzuyu. Can you please hurry up and just remember me already.. my heart is hurting.

Sana began to drop a tear as she remembers flashbacks with Tzuyu, but somehow her memories includes Yuzu.


I really see her... Yuzu is You.. i know for a fact it's true..



"Okay? That's it. — so how am i gonna use this as an advantage?!"

Ask her out of course!

"Ugh. Do i really have to."

You want that elite, we do what we can.— besides. We are planning something for that friend rescue thing right?


You and your sisters are not allowed at sneha's domain.. therefore. YOU gotta make an escape plan

"Okay..— that is the worst idea ever!"

Hey.. i am just a voice in your head. What do i know? I dont even know who i was

"You are too dramatic"



"Looks like I got myself a date"

You mean we got ourselves a date

"Excuse me, arent you just a voice"

Excuse me? You must be forgetting she is the death of you

"Yeah yeah.— consider her delivered"

Wow.. confident

Yuzu grinned at the mirror to where she never sees herself but a reflection of a dark shadow with purple glowing eyes smiling back at her

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