《NEGATIVE ZERO: Walking With Memories》45 |



"How can i do that"

The sisters then glanced at each other with a slight wicked grin.


"Oh.. Yuzu needs to take a bite of you" she smiled





Yuzu stood up With a sigh.


"I dont have a familiar yet.— are you sure you want to help?"


"Ah.. well. Y-yeah. Sure"

Yuzu took a deep breathe and walked towards Sana.


"Give me your arm." Sana then obediently followed.

Yuzu leaned down and took a sniff from her arm, and a wicked smile began to place at the corner of her lips.


"This wont hurt" her fangs slowly grew from the side—as hyun and Youngchae watched from behind.

She leaned over and drooled over Sana's exposed skin enough for her to taste her energy running through.

From a little while, they were interrupted by a loud explosion.

"Stop right there Beasty" he laughed

Yuzu's eyes squinted as she turned to see Taehyung behind her. Yuzu growled in anger


"Gee, i wouldnt do that if i were you princess." He laughed as he swiftly dragged Sana away from Yuzu.


"What are you doing?"


"Ah Taehyung?"


"Look honey, dont believe anything Yuzu says. And just trust me." He smirked and dropped closer to Sana— wrapping his arms around her


"What is wrong with you!"


"Oh nothing.. it's just that.. i dont like you lying to her any more."






"Hey! Let go of Sana"


"I am trying to help here."


"And we are trying to help them."


"Them? Please. You are wasting your time."


"Get your hands off Sana!"


"Make me!" They both gritted fiercely at each other. Sooner then, a familiar voice called out to them




Heh. Right on time.



"Ah! Araki? Lia? Guys! What's up!"


"The others! They got caught!"




"Yeah! We only managed to escape. But they got Morz, And the others"


"I was lucky to make it out alive."




"The woods" Yuzu's eyes widened as she began to stop the conversation.


"Wait! It's too dangerous."






"You probably got followed.. we need to—" Taehyung began to laugh


"What a scene."


"What's so funny?"


"Look princess, i really really like you. But, Yuzu and her sisters are Just utterly lying to you."


"I would never!"


"Tell me why?"


"Because! — sana is important to me!"


"And she is to me too!"


"Why are you so interested in her?"


"And why are you?!"


"Guys! Stop!— my friends are in danger"


"We'll continue this next time—" he began pouncing over the roofs


"Where are you going?!"


"Out. I am not gonna help you guys, if you guys want to help this traitor— Don't blame me if one of you dies" he began to click his tongue and scowled




"Yuzu.. let him be.— okay.. tell me" Araki, Lia and Jackson began to tell Sana and the gang about the story. While Yuzu returned back to her sisters.


"Tsk. That was close"


"Ugh! You could have bonded with her quickly"


"I got distracted by the scent of the energy okay?"


"Taehyung even had the perfect timing."


"Plus Sneha, planned this out— its a trap.."


"We'll get them. I need to get Sana by tonight." And they nodded.


"But we cant get their friends now.. Sneha knows we will help Sana"


"Hence why.. we cant help them."

Ah.. You're losing your chance again.

"I know what i am doing" she mumbled






Yeah. But i got a better idea..



"What's wrong?"


"Ah! It's her again.."


"The voice." Yuzu nodded

"What does she want this time.."


"..S-Sana.." she mumbled


"We will get her.. stop pestering"


"I— I—"

Clock is ticking Yuzu, We need that girl! I have to do this!— We can't take chances!

"AH!" She muffled her ears and trembled




"Get.. out."

It's part of the Plan Yuzu, look. She's coming for you.

"I'd kill you if i had the chance.."

Too bad you cant. Hahaha




"No. I am fine."

Let her take care of you.. idiot'



"Okay! Let's get you home."




"WAit. But what about the others!"


"They can wait.."






"You know, we'll go with them."


"No. It's late. We can get them the next day"


"Yeah. We need a plan first. Or else all of us gets caught."


"She got a point"


"Yeah..— but we got school tomorrow."


"It'll be fine. We got to be thorough with our plan first"


"I see.."


"Okay. Let's go. I'll be carrying Yuzu."


"We'll follow behind.—here" she tossed a key. "Key to our apartment."




I.. will kill you

You'll thank me later

I know what i was doing..

And look.. what i did.. made you have an alone time with her— it's easier!

I can do this without the help

Just admit it. I am a better wingman!

You gotta shut up the rest of the ride.

And you, gotta get that key!


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