《NEGATIVE ZERO: Walking With Memories》42 |



"The sisters are Ghouls— Not any ordinary Ghouls.. These girls are the Royals! The Princesses of the Soul-eating, energy-sucking Ghouls!— and you girls.." she placed a wicked smile on her face as a few recognizable people appeared behind her

"—Are the target!" She chuckled


"THAT IS NOT TRUE!! Dont listen to her!"


"Trust me! They did this, and they are outcasted by our clan— you wanna know why?!—" she grinned


"Dont listen to her" Sneha gritted her teeth and clenched her fist




"Sneha! I told you! WE WERE FRAMED!"





Sneha was furious as a tear had drop from her eye, she clenched.



She began to launch a huge energy barrier as she leans towards Sana— with the intention of killing her.


"No!" She pounced to block Sneha's attack.

The moment Sneha reaches the view of Sana, a huge explosion had commenced, which sent a strong wind to brush through Sana with her eyes closed from the impact.

She opened her eyes to find in vision two people blocking Sneha's attack. Her eyes widened from the view.


"Y-Yuzu?.. T-Taehyung?"


"Hey there Princess, Sorry I was late"




"Be thankful I am here!" He began pushing the barrier through to throw Sneha off balance.

"Yo! BEASTY! Wanna fight?!"


"Ah. What a scene" she smirked


Jaznaia appeared with a few people familiar behind her.


"Ah! The others!"


"You're right."


"Sana! Those are Yeji and the others!"




"Nothing's gonna stop me to destroying all of you!" He reached up as a dark cloud formed.



"Tae! Wait!" She grabbed onto his arm


"What is it?"


"They are my friends."


"Excuse me?"


"Friends? What?" She laughed


"what a cute delusional human!"


"Call me what you want! But I dont want any of you— or you!" She turned " to die!"




"Yuzu... please. They are friends.— and they are your people!"





Taehyung and Yuzu began to glance at each other as they sighed and dropped their attempt to attack




"Let go of Youngchae and Mina."


"Excuse me? You are not the boss of me?"


"I am not.. but I want to be friends"


"Sorry.. I am a Ghoul. I dont do friends!" She grinned with her full sharp teeth and eyes glowing bright in color


"You are a friend, Ghoul or not." Sneha began to squint in annoyance As she glared at Youngchae on her knees and Mina lifted up the ground.


"You sure trust people easily."


"My lover is a Demon— i've been deceived alot. But my trust is as strong as my faith."


"Heh." She clicked her fingers as her shadow army lets go of Mina. She began to glare at the latter, whereas Yuzu and Taehyung are ready to fight if she takes up another wrong move.

Sneha clicked her tongue


"This isn't over yet Sana." She flew off the ground with the rest of the familiar friends.

"Sooner or later, your faith and trust wont save you—" she yelled "especially when you have the key." She smirked

"Let's go!" She flew together with her Army leaving the girls in pure silence.

Taehyung sighed as he broke the silence


"I came all the way here.. just to get stopped at my attempt to save you?"




Yuzu gritted her teeth as she began to grab Taehyung's collar— pinning him onto the ground.


"Why are you here?!"




"you are out to get the key! ARENT YOU!" Taehyung smirked


"You shouldnt be talking about the key out in the open Yuzu" he grinned

Yuzu gritted as her eyes began to light up in yellow and dark streaks of shadows began to emerge from her. Taehyung wickedly smirked as his eyes lights up in blue and dark streaks of shadows also began to emerge from his body.


"YUZU!" And the attempt broke

Yuzu glared at Taehyung with an intention of wanting to kill him.


"You are lucky i was stopped." she flicked him down to the ground


"Heh. I dont even know why you hate me."


"Because i know you are after Sana!"

Sana and the others watched Taehyung and Yuzu have an argument.


"Look, i simply have good intentions for the elite! Unlike you."


"Me?! I am the one who should protect her!"


"Why does it have to be you!"



Taehyung knitted his brows and walked closer to her as he leaned to whisper


"—she is.. the key" he smirked. Yuzu immediately pushed him away.


"Let's go!" She began to grab Sana's hand and hopped away.


"Eh?! Yuzu?!"


"Let's go girls" she smiled weakly as she held closely to Momo


"How bout dinner?" She smiled as they all left to follow Yuzu and Sana. Taehyung smiled above his view as he watch them fly off the dark horizon.

A dark portal began to appear behind Taehyung with his arms crossed.


"Good work Tadao."


"As promised"

"Took you long enough Tae!"


"Ah! Sneha! Well done." he smirked


"You.. CAME LATE!"


"awwww..i thought you can handle them already." He laughed

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