《NEGATIVE ZERO: Walking With Memories》38 | Suspicions



"Yeah! But.. how did you know they used it in school when i was attacked by the shadows" Yuzu's eyes widened.


"Uh.. well.. uh—" and silence began to break


"Ah! Yuzu mentioned how she and Tae saved you.."


"I see.."

Yuzu began to clear her throat before any suspicions arise


"So? Are you guys learning elements or are we doing this?


"I need to get to that Library Yuzu."


"Right ahead of you Princess." she took a stance as she squinted over the barier.


"Excuse me m'lady? But Can I borrow you for a second?" she smiled over to Mina




"Slick move."


"Shut up. you know I need her."


"heh. This is why you dont JUST bond."


"Clam it!" she scowled and continued walking over Mina


"Heh. What a trap."




"yeah?" She looked over Yuzu, who seemed to be staring at her as well as Sana with confusion. Hyun's jaw dropped and smiled awkwardly

"I am just teasing my sister to your friend Sana."


"Why tho.."


"Dont you admit that they look cute together?"


"Me? and who??"


"Us princess!" she grinned




"Yeah.. Let's go." she gently slid her hand around Sana's waist which slightly caught her off guard and Sana's eyes widened.

"Okay.. And. Jump!" They both took a high leap the moment the centennial guards looked away.

Youngchae gently held onto Mina's hand for the next round as they took the next high leap followed by the rest of the gang.

The moment they landed onto the Divine's tower the rests magical energy had been cancelled.


"Yuzu. The library is at the west." She whispered Still continuing to hold Mina's hand


"okay I got it." She silently lifted her hand as a dark smoke appeared below her and captured the entire group to teleport onto the west side of the academy.




"i got it.. i got it.— pardon me m'lady.. but can i please borrow your arm?— Thank you"


"Eh! What?!" Youngchae smirked at the sight as she took a bite from this once again


"Why is—"


"Youngchae.. uh. made a bond with Mina. So. Everything else in cancelled. but if she can get a few energy from her familiar— she is able to cast a single spell."


"What's a familiar?"


"What's a bond?"


"Ah.. y-yknow what. I'll explain later."

Jeongyeon and Jihyo glanced at each other with a slight doubt as they continued to watch Youngchae.

Youngchae took a bite from Mina's wrist once again making the bite area glow. She pulled out with a wicked smirk and her eyes glowed in yellow.


"ah. Tasty." she chuckled and began to look below them towards the arcane library

"Ready?" she glanced at Yuzu— who then gave a go signal

She grinned and held onto Mina's hand once again, hoping down from the west building of the academy. The moment she jumped the others followed her swiftly. She began to form a small ball of light onto her clenched fist as it faces this down onto the ground, Yuzu then casted a barrier of shadows around the group and in front of Youngchae's jump. They both combined light and dark to create an element of twilight— A strong elemental power that is opposite to the Astral Elemental and a combination of teleportation.

They began to form greatly in momentum as the bodies of the girls began to disappear on thin air and was shot through the ground smoothly without a loud sound. They landed onto one of the top bookshelves carefully and silently.


"Is.. that a new way to teleport?"


"It's called the twilight..— we are able to pass through object without creating a commotion"



"I could have teleported you."


"Yeah but teleportation will alarm the guards— plus.. You cant use your powers remember?"


"Oh right.."


"Uh.. guys.. why am i glowing?"


"That's twilight. It also serves us invisibility the moment we pass.. more like projecting ourselves."


"And did you know.. We are in a form of spirits?—" she laughed


"What do you mean?"


"When Youngchae jumped, Yuzu had created the dark barrier around us. That dark barrier brought us to her dark void— dont worry we are safe."




"Since Youngchae's power and mine can combine to twilight, i dont want our bodies to be trapped outside and get caught so.. We are actually floating in a dark void right now."


"So you mean to say.. we are invisible spirits... And our bodies are actually somewhere else?!"


"That's right princess" she winked "—Isnt it cool?"


"So how long can we stay away from our bodies?"


"Uh... As long as Youngchae can handle the element.—So if i were you we better start moving"


"Uh... Will i die if i dont get to my body?"


"No silly, When Youngchae deactivates the element. It'll just automatically transfer you back to your body and back to where we originally were."


"oh. okay then"

Yuzu began walking onto the path of the bookshelves carefully making everyone follow


"Hey.. Mina. just a sec—" she pulled out a small red ribbon from her pockets and tied her hand with Mina's

"—I can't afford you to let me go right now. understand"


"Oh.. okay." she smiled, And Youngchae reciprocated quietly.

The gang began to walk on top of the shelves that seemed to be placed on a maze. Sana began looking down as Yuzu pulled her back.


"If you fall there.. there is no way out princess."


"uh.. how exactly do they get the books?"


"I mean.. The library is a maze.. You wont get out of there normally without the help of the library fairies.— in this case.. we dont have one.— so i suggest staying put and stay beside me." she held tightly onto Sana's hand who then blushes from the thought of holding her hand.

She's acting weirdly sweet.. and very caring. However, Youngchae does concern me a little bit.

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