《NEGATIVE ZERO: Walking With Memories》19 | Trust.. us?




"W-whoaaa!" She tripped upon landing while accidentally grabbing Momo's hand


"Oh will you two stop being clumsy!"




"Yeah! Clumsy!"


"Oh no! WHERE IS MORZ!!"


"EHHH?! She is not with you?"


"No! I was with Momo!"


"Are you serious—"


"Okay! You three! What was that!" Jihyo growled

The three sisters began to glance at each other and hanged their head.


"Well.. There are things that you should explain too!"


"But you three ALMOST GOT US KILLED!"


"almost is nothing compared to already killed? So be thankful"


"Just say what is going on!"

Yuzu sighed


"Yuzu?.. will you please tell me what is going on?"


"Look.. all i can say is that There are two people who are after the six of you."




"Because you six are not from here.. The other two were left in Arcane. Because there was no way for us to get you."


"I dont get it."


"That day, when you saw us in Arcane, we knew you guys just arrived here. We knew you were someone who didnt belong to this timeline."


"Divine deliberately requested for your transfer.."




"To protect you. Jeongyeon and Momo were not pulled out cause there was no other reason for an excuse to keep you in Divine."


"So what are you trying to imply?"


"Divine is trying to Protect you from these people—"


"People like Sneha?"


"Sneha.. is a different type.. she is.. well.."


"She is not an enemy.. she is just doing what she is told.. One of the strongest Alpha protector Azumore has."


"And she was destined to protect the Kimsohous.."


"Until an incident happened.. We were framed.. from killing her sister. A bounty had been placed onto the Kimsohous. We tried explaining to her, but she wouldn't listen. And now.. she is on the bound to kill us."



"Who controls Sneha?"


"Not anyone that i know of.. but she was given a command to have us dead."


"I see.."


"But however.. looks like her master is now interested on the elites and is bound to capture you too."


"Who else is trying to get us"


"A lot actually.. but i only know of the two most powerful.. besides that.. i have no idea."


"So trust no one.."


"But we can trust on you right?"


"Of course.. we wont betray you?"


"Now that's reassuring" she smiled

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