《NEGATIVE ZERO: Walking With Memories》13 | A Chance



"Hey princess!" he waved cheerfully "you did not reply to me last night?"

Why is he here.. He is scaring me






"Do you like clouds?"


"That's.. an odd question?" she laughed nervously


"it's not really.. You know, how clouds are very symbolic to a person's life?" he smiled then released a sigh of relief as he scoots over Sana

"You see, clouds like that are as white as snow tells you that something good is coming to you life"


"What about gray?— when it's about to rain"

Taehyung looked over her with a gentle smile


"Those represents emotions.. You see, clouds are not all clear, it picks up human emotions, and when majority of the people underneath it has a dark heart.. It turns gray and spreads torment and chaos to the world" he laughed


"ah. oh shut it.. i am not a kid" she slightly punched Taehyung away from her


"—but you believed me." he grinned


"it's something you tell kids okay."


"learn to have fun Sana" he laughed "it's not the end of the world?"



I already witnessed the end of my world.. and i dont want that to happen again


"Say.. Sana-ssi.." Sana hummed in question

"—by any chance.. have we met somewhere?" he turned to look at the latter


*Gasp* Did he finally remember?



"Ah! please.. i didnt mean to scare you— i was just asking cause it seems like you know me from somewhere.."


"What made you think that?"


"well.. like in the classroom.. You seemed like you saw a ghost and your friends saw my friends.. it seemed you were all afraid..."




"Did we do you wrong?


"ah. no you didnt. i just.. well.. we just really thought you were someone we knew."



"I see.."


"but dont worry about it.. It is not really a big deal"


"I am glad to know that" he smiled as he gently grabbed Sana's hand and held it.

"Sana.. I really want to get to know you."


"uh..—" Sana slightly pulled her hand away "You know. we just met right." she smiled


"exactly why i want to get to know you even more.. I am letting you know my motive right away— so i dont bring you around roller coaster rides"


"uh.. well.."


"Please tell me i got the chance?.."


"I—.. uh"


"Or maybe you have someone you left in Arcane?.." Sana squinted and nodded hesitantly

"thought so.. for a girl like you.. it is quite impossible..—" he sighed

"What's his name?"



Tzuyu.. Her name is Tzuyu..


"it's okay if you cant tell me?— but.. I want to be persistent.."


"huh? why?"


"because.. I like you.. he may come and stop me.. but I wont just give up my interest in you like a toy."


"Uh. Taehyung.. I really dont have any interest in—"


"Friends.. Just give me the honor to be your friend."




"Nothing else.. but friends.." Sana sighed


"But I—"




Oh thank god! Saved by the bunny



"we've been looking all over for you."


"what are you doing up here?"


"hey girls." he waved with a smile


"ah.. hi."


"alright then. I'll take my leave, the boys must be looking for me.— ill see you around Sana-ssi!" he saluted and winked "bye girls. see you all later"

He then hovered out and jumped down the roof making a perfect landing to the school grounds.


"What were you doing with him?"



"He caught me off guard"


"what if he does something wrong to you."


"i was actually thankful you girls came to my rescue you know."


"what did you guys talk about?"


"nothing. he had been saying some childish stories and.. something about liking me."


"i knew he was hitting on you!"


"did he show any motifs of you know.. V?"


"None.. i hate to admit.. but he looks innocent"


"define Innocent..— everything here is the opposite.."


"so does his personality becomes opposite as well?"


"that's unlikely.."




"because if the personality turns opposite too? then why are the Kimsohous still like their normal self?"


"you're right.. there's no such thing."


"ah! whatever. i am just confused. we've been here for days, We cant expect that we'll solve the mystery right away?"


"yeah! whatever. let's just go. Class is about to start."

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