《NEGATIVE ZERO: Walking With Memories》7 | Huge Mistake


Sana then returned back to her apartment home, It was late night and she felt really tired, sleepy and.. a little bit tipsy.


"Gosh dang it! where are those keys.." she ruffled around her purse to find for her missing keys.

She began to shift around from both sides of the apartment hall as she looks for her rightful apartment room.


"ah! seriously!" she tried to look for her keys even more. "Ah! found you!"

She tries to stably push in the key onto the key hole yet this wont budge.


"Da heck?" She tried one more time but the key would not want to turn.

"Did i find the right key?" She grunted and anxiously tried to turn the key hole once again.

On the third attempt the knob began to turn.


"Ah finally!" She opened the door confidently and walked forward just to find herself blocked by an unknown person of height.

"Hey. What do you think you are doing?"


"Why are you in my apartment!" she scowled over the shadowed face. The person decided to look around at the name plate and surely recognized Sana.

"Sana Minatozaki right?"


"What? how'd you know me stalker!!"

The person sighed.

"Miss Minatozaki.. This is not your apartment—" She carefully leaned down to shed some light onto her face enough for Sana to recognize. Sana's eyes widened from the view as the girl pointed onto her apartment name plate.

"It's ours."



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