《Two Dimensions (Larry Stylinson)》Fifteen (Final Chapter)


Louis' POV

When Harry had said "Take us to somewhere quiet" I don't think he meant a library, but that's where we ended up... A public library that looked for all practical purposes, like a medieval castle. With turrets, and towers, and the like.

It wasn't quite ten o'clock when the building was supposed to open, so when the driver dropped us off, and Harry paid for the ride, we had to wait ten minutes outside the library, until young woman with extensively long hair, came out and unlocked it for us, propping the outer door open. We went inside, and with awe, examined the shelves upon shelves of books.

So for comparison sake, the library back home, was one room, fifteen feet by fifteen feet, and it literally never had in the books we needed... This was like six stories... I could have died.

We walked to the back of the young adult section, where there were seats for people to sit and read, I plopped myself down on one of the chairs, and stared up at the gilded fucking ceiling, and stained fucking glass windows.

Harry came over, sitting on my lap because why not? I reached up and stroked his curls, he rested his head against my chest. We had practically just woken up, but Harry was warm against me, and everything was quiet as promised. And somewhere, in this contentment... We both drifted... Slowly... To sleep.

The first thing I saw, as I opened my eyes, was an unfamiliar floor, my head against something hard and uncomfortable. Drool dripped down my cheek, and collected in a puddle on the surface my head was resting on. As I tried to move my head, I felt a sharp pain in my neck, having slept on it wrong. Someone rapped me in the head with a hard object, and I sat up straight in my seat.

"Wake up Mr Tomlinson, no sleeping in detention!"

I blinked... Taking in my surroundings with a sudden interest. When I realized where I was, I nearly leapt with joy... Which shouldn't be my first reaction when finding out I was sitting at a desk in detention, and the teacher had just hit me with a ruler. But that is how I felt, back in a familiar (no I'd never been to detention) environment. I looked around, hoping that Harry would be there, but he wasn't... How had I gotten here anyway? What had other Louis done?

A bell rang in the distance "Alright, y'all can go home now" The teacher sighed

I jumped up, almost forgetting my school bag, grabbing it, before dodging out of the room before anyone else had even left their seats.

I ran down the hall, through the lobby, out the front door, to the bus stop. The bus came ten minutes later, and I barely remembered to flash my school I.D before heading to the back. The bus reached my stop, but I didn't get off, I got off at the next one, Harry's stop.

I got out, thanking the driver.

I ran to Harry's door, taking a minute to catch my breath, before rapping loudly.

It was Harry's mother who answered the door, raising her eyebrow in suspicion.

"Hey" I said "Is Harry there?"

"Depends on who you ask" She said "I don't think Harry wants to see you very much"


I laughed "What do you mean?"

"He wasn't very pleased when he got back from school today, any idea why that is?"

I shook my head "Can I see him?"

"Can you tell me why he hasn't been himself lately? Is it drugs?"

I laughed again "Not a chance in hell" I said "Have you met your son?"

"When he comes down I'll have him call you, for now, why don't you go home"

I scowled, scuffing my worn out sneakers on the wood of the porch "Fine" I groaned

"Bye Louis" She said softly.

"Bye then" I said, jumping down from the porch.

I made my way down the sidewalk, scuffing my shoes as I went, feeling for once, comfortable in my body. Comfortable in my clothes...

"Tommo!" A voice called from up ahead, I recognized that voice. I looked up

"Niall, hey" I called back, fastening my pace to greet him.

He gave me an apologetic look "How's it going?" He asked

"Everything's great" I said, meaning it too "How's it going for you?"

"Fine, fine... What happened to the bad mood from earlier? Don't you want to get back?"

"Get back?" I asked "Get back where? My house?"

"To your own dimension or whatever... That's all you've been talking about all week, and now what?"

"He told you?!" I gasped, realizing the situation...

"Who? Harry?"

"No, no... Other Louis" I said "Hetero Louis... Or whatever you want to call him"

"Oh my god" He gasped "You're back?!"

"I'm back"

He narrowed his eyes "What did you just call other Louis?"

I smirked "Nothing"

"Cause if you said what I think you said, you'd be wrong"


"Cause he totally has the hots for other Harry"

"Okay, but he has... Shit, had a girlfriend"

"Well that didn't seem to deter him very much..."

"Okay then"

"So, what the fuck happened to you?"

I ended up explaining everything to him, from waking up in the hotel rooms, to the concert we had to perform, to the mobs of fans... I left out the part where Harry and I almost had sex but were stopped by other Niall himself. Which would have been Niall's favorite part of the story.

"Have you seen Harry since you got back?"

"Anne wouldn't let me in to see him" I let out a too forlorn sigh

"Did you guys like, get it on or something?" He asked, winking

"Fuck you Niall!" I tried to hit him, but he ducked, skipping away.

"So what about your conversation? Have you admitted to him that you've had it?"

"My what?..." I blinked "Oh my god, my conversations... I completely forgot that was a thing... I haven't needed to use that since the switch..."

"You should tell him though"

"Okay, but could you like fill me in? About all the shit that's happened while I was away? Like I literally woke up in detention... I've never been to detention before"

"Well... At the lake, you guys were asleep, and Liam tried to wake you up for one last swim before we left, and you woke up and kept raving about hotels, and you kept swearing at Harry, and he was swearing back. So eventually we managed to get you in the car and we brought you home, and you were talking about this concert, probably the one you mentioned, that you had to be at, and you couldn't waste your time visiting family now of all times. And then we didn't see you until monday, when your mom drove you to school, she brought you out of the car and physically dragged you to the principal's office, and he had someone escort you to your classes... And you and Harry were not happy to see each other. Eventually you told me what was going on, because I was 'the most trustworthy band member'... And then you and Harry fell in love, the end"


"Okay... But why was I in detention?"

"Oooh... You and Harry had a fistfight in the cafeteria..."

I scoffed "That doesn't exactly sound like love to me"

"It's all in the subtext Lou"

I couldn't even find an answer to that...

"So now what?" I asked

"School tomorrow!" He shouted in a very sarcastically happy tone.

My phone rang. I took out the cracked piece of outdated crap from my pocket (That was one thing I did miss from the other dimension) The caller I.D said 'Hazza'.

"Hello?" I asked into the receiver

"Louis?" Harry's voice was tentative

"Yeah, it's me"

"Which you?"

"Perfect boyfriend me?" I asked

"For all I know you and other Louis could both be perfect boyfriends... You from this dimension? Never had a girlfriend in your life Louis?"

I sighed "Yes... That me"

"Neat, we're both back then... Just like that..."

"Really though... What caused the switch in the first place?"

"Usually in the movies there's some drastic reason, or reasons... Like in groundhog day"

"I get what you're trying to say... But Groundhog day is completely different..."

"You think other Louis and Harry caused it? Like when they had that big fight? And we just got caught up in the backlash?"

"Interesting theory, but not exactly something we can prove... Let's just hope nothing like this ever happens to us again."

"Can we meet somewhere?" Harry asked

"That's debatable"

"Fuck you Louis, I'll be over at your house in half an hour"

"If you say so"

"Okay, bye Louis"

"Bye Hazza"

I waited until Harry pressed the end call button, before tucking my phone back into my pocket.

"So..." Teased Niall "You're boyfriends now?"

I gave him the middle finger "I'm going home" I started, taking off in the direction of my house...

My parents weren't home, my sisters weren't home, the former were probably still at work, the latter probably at after school sports. I unlocked the front door and went inside. Jogging to my room and going inside. It was much cleaner than I'd left it, everything neat and organized, my bed made, my curtains open to let in sunlight, usually I would have conformed to my vampire-like ways and shut the curtains, but I didn't. Just for a minute I laid down on my bed, pulling the covers up to my chin, breathing in the familiar smell of disgusting teenage boy sweat and too-strong deodorant. Had I really not been aware of how gross it smelled in here? I went over to my window and switched on the chunky box fan, trying to air out the room. I ran downstairs and grabbed some of my mom's cinnamon scented febreze and spritzed some in my room. It smelled better, but it also smelled like I was trying to cover something up... I groaned... What was a boy to do?

There was a knock at the door, I quickly ran downstairs and pulled it open. And there was Harry, a slight smirk on his face. I noticed for once, his teenage acne, and his greasy hair, and the sweat stains on his shirt. And I really wanted to kiss him right now... But I didn't...

I suddenly felt self conscious, like he was silently judging all the changes, I wasn't perfect popstar Louis Tomlinson anymore, I was awkward, different, teenage Louis Tomlinson... My hair wasn't cool enough, and my clothes weren't designer, I wasn't as fit, my voice wasn't as good, I had acne, and my lips were chapped. And I began digging myself into a hole of self doubt. Harry took a step forward, which made me step backwards slightly into the house.

"Is there anyone home?" He asked

"No, they're all gone"

Harry shut the door behind him, taking another step forward, another step, and then he was hugging me. He was so perfect... And then he raised his face to mine, brushing his lips gently against mine, kissing me ever so softly. I wanted to fall backwards (Preferably on to something soft) and clutch my heart to stop it from beating out of my chest...

I wrapped my arms more tightly around him, kissing him back.

"Can we go to my room?" I asked

He nodded, keeping our lips in contact, as we stumbled backwards into my room, shutting the door behind us. I fell against my bed, taking Harry down with me.

Now I'm not going to get into any details, but that was probably the best hour of my life thus far. And in case you didn't know already, Harry has a really cute butt... You didn't hear it from me folks.

I thought I was going to be happy going back to school the next day, but no, school is fucking hell, and nobody can tell me otherwise, and it was only the fifth week into the school year... Harry and I had a lot to go through, before we could graduate high school.

"Hey Harry" I said one day at lunch


"You know that first conversation we had?" He nodded "Well that was our conversation by the way"

"Fuck you Louis"

"Maybe later" I muttered to him under my breath. And he did.

Now I could tell you that we lived happily ever after together, that we went to the same college, Harry became a successful Sociologist, and I became a Therapist. I could tell you that we ended up, later on, gathering One Direction and releasing the songs we stole from the other dimension, I could also tell you that the reason for that was that we missed their music and tragically couldn't listen to it... Since it doesn't fucking exist.

I could let you know about who we invited to our wedding, and what we named our kids (Nava and Rita). But I'm not going to tell you those things... Just because we're celebrities now (Not really, we have like ten fans and they're all family members) doesn't mean we don't deserve some fucking privacy and respect. Thank you very much.

The End

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