《Two Dimensions (Larry Stylinson)》Seven


Harry's POV

Entering the house we were met with silence, my parents not yet home from wherever they'd wandered off to. Louis followed me up the stairs and we went in to my room. Louis seemed a little bit awkward and I just wished I could kiss him, no I didn't... Why do I keep thinking that? I don't even like him that way, and he would hate me if I did that, he probably would never talk to me again.

"Harry" Louis said to me as we sat down on my bed "Serious question here. What do you want to do for a living?"

"Louis, you know I'm indecisive..."

"Okay, top three career choices"

"Well... I've always kind of wanted to be a musician? Like be in a band or something... Or I'd want to be a sociologist..."

"I didn't know you were musically talented" Louis said

I flushed red "Well... Um, I don't know, I just like to sing that's all"

"Okay, and sociology? What's that about?"

"I don't know, I just like figuring out people"

"Have you figured me out?"

"Well... No, not really..." I looked away, embarrassed

"Why not?"

"You're just so... Per- Complicated" I said, stopping myself from calling him 'perfect'


I leaned backwards, laying on my back, looking up at the ceiling.

"I used to have glow in the dark stars at my old house" I said

Louis lay back, following my gaze "Where did you live before this?"

"We... We move every year, every fucking year we find a new house, in a new place, with a new school... And I have to make new friends, find a new favorite restaurant, figure out my new life... I've lived all over the country... I mean one year during middle school we lived in belgium, and nobody spoke english, and I had to learn bits of french flemish and dutch, all at the same time, and I still can't figure out which one is which..."

"Oh... I didn't know you moved so much"

"Well that's all stopping this year, because after this year I'll be going to university, and I might actually have some permanence in my life"

"Where do you plan to go?"

"I don't know yet, I don't care so much... Most school have music and sociology, right?"


"How about you?" I asked

"I don't know... I want to do pro football, or music, or maybe I want to be an actor"

"Are you doing the play this fall?"


"Yes... I always do the school plays"

"Are you any good? Do you get good parts?"

"I don't know, is the lead role usually a good part?" He said, feighning ignorance.


"You know, you should audition... Also there's football tryouts next week, you should come and try out."

"Nah, I'm no good"

"I doubt it, I bet you'd be great at both"

"Don't say that... I hate when people say that..."

"Say what?"

"That I'm good at things when they've never seen me do it... It's not like I'm fishing for compliments... I'm just, stating facts I guess"

"Okay, no more compliments then, I won't ever give you an undeserved compliment, starting now."

"Wait really?" I was surprised, and kind of really happy.

"Yeah, sure"

"Okay..." I grinned slightly

"You excited for tomorow?"

"Well yeah"

"You know my friend Liam, I told you aout him right? Well he's coming back tomorow morning and I've invited him to join us"

"Okay... The more the merrier I suppose"

"Are you sure you're okay that he's coming? I know you're awkward around new people"

"Yeah, besides... Niall's bringing his imaginary boyfriend along with him, so... You won't be the only one bringing a stranger"

"Imaginary boyfriend?"

"Yeah, Niall claims he has this other friend, but has thus far failed to show proof of his existance."

"What's his name?"

"Zayn" I said

"Malik? Zayn Malik?"

"Yes, do you know him?"

"I do"

"So he's a real person?"

"Yeah, he's younger than me, kinda dark and mysterious"

"Younger than you? He's in uni though right?"

"Well yeah... I'm nineteen by the way. I started out as one of the older kids in my grade, and then I got held back a grade... So even though you and I are in the same grade, I'm old"

"How did I not know that you're two years older than me?"

"You didn't ask"

"You wanna go down and find dinner?"


We headed downstairs to find my mom in the kitchen, fixing something for dinner, the smell was wonderful.

"Hi Harry, how was school?" She asked


"Oh hi Harry's friend. Louis right? You staying for dinner?"


"Yeah, he is... You're staying over right?"

"I'd love to if it's not too much trouble"

"I'm Anne, lovely to meet you Louis" She shook his hand, then mouthed to me 'He's a keeper. Nice handshake'

I laughed. My mom judged people on their hugs and their handshakes. If you shook like a fish then you were out, if you hugged like a butterfly you were out. At least thats what she always said. Butterfly hugs being the super awkward ones where they don't hold you close enough and kinda pat your back in a fluttery way...


We ate together, my mom very curious about every detail of our lives, and then we headed back upstairs.

"So where do want to sleep?" I asked "We could just sleep on the bed, or if you're not comfortable with that I can sleep on an air mattress or something"

"No, the bed's fine" I don't know why I felt happy when he said that.


He walked over to my window and looked out "Look at those stars" He said, sighing slightly

"It's a beautiful night" I said

"I'd say those are a wee bit better than glow in the dark plastic stars"

I held my fingers less than an inch apart, saying "This much"

"Man... I love nights like this"

"You know we could go out on the roof"

"Whaaat? Seriously?"

"Yeah, just slide it open" I pushed the window open and the warm air swept through the room "I figured this out a week ago, you can just go out and sit. Cool right?"


"Just don't fall off the roof"

"I won't" Louis cautiously climbed out the window and lay on the roof, I followed him.

"I'm so fucking glad tomorrow's a saturday"

"What's the point of every other day of the week? Why do we have them?"

A group of teenagers were running around in the street, smoking ciggerettes and laughing.

"I wonder what's up with those kids?"

"They're young I guess... Is that what young people are supposed to do? I mean I'm young and I never even thought about having that lifestyle"

"Do you think their parents know they're out?"

"Probably not"

"You want to head inside?"

"Okay" We climbed back through the window "Mind id I make myself some tea real quick?" I asked

"Uhh, yeah, go ahead"

"Sorry, I just can't get to sleep without having tea first"

We made our way back downstairs, I grabbed the electric kettle and filled it, placing it back and pushing the button down. I grabbed a tea bag and threw it into my cup.

"You're having black tea? You really want caffiene at this time of night?"

"Kinda, yeah, for some reason it helps me sleep rather than hinders it"

"If you say so" The water finished and I poured it into my favorite mug. "You want anything?" I asked him as I added cream and sugar to my tea.

He shook his head.

I took a big sip, and we walked back to my room where I finished the tea and he fell asleep shortly afterwards, I settled down with a book for a little bit, and then joined him in sleep.

Louis' POV

Well I may or may not have woken up in the night and corrected my sleeping position so that I was closer to Harry, and maybe I layed my head on his warm chest just to hear the soft beating of his heart, and maybe it wasn't an accident that we woke up the next morning a tangle of limbs, my arm rested carelessy (carefully) across his chest.

I rolled back over to my side of the bed before Harry opened his eyes. Even from where I was laying on the bed, I could see the sun coming through the window and I could tell it was the beginning of a beautiful day. Harry eventually woke up, opening his eyes, and then laying there for a few minutes before swinging his legs off the bed.

"Breakfast?" He asked, stretching.


I followed him reluctantly downstairs, it was too early to function... Fine, it was ten thirty... But on the weekends I usually slept till at least one. We ended up eating cereal for breakfast, then getting ready to head out. We were all meeting at my house at noon for our hiking swimming adventure. Liam was coming, Zayn Malik was coming, it was going to be an interesting trip.

Harry and I headed to my house to wait. Niall was the first one to show up, dragging Zayn along with him. There were introductions, and Harry just kept saying "So you're actually a real person. Niall didn't make you up after all" And Niall kept hitting him.

Liam arrived late. Walking in the door with a tan and a haircut, and and awkward smile on his face.

"Louis!" He shouted as I opened the door.

"Liam!" I gave him a massive hug "How the fuck was Florida?"

"Hot... So very hot... Why is it so cold here?"

"I have some people to introduce to you"


"This is Harry" I said, gesturing to the curly haired boy behind me "That's Niall, I think you two kinda know eachother. And of course you know Zayn"

"Neat. Nice to meet you Harry" He extended his hand and shook Harry's heartily. "Nice to see you all again"

Nobody trusted me to drive, so Zayn took the wheel. It took us thirty minutes or so to drive there, park, and then it took us twenty minutes to hike from the parking spot to the open clearing in the woods where sat a small lake. Niall was the first one in, followed closley by the rest of us. We splashed around like nobody's bussiness before finding a warm sunny rock and drifting asleep.

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