《Where we are Parallel: BTS X Reader》Chapter 8


"I think only you can open the door and get in." We where standing in front of the door with our eyes covered avoiding the bright light.

I looked at Jungkook he came closer staring at me. Is he gonna kiss me? My heart was beating so loud I could hear it. He got even closer to my face. I flattered my eyes as he switch route to hugging me. Oh well what was I expecting I'm so wierd. I hugged him back breathing in his scent.

"You can do this." He turned and went to guard the staircase door muttering to himself. I turned back to look at the shining door. I know what's in there question is will I be able to save Namjoon and this world if I go in there.

I put my hand on the handle, twisted it, pushed forward and opened it to more light emitting from the room.

"Y/N you might want to hurry!" I heard Jungkook shouting and a few thuds.

I was caught up with what I was looking at making everything in the room less bright adjusting to my vision. I took a step forward in and the door closed. I looked at the closed door startled.

I turned back to look at Namjoon in a floating bubble sleeping, his face showing signs of distress. I brought my hands to my lips shocked to see him in this state. I started having a mini panic attack.

What am I supposed to do in this situation. No I know what to do I didn't expect it to be this real.

"Oh damn this is real. It's real." I nervously laugh."Very real!" I stare at a squirming Namjoon.

"Okay Y/N you can do this. Let's wake him up." I relaxed and focused. I slowly walked up to the bubble, my hands shaking. The bubble shined brighter blinding me.


"Namjoon!" I shouted." Namjoon wake up!" The closer I got the brighter it turned.

"I know the reason why this is happening... You are scared... The nightmares.." I paused."The nightmares are a part of you. They are a reflection of all your fears." The light dimmed a bit. I inched closer.

"You told me that they were your shadows. You can fight them. You have to stop being afraid first. This is your world you control everything." The light dimmed some more and realization hit me.

"You also said that your safe hide out is better on higher ground. I understand why you said that you were protecting yourself. Your projections and the repeat of scenes is all because you were misleading them from you. You didn't want to be found." I whispered the last part remembering what Beck told me.

"That's why you were calling me. You knew they would eventually find you." The light completely dimmed that I didn't need to cover my eyes anymore.

I looked at him in the bubble his distressed face relaxed. I slowly raised my hand and touched the bubble and it popped dropping Namjoon on top of me.

"Oof." We both fell to the ground. He coughed a little and his eyes flattered open.

"Namjoon? Are you okay?" I held him in my arms.

"Where am I?" He coughed.

"We are in your world that you created. Do you remember?" I smiled at him.

"I'm still here?" He groaned. "Y/N?" His eyes widened and he tried to sit up. I helped him to lean on the wall.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Much better now. You are really here with me." He smiled. He caressed my face. My heart thumped at the way he was looking at me.


He had a look in his eyes that made me feel differently. He placed his hand under my chin he moved closer and kissed me. I had my eyes opened, I kissed him back it didn't feel right. There was no spark. So why did I feel something for him. I was confused.

The door opened suddenly startling us a bit. We both looked in the direction of the opened door.

"Oh sorry." Connor apologized, behind him a huffing Agent Espinoza and Jungkook.

"Just came to check on you it looks like you are okay." Jungkook looked at me strangly turned and briskly walked away. My heart dropped watching him walk away.

"Well I'm just glad you manged to wake him up. It's over now, we have to get him to headquarters." Agent Espinoza exclaimed and followed Jungkook.

"I'll help." Connor came and helped me carry a tired Namjoon. We went outside catching up with Jungkook and Agent Espinoza.

"Whoa." I looked around shocked. Everything was destroyed. The building was the only thing still standing.

"You gonna do a lot of rebuilding." Connor said to an exhausted Namjoon.

I looked over at Jungkook he seemed to be angry with his arms folded. I feel like I have been caught stealing cookies. I want to hide under a rock. I watched him angrily open the portal to the headquarters. The oracles, the medical team and some other people where all waiting for us in the lobby. We stepped in and everyone clapped their hands for us.

"Welcome back." Erma opened her arms in welcome to us. "Jungkook please leave the portal open while our team connect with the world."

"Of course." He answered his teeth gritted. The medical team came to take Namjoon from me and Connor. I turned to see Jungkook walking away. Did I mess things up? But what did I mess up? Did he like me?

"Well done my dear. I knew you could do it." Tony gave me a hug. I tried to listen to what he was saying but I couldn't help watch Jungkook's retreating body. I sighed.

"I'm sure you will make the right choice. Just follow your heart." Erma came in appearing out of nowhere.

"I'm not even going to ask. I'm just really confused about my feelings." I sighed.

"Ah love triangles are fun." Beck comments.

"So nice to be young." Tony Sighed.

"Alright everyone celebration over get back to work we have a lot to do with the new world. You all know the drill." Agent Espinoza shouted.

I went to my room feeling dejected. Do I have feelings for both of them? Being with Jungkook and training with him was fun these past few days. I like being around him and I like that I can be myself with him. I sighed laying on my bed.

Namjoon I barely know him I did have an attraction to him and the connection I feel when I'm with him is great but something is lacking. Even the kiss we shared wasn't what I was expecting.

I huffed covering my whole body with my blanket. I'm so confused.

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