《Where we are Parallel: BTS X Reader》Chapter 3


"Beck sees the dark premonitions, Tony sees the good premonitions and Erma is the balance of both. A lot of people always act familiar with them on their first meeting I always wonder if that's one of their powers." Connor explained.

"Explains the Dèja vu." I mumbled.

"Sorry?" He looked at me.

"Are all of you jumpers and creators?" I changed the subject.

"Oh no." He laughed. "Those abilities are pretty rare. If it was like that we would have our work cut out trying to chase all the parallel worlds." He looked at my blank face and cleared his throat.

"We are all from different words with different abilities and skills. I'm just a normal human. I am one of the field agents though I go to parallel worlds and help redirect lost people or animals as well as return things that don't belong in one world to its rightful world. There are a lot of us that do that as field agents, Espinoza included, She is not a regular human though have you ever heard of Amazonia?." He paused smiling at my expression.

"No way!" I started freaking out. "Wait don't tell me wonder woman is real... don't tell me she knows Wonder woman? Or is she...?" I gasped in excitement.

"Shhh..calm down" Connor laughed. "Unfortunately it's something I'm not obligated to talk about. And no she is not wonder woman."

"You didn't deny everything though." I pointed.

"Just don't mention it to Agent Espinoza. She doesn't like talking about it." He lead me back into the room I woke up in earlier.

"Alright rest up, tomorrow we are going on a journey." He smiled and left before I could ask anything.

I looked around the room. I can't believe this is happening. I raise my hands to stare at them. I thrust them in front of me hoping to see something. Nothing happened which was disappointing. I tried one more time and nothing.

How did I open it when I was nine? I tried one more time, again nothing happend. I gave up and got ready for bed. I wonder where Connor is taking me tomorrow.


"Follow the path and you will soon understand?" What is that even supposed to mean? Is this some wizard of Oz bs? "Follow the yellow brick road Dorothy." How am I supposed to follow the fellow brick road when the road is a portal I can't open?

I fell asleep with all these questions plaguing my mind.


I wake up in the middle of the night to head to the washroom. I finished my business and as I was coming out in my sleepy haze I felt a cold wind hit my body. I opened my eyes to my surprise a train just loudly passed in front of me I screamed startled. I was pulled back into a warm embrace.

"Are you okay Y/N?" A deep male voice asked. We just stood still while he rubbed my back. How did I get here?

"Thank you." I awkwardly separated myself from him once I calmed down.

"You are welcome." He frantically looked around. He took off his coat and put it on me. "Come on we need to leave before they find us."

"Huh? Who?" I asked while he pulled me to run.

"The nightmares." I looked at him confused.

As we were running I looked back at the train and saw the scenery replaying again this time Namjoon was running towards the train tracks while the train was closing in.

I stopped and looked in front of me he wasn't with me. What the heck? What is going on? I turned back to the scene.

There were dark figures chasing him but before they got him, he made it across just in time. Namjoon took a moment to take a breath then looked around and started to run.

I hid in the tunnel and looked at the train tracks again to see the scene reply again. I felt my hand being grabbed. I screamed as I was being dragged out of the tunnel.

One of the the dark figures was pulling me somewhere. Namjoon appeared from the tunnels running towards me and punched it. It just disintegrated into dark dust. He grabbed my hand and we ran the other way as fast as we can.


"Namjoon what is going on? Why are they chasing us?" I asked as we ran.

"Shhh... we can't talk here. We'll talk once we get to safety." We continued to run.

We turned a corner into an alley way and hid. The dark figures ran pass the alley. Once they were gone I breath a breath of relief. I looked over at Namjoon and he had disappeared. I heard a hushed voice calling out to me. I looked around confused and I heard it again it was in the back of the alley way.

I followed it and arrived at an old abandoned building. I saw something shining at one of the bottom dusty windows, then a door banged somewhere inside the building. I went in looking around for the stair way. I saw the the door to the stairs, I went in and looked up to see the top floor door close. I climbed the stairs half way there I was huffing exhausted.

"Man I hate stairs. How many more stairs do I have to climb." I groaned sitting on the stairs.

"Come on we are almost at the top." Namjoon breathed with a cute dimple filled smile offering his hand.

"You scared me." I looked at him startled. My heart thumped at his smile. You just met him Y/N get it together. I geuss appearing, disappearing and reliving the samething seems to be the norm in this world. I took his hand and we continued climbing.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"My safe hide out."

"Why couldn't you have your safe hide out in the bottom floor?" I asked as we opened the door at the top floor.

"Higher ground is better in this world." He emphasis.

I turned to him he disappeared again, I wonder how long he has been trapped in here?

I walked down the hall not having a clue of where I was going. Come on Namjoon where are you? I walked closing in at the end of the hall I looked behind me.

"It's like a never ending nightmare." I looked in front of me startled again he was kneeled in front of a door.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"This place." He pulled out a lock pick from his pocket and did some trick to unlock the door. I stared at him.

"I accidently broke the handle inside, the moment I discovered this place... well I touched it and it broke." He tried to explain.

"Cute" I chuckled. I closed my mouth why did I just say that?

"I missed you." He caressed my cheek looking deeply into my eyes. My heart rate peaked.

"Come in we have a lot to catch up on." He walked in.

I took a step in and I found my self back in my room at the P.U.

"Namjoon?" I looked around confused. I scratched my head. I was still wearing Namjoon's coat. I took it off looked at it for a second. I hope he is okay. I put it on the hanger and went to bed. I wonder what he was going to tell me. I have to tell Connor about this tomorrow maybe he can help me understand how I am doing this.


"Rise and shine!" Connor greeted while he opened the curtains.

I fell off the bed startled "Ow." I rubbed my face.

"How deep did you sleep? Who falls off there bed from a greeting are you a kid?" Agent Espinoza not failing to make her presence known. I ignored her.

"The beds are quite comfortable aren't they?" Connor offered his hand to me.

"It was quite the opposite actually." I took his hand and got ready.

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