《SHE Will Be Loved (VSoo Fanfic)》The end of a Saga


Jisoo gets up and looks at Taehyung

"I'll go inside. Aren't you coming?" she asks

"I like it here. You can stay a little longer if you want to" Taehyung replies

"Seulgi is probably looking for me" Jisoo replies and starts walking away

Taehyung stands up too and looks at her

"Jisoo" he calls her

"I didn't burn your letters. I still read them every night. I have always wanted to enjoy my youth my way but you changed my perception about everything. I want to thank you too, for making me realize so many things" he says

Jisoo smiles at him "You're welcome" she says and leaves

She finds Seulgi and Irene sitting together and sits beside them but suddenly Jennie approaches her

"I need to talk to you in private," she says


"Jisoo, please," Jennie says

Jisoo gets surprised that Jennie said PLEASE. She gets up and follows her to a side

"Who kidnapped you?" Jennie asks

"I don't know" Jisoo replies

"Well it is not me and you need to say it to Irene and clear my name. She accused me of kidnapping you and she probably said it to Lisa and Rose too. They are behaving very weirdly. I don't know anything. You're gonna go to her right now and say that I didn't do anything" Jennie says in a commanding voice

"Huh? Your own friend thinks that you're capable of doing something like that? Funny. Imagine the impression you have on her" Jisoo replies

"Shut the fuck up and tell them that I am innocent"

"Are you?" Jisoo walks towards her

"You hired guys to harass me, you made a fake video viral, you hooked up with my boyfriend behind my back, which part of you is innocent?" Jisoo asks

"Yeah I did that but I didn't kidnap you," Jennie says

"It's not my responsibility to clear your name. Do that yourself" Jisoo says and starts walking away

"Jisoo, please. The guys are already not talking to me, Irene blamed me and if Lisa and Rose turn their back on me then I'll be left with nothing" Jennie says

"Well deserved, I say" Jisoo replies and walks off

Seulgi waves at Jisoo and she joins her. They have a lot of fun together. Jisoo, Seulgi, Jimin and Sehun. They keep dancing along with the music and laugh a lot. Irene sits there watching them have fun and smiles to herself. She has never seen Jisoo being so free and happy

Lisa and Rose aren't talking to Jennie all thanks to Irene. They sit separately and look at the four dancing together

"I really liked him, you know," Lisa says while looking at Sehun

"Maybe you shouldn't have hidden it from him," Rose says

"I was waiting for the perfect time to say it" Lisa replies

Rose looks at her. She has heard the same sentence from someone else, she looks at Jisoo. Now they both understand what Jisoo meant that day and why she hid that from them, the perfect time she said. They just wanted to grab the chance with Jennie and anything Jisoo said didn't reach them that day. But now both of them are just watching her have fun and laugh her heart out while they can barely even smile

Jennie watches Jisoo too. Jisoo doesn't have Taehyung with her, not even Yoongi. But how is she smiling like that? She looks genuinely happy, but this isn't what Jennie expected. How can she be so happy by herself? She isn't with taehyung, her first love. She doesn't have Yoongi with whom she shared a special bond. How can she still put on that smile on her face?


Taehyung is standing in front of the pond and looks at his reflection. The girl that Jisoo is today, no one can touch her or put her down

"The way you cried in front of Yoongi's grave that day made me realize that I'll never get to have you in my life," Taehyung says and remembers that day


It was late at night when he decided to visit Yoongi's grave. He usually visits it in the morning but that night, he felt different. Taehyung has been taking care of Yoongi's grave for the past year, everything changed but one thing was always constant- him maintaining the grave

"I am sorry Yoongi, you trusted me a lot and I feel like I couldn't stand up to your expectation. You left Jisoo under my protection but the moment I heard that she has been kidnapped, a part of me sank knowing that if I can't save her then everything will be meaningless. Yes, I was able to save her but everything that happened to her is because of me" he says and suddenly hears the sound of a car pulling in front of the cemetery

He sees Jisoo walk out of the car and immediately hides behind a tree. He sees Jisoo cry in front of his grave and say something to it. Jisoo didn't even cry like this when Taehyung broke up with her. He wants to hug Jisoo and wipe her tears but he doesn't. She loves Yoongi and throughout the year, it didn't change at all. Instead, he looks at the moon

"Even the moon came out to see the two together," he says


Taehyung touches his pocket and takes out a piece of paper and reads it again


Taehyung received this letter 5 months after Yoongi's death. Jisoo wasn't there anymore.

"You were right about everything Yoongi, except one thing. She loves you and it has always been you, not me" Taehyung says to himself while looking at his reflection in the pond. He crouches down and tears the letter into pieces and lets them float on the water. He has cherished this letter for a long time, but he knows that Jisoo doesn't need him anymore. She has moved far ahead and won't look back

The trip ends well except for Jennie, Lisa and Rose. They had no fun but surprisingly Jisoo is the one who enjoyed it the most.

Their high school life begins once again and Jisoo, Seulgi and Sehun hang out with each other throughout the entire year. Irene has found new friends and hangs out with them. She and Jisoo don't have any bad blood between them, they are not friends but they aren't enemies either

Lisa tried everything she could to get Sehun back but Sehun didn't want her back. All the cheerleaders quit because they all became fed up with Jennie's behavior. Eventually, Jennie lost her position as the leader of the team. They needed a new leader and asked Jisoo to do it but Jisoo denied.

Jisoo asked Seulgi to be the leader in her place and Seulgi gladly accepted. The dynamic of the entire place changed. Jennie became a loner, Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung hung out with each other. Rose and Jungkook are still dating. Taehyung and Jisoo see each other in school and they talk to each other, make fun of each other and laugh a lot but they aren't together


No one is the queen bee of the place anymore but Jisoo is the most likable one. Solely because she is kind to everyone and has never done anything to harm anyone. Jennie, Lisa, and Rose still hasn't apologized to Jisoo and Jisoo doesn't even expect them to

It is the prom day

The last day of High school. Jisoo is almost done getting ready when Sehun calls her.

"We are outside your house," he says

"Coming," Jisoo says while putting on her earrings

She is wearing a maroon gown and has put on red lipstick. As usual, she doesn't do much makeup,. She lets her hair down and looks at the mirror one last time before leaving

Jisoo and her friends enter the hall and they see that everyone is here, some dancing, some talking to each other

Taehyung keeps glancing at Jisoo, she looks the prettiest but he doesn't approach her. He lets her have her moment.

Jisoo is standing in front of a booth alone and suddenly Rose and Lisa walk towards Jisoo

"Jisoo" Rose says

Jisoo looks back and sees the two together. She thinks that Lisa wants to talk to Sehun, that's why they are here but it is not the reason

"Jungkook broke up with me today," Rose says

Jisoo gets surprised "Why would he do that?"

"He said that he was forcing himself to be with me but after Sehun left Lisa, he realized that I was the wrong person for him too," Rose says

"But you guys dated a long time after that too" Jisoo replies

"Yeah, we didn't have much of a bond. He was always busy and kept ignoring me but I was the one who didn't want to let him go" Rose replies

"We wanted to apologize for what we did. I know it is late but please forgive us. This is the last day of school and we don't want to regret not saying it to you" Lisa replies

"Please Jisoo, we were best friends once and left you alone. Now look at fate, us two have no one while you're hanging out with your friends and having fun. We are very happy for you but please for the sake of old times, forgive us too" Rose says

"It's nice to hear these words coming from you two but sorry, I won't forgive you. I am sorry that it didn't work out between you and Jungkook, I really am, no one deserves to get heartbroken like that but that's all. Now excuse me please" Jisoo says and walks towards the dance floor

Seulgi and Sehun are already there and Jisoo joins them.. Jennie sees Jisoo having fun while she has no one to even talk to. She hasn't still apologized to Jisoo. Jisoo is happy by herself and no one can change that. Jennie has lost everything she had, her friends, her dignity, her position

She takes a deep breath and walks towards Jisoo

"Jisoo" she says

Jisoo keeps dancing and Seulgi nudges her seeing Jennie

"Yeah?" Jisoo asks

"Can you step aside for a moment?" she says

Jisoo knows why she is here, she steps out of the dance floor

"Let me guess, you want to say sorry?" Jisoo asks

Jennie doesn't say anything, her eyes start tearing up

"Why is everyone coming up to me to say Sorry?" Jisoo jokes and sees that Jennie has become way too emotional

Seeing Jennie like that makes Jisoo tear up a bit too. After all, she has witnessed the downfall of Jennie, throughout the entire year, Jennie had no one.

Jennie wipes her tears

"I wanted--" her voice cracks

Seeing Jennie being so vulnerable for the first time makes Jisoo feel bad for her. She goes forward and hugs her

"You know? I really made up my mind that I won't ever forgive you and Irene but now I change my mind. You don't have to say sorry. I forgive you" Jisoo says

"Jisoo," Jennie says trying to hide her tears

"I regret everything and I hate the person that I used to be" she adds

"I do too. But enough with the crying. Come dance with us" Jisoo says and drags Jennie to the dance floor. Seulgi and Sehun become confused at first but soon they realize everything and dance with Jennie too

Lisa and Rose see Jennie with me

"She forgave her too?" Lisa asks Rose

"She forgave everyone, Jimin, Taehyung, Irene, Jennie but us" Rose replies

"Are we worse than Jennie?" Lisa asks

"Maybe in her eyes, we are" Rose replies

Suddenly the music changes and so does the dance floor.

is playing

Everyone starts dancing in pairs, Seulgi and Sehun are dancing together. Jisoo and Jennie walk out of the floor and stand with each other

Taehyung has been fighting with himself to approach Jisoo the entire night and as soon as the song comes up, he walks towards Jisoo

"Shall we?" he says and extends his hand forwards

Jisoo looks at Jennie

"Go on," Jennie says and smiles at her

Jisoo takes Taehyung's hand and they both go to the dance floor

"You look very pretty," Taehyung says in the middle of the dance and spins Jisoo

"You don't look so bad either" Jisoo replies.

They both dance to the music and Taehyung feels like stopping the time. He still likes Jisoo but Jisoo doesn't. She just takes him as a good friend

The music soon ends and it is back to a dance number. Jisoo gets excited

"This is my favorite song," she says and starts dancing. Seulgi and Sehun start dancing with her. They keep dancing like there is no tomorrow

Jisoo didn't realize that Taehyung has left the dance floor. Taehyung watches her as she moves to the music. It feels as if the time is slowing down for him and Jisoo is dancing in slow motion, her smile is brightening up the entire dance floor. He remembers the day when he saw her dance on the street

She looks like a doll, laughing freely, dancing freely without caring about anything else. Soon Taehyung's eyes go to the pendant on her neck. He knows who this is from

"She is fire but she didn't burn anyone. She is like a storm but she didn't destroy anything. Every time she loved, she loved like no one else. Her mind didn't quiver from that person even if the person wasn't with her. She'll give her all into the relationships she has built but once you betray her, she won't look back. She is the happiest among all of us, she has no regrets, no one to apologize to. I am happy to have known you Jisoo. You will always be loved, by me, by Yoongi and most importantly, by yourself." Taehyung says to himself while looking at Jisoo


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